SPHE and substance use education
byMartin Keane
The Department of Education and Skills (DES) recently launched the report of the working group set up to examine how education on substance use is provided in post-primary schools in the context of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE).1This work arose from a commitment in the 2011 Programme for Government to ‘update the out-dated drugs awareness programme in schools to reflect current attitudes and the reality of recreational drug use among teens’.
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Promoting participation by seldom heard young people
byMartin Keane
Kelleher and colleagues undertook a review of national and international literature on the participation of ‘seldom heard young people’.1 The purpose of the review was to identify best practice around participation, overcoming barriers, and approaches to improve the inclusion and experience of seldom heard young people.
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Youth mental health and substance misuse disorders in deprived urban areas
byMargaret Curtin
A recent qualitative study of the experience of young people living with mental health and substance misuse disorders in two deprived urban areas in Ireland highlighted how early intervention in a primary care setting could potentially prevent the escalation of symptoms.1 Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 young adults (aged 16 to 25 years) attending health-care settings in areas of extreme social deprivation in the cities of Limerick and Dublin. The aim of the study was to examine the manifestation and experience of mental health and substance misuse disorders among the young people.
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Supporting children in families experiencing mental health difficulties
byMargaret Curtin
In June 2014 Barnardos published a report outlining the experiences of children of parents with mental health difficulties, reviewing current levels of support and making recommendations for enhancing services.1 The report reviews the relevant literature and draws on discussions with parents, carers and professionals in the mental health area.
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Therapeutic communities in Europe
bySuzi Lyons
The EMCDDA has recently published a report on therapeutic communities (TCs) in Europe.1 TCs are represented in most European countries but of the majority of the 1,200 TCs identified in the study were reported from Italy. Typically, TCs have a small number of residents (between 15 and 25) and length of treatment ranges from 6 to 12 months. In response to changing needs many TCs in Europe have adapted, offering shorter programmes often tailored for a specific group, e.g. prison-based TCs. However, across Europe many TCs have been negatively affected by funding reductions (with the exception of France).
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Pharmacist–patient structured methadone detoxification in Mountjoy Prison
byBrian Cronin
A recently completed review analyses the outcome of pharmacist–patient structured methadone detoxification in Mountjoy Prison between June 2010 and May 2014.
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