18 October 2012
Pillars of Protection: Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities
Venue: Gresham Hotel, O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
Organised by / Contact: Ballymun Local Drugs Task Force / Clíodhna Mahony
Email: cliodhna@ballymundtf.ie
Tel: 01 883 2142
Information: The theme of this one-day conference is ‘Exploring the evidence for family based prevention through the implementation of the Strengthening Families Programme in community settings across Ireland’. Speakers include: Henry Whiteside (Lutra Group, USA), Róisín Shortall (Minister of State, Department of Health), and representatives of the Probation Service, Le Chéile, the HSE and more. The conference is aimed at community, statutory and voluntary services and practitioners, schools, policy makers, academics, volunteers, and others with an interest in family-based prevention and/or Strengthening Families Programme.
1 November 2012
Time Please… For Change: Alcohol Action Ireland Conference
Venue: Royal College of Physicians, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Organised by / Contact: Alcohol Action Ireland / Conor Cullen
Email: conor@alcoholactionireland.ie
Tel: 01 878 0610
Information: This conference will look at policies that could make a real difference to Ireland’s relationship with alcohol. Among the key policy areas examined will be:
- Hearts and Minds: a presentation on Irish public attitudes to key policy initiatives. Is there support for minimum pricing and restrictions on alcohol marketing?
- Heads Up: an examination of public health advocacy – national and European - what works and what doesn’t
- The Price is Right: minimum pricing is a key recommendation of the National Substance Misuse Strategy report and supported by over 20 national organisations in Ireland. What is it and where is it?
- Happy Endings and New Beginnings: successes, opportunities and challenges
Among the confirmed speakers so far are:
- Dr Declan Bedford, specialist in public health medicine, Health Service Executive
- Dr Evelyn Gillan, Director Alcohol Focus Scotland
- Dr John Holmes, University of Sheffield
- Monika Kosinska, Secretary General of the European Public Health Alliance
- Dr Jean Long, Health Research Board, Ireland
- Tom McGurk, award-winning journalist, broadcaster and sports commentator
Please note the conference is free in order to facilitate participation. However, donations from organisations or individuals who are in a position to do so are welcome.
6 November 2012
A question of balance: delivering an inclusive treatment and recovery systemDrugScope Conference 2012
Venue: Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5DA
Organised by / Contact: DrugScope
Email: conferences@drugscope.org.uk
Information: In every cliché, there is a large element of truth, so we make no apologies for emphasising that ‘there are many ways into addiction and many ways out of it’. But for people to find the right path for them, all paths have to be open and we have an obligation to deliver a balanced and holistic treatment and recovery system which is not driven by either cash or ideology. To that end, we have speakers who will cover the spectrum from harm reduction and substitute prescribing to abstinence-based services, and workshops looking at the needs of special groups, such as the older user. Other topics will include: latest new drugs to hit the streets; service provision for LGBT clients; and best practice in residential rehabilitation.
8–9 November 2012
Society for the Study of Addiction: Annual Symposium 2012
Venue: Park Inn Hotel, York, UK
Organised by / Contact: Society for the Study of Addiction
Tel: +44 (0) 113 295 2787
Information: The symposium will address the following themes: emerging challenges in addiction psychiatry; alcohol harms, interventions and policy; and the research base for policy. Dr Bruce Ritson will give the Society Lecture on alcohol policy and its implementation in Scotland, with an historical perspective. Dr Bridgette Bewick will present ‘Delivering personalised feedback and/or social norms information via the internet: promoting change in alcohol and other drug use’. The full programme will be posted on the society’s website in due course.
8–10 November 2012
2nd International NEAR Conference
Venue: Powerscourt Ritz Hotel, Enniskerry, Co Wicklow
Organised by / Contact: Toranfield House and Southworth Associates
Information: Toranfield House and Southworth Associates will host Ireland's 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on behavioural health, including addiction disorders. Delegates will be introduced to new concepts and ideas from international and local speakers and will leave the three day conference with an understanding of what the latest neurobiological research illustrates about addiction and an understanding of the latest evidence-based practices associated with treatment.
21 November 2012
Mental health, young people and suicide
Venue: Civic Center, Mellowes Road, Finglas
Organised by / Contact: CityWide / Iris Lyle / Larry Dooley
Email: iris.lyle@tap.ie / larry.dooley@dublincity.ie
Tel: 01 851 4121 / 01 222 5404
Information: The last in a series of lectures arising from the 2011 seminar ‘Promoting mental wellness for young people in Finglas’. Dr Gerry McCarney of SASSY (Substance Abuse Service Specific to Youth) will deliver this lunchtime lecture (12.30pm–1.15pm). Please email organisers if you plan to attend.
28–30 November 2012
7th Annual Manchester Women’s Conference: Women and addiction
Venue: Hulme Hall, Manchester M14 5RR
Organised by / Contact: Manchester Women’s Conference / Carol Rayegan
Email: carol.rayegan@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 0714
Information: Men are more likely than women to become addicts. However, nearly 30% of those now in touch with services are women. This presents a real challenge for interpreting evidence, developing policy or designing services for women with addictions. The 7th Annual Manchester Women’s Conference aims to develop understanding needed to create services that can address the specific needs of women with addiction.