EU National Drug Co-ordinators meet in Dublin
by Brigid Pike (compiler)
Alex White TD, Minister of State at the Department of Health, hosted a meeting of the EU National Drug Co-ordinators in Dublin Castle on 8–9 April 2013 as part of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The meeting brought together drug policy formulators from member states and EU institutions.
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Annual review of the drug situation in Europe
by Brian Galvin
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) published their European drug report 2013: trends and developments on 28th May.1 This year the centre’s annual overview of the European drug situation is presented in a new information package designed to be ‘more timely, interactive and interlinked’, and which replaces the former annual report. The shorter, graphic-rich report summarises the latest trends across the 27 EU member states, and Norway, Croatia and Turkey. Accompanying the 2013 report is a series of online interactive Perspectives on drugs (PODs) providing deeper insights into important issues.
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How are the children?
by Brigid Pike
In recent months three reports on the state of Ireland’s children, including assessments of their use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs, have been published. The statistical analyses, undertaken by UNICEF and by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, report that overall levels of substance use have declined over the past decade. However, the annual review by a group of non-governmental organisations of the government’s progress in implementing policy suggests that further effort is needed to deliver on policy commitments in relation to alcohol policy and the effects of alcohol on children.
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The President gets young people talking...
by Brigid Pike
In his inauguration speech on 11 November 2011 President Michael D Higgins said that as part of his presidency he would host a number of seminars on themes that went beyond immediate legislative demands but which were important to the shared life of the Irish people. He decided that the first of these seminars would be about ’Being Young and Irish’.
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...and the Minister replies
by Brigid Pike
On 21 March 2013 the Minister for Health, James Reilly TD, gave his thoughts on the report published by the Office of the President Being young and Irish: take charge of change, and explained what he was doing to help realise the young peoples’ vision for Ireland. He said that he shared the young people’s concerns and listed the initiatives being progressed by his department.1
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Young people appeal for a more inclusive society
by Martin Keane
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) recently published a summary of the main issues to arise from a regional consultation with 239 young people in Sligo, Cork and Dublin; 57% were female and 73% were aged under 18 years.1 The consultations were undertaken as part of a European programme called ‘Structured Dialogue’, a process established by the Council of the European Union in its resolution for a renewed framework for co-operation in the youth field (2010–2018). The consultations centred on the theme of ‘social inclusion’ among young people and the main issues are presented here under a number of sub-headings.
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Guidelines for promoting mental health and suicide prevention in post-primary schools
by Martin Keane
A comprehensive set of guidelines promoting positive mental health and well-being among post-primary students was recently launched.1 The guidelines were developed by an inter-departmental group of representatives from the Department of Education and Skills, the Health Service Executive and the Department of Health.
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Healthy Ireland - implementation matters
by Brigid Pike
On 28 March 2013 the government launched Healthy Ireland: a framework for improved health and wellbeing 2013–2025.1 Healthy Ireland sets out a framework of actions to improve health and wellbeing and reduce the health risks posed to future generations. The government has developed the policy in response to rising levels of chronic illness, lifestyle trends that threaten health and persistent health inequalities
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Launch of Galway City alcohol strategy
by Deirdre Mongan
Galway City strategy to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm 2013–2017 was launched on 18 February by Mr Alex White TD, Minister of State for Primary Care. The five-year strategy seeks to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm in Galway City and was prepared by Galway Healthy Cities Alcohol Forum in partnership with a range of organisations and groups. These include HSE West, An Garda Síochána, Western Region Drugs Task Force, City of Galway VEC, NUI Galway, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway City Council and Galway City Community Forum.
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Government policy on long-term homelessness
by Martin Keane
On 21 February 2013, Ms Jan O’Sullivan TD, Minister for Housing and Planning, launched a policy statement on homelessness.1 In her speech, the minister restated her personal commitment to tackling homelessness as a priority. She also acknowledged that ‘homelessness is not a label or category; it is a destructive social condition that can wreak havoc on human dignity and well-being. As a social condition it requires a social response – from Government, from the voluntary sector, from citizens’.2 These are important soundings from government and signal a clear recognition that tackling homelessness is first and foremost the responsibility of society.
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INCB annual report 2012
by Johnny Connolly
The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) is responsible for overseeing the operation of the international drug treaties, management of markets in medicines controlled by the treaties, and ensuring the supply of opioids for pain and other medical uses.1
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