Trends analysis of drugs situation in Ireland
by Brian Galvin
The Health Research Board commissioned the Public Health Institute at Liverpool John Moores University to prepare a trends analysis on the drugs situation in Ireland. The drugs situation in Ireland: an overview of trends from 2005 to 20151 reviews the current drug situation in Ireland, analysing 10 years of data up to the most recent data available, with respect to the five European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) key indicators (prevalence of drug use, high risk drug use, treatment demand, drug-related deaths, and mortality and drug-related infectious diseases) as well as drug-related crime and supply. In addition to presentation of national trends, this report includes additional evidence looking at trends in data relating to specific subpopulations, including people who inject drugs, prisoners, homeless individuals, sex workers and the Traveller community.
Brian Galvin
1 Bates G (2017) The drugs situation in Ireland: an overview of trends from 2005 to 2015. Liverpool: Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University.