EU drugs policy – what next?
by Brigid Pike
In the past few months the European Commission (EC)1 and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) 2 have published reports intended to inform the development of the next EU drugs strategy, which the European Council is due to adopt by the end of 2012.3 Although drug policy lies within the competence of individual member states,4 the EU drugs strategy can play an important role by supporting and providing guidance to member states.
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EMCDDA trend report for the evaluation of the 2005–2012 EU drugs strategy
by Brigid Pike (compiler)
Table showing main trends and changes in the European drug situation and in the responses developed by the EU member states, 2005–2012*
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Alternative ways forward for EU drugs policy
by Brigid Pike
Just as the European Council was agreeing the broad parameters of the EU’s next drugs strategy (see separate article in this issue), the UK’s House of Lords and the EU’s Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSF) published their views on how the EU should tackle the drugs issue. Their conclusions differ from those of the European Council.
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