National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol
by Brian Galvin
Minister of State at the Department of Health, Mr Alex White TD, has reconstituted the National Advisory Committee on Drugs for the period until the end of 2016, in line with the timescale of the National Drugs Strategy. The Committee is being extended to incorporate alcohol as well as drugs and, to reflect this, it will henceforth be known as the National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol. The role of the new Committee will be to advise government on the prevalence, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and consequences of substance use and misuse in Ireland, based on the analysis of research findings and information available to it. Minister White is pleased that Professor Catherine Comiskey has agreed to become the Chairperson of the Committee. The Committee comprises representatives from government departments and state agencies and from the community and voluntary sectors. The first meeting of the Committee was held on 18 February 2013.