Drug-related deaths in Ireland, 2004–2013
Minister of State for Drugs, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Ms Ena Lyn, author, Dr Graham Love, CEO, HRB and Dr Suzi Lyons author at the launch of the Drug-related deaths in Ireland, 2004–2013 report in December. |
The latest figures from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) show that a total of 679 deaths in Ireland during 2013 were linked to drug use. These figures are contained in a recent NDRDI report which provides information on deaths from poisoning, trauma or medical causes in which drugs were a factor in the fatality during the period 2004–2013.
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Regulating sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events
byDeirdre Mongan
In 2013 the Irish government established a working group to examine the regulation of sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events. The working group reported its findings in December 2014.
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Preventing alcohol-related harm: what communities can do
byDeirdre Mongan
In February 2013 Galway Healthy Cities Alcohol Forum launched its strategy to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm in Galway City between 2013 and 2017.1 The Forum includes representatives from HSE West, the Western Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Galway–Roscommon Education and Training Board, An Garda Síochána, Galway City Council, Galway City Public Participatory Network and National University of Ireland Galway.
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