Changes to the NDTRS form for 2016 data collection
by Suzi Lyons
In order to comply with reporting requirements for the EMCDDA,1 the NDTRS form for 2016 has been extensively changed and updated. As part of this process the NDTRS team also took the opportunity to revise and update the remaining questions to ensure that data important at a national level are captured as well.
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Nursing in contexts of marginalised health
by Mary Dunne & Mairea Nelson
The first Nursing in Contexts of Marginalised Health Conference took place in Dublin City University on 11 September 2015. This timely event, which brought together nurses from public health, addiction, academia, policy, and other sectors, coincided with the move of the Drugs Programmes and Policy Unit in the Department of Health from Primary Care to the Office of the Chief Nursing Officer.
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Predicting retention in MMT in Ireland
by Suzi Lyons
A cross-sectional study of clients attending a large methadone clinic in Dublin was conducted in March 2012, with the aim of identifying the factors associated with relapse from methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and the reasons for the relapse.1
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Low-threshold residential stabilisation service (LTRSS) in Ireland
by Margaret Curtin
In June 2014 the Ana Liffey Drugs Project (ALDP) published a position paper proposing the provision, on a three-year demonstration basis, of a low-threshold residential stabilisation service (LTRSS). The paper outlines the concept of LTRSS and how this differs from current services as well as describing how the service would operate and the steps required to begin implementation.1
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Needle exchange provision in Ireland in 2012
byMargaret Curtin
The Health Service Executive (HSE) recently published a review of needle exchange provision in Ireland.1 The review was designed to assess the effectiveness of HSE-funded needle exchange services, using evidence from 2012. In particular, the study examined:
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Releasing prisoners early - Community Return
by Johnny Connolly
The Community Return programme represents an attempt to address a trend of rising prison numbers and increasing prison costs identified in the report of the Thornton Hall Review Group in 2011.1 Concerns about prison overcrowding and projected further growth in prison numbers led the Group to recommend alternatives to custody from two perspectives – front-door and back-door strategies.
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