Drugs, alcohol and children’s lives – strategy to improve our understanding
by Brigid Pike
The first implementation report on the National Strategy for Research and Data on Children's Lives 2011–20161 presents the progress made in the two years since the strategy was published in November 2011.2
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2013 UN world drug report
by Brigid Pike
The UN’s annual report on the world drug situation shows that while the use of traditional drugs such as heroin and cocaine seems to be declining in some parts of the world, prescription drug abuse and new psychoactive substance abuse is growing.
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Status report on alcohol and health in Europe
by Deirdre Mongan
In 2012, the WHO Regional Office for Europe collected information on alcohol consumption and related harm, and countries’ policy responses to contribute to the Global Information System for Alcohol and Health. The resultant report presents a selection of the results for 35 countries – EU member states and candidate countries, and Norway and Switzerland.1
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Physicians urge action on alcohol-related harm
by Deirdre Mongan
The Royal College of Physicians (RCPI) established a policy group on alcohol in 2012. Its members are all experienced medical professionals working in a variety of disciplines and its remit is to highlight the rising levels of alcohol-related health harm in Ireland, to propose evidence-based solutions to reducing this harm, and to influence decision-makers to take positive action to address the damage caused by alcohol use. The group published its first policy statement in April 2013.1
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LRC calls for repeal of mandatory sentencing legislation in drug cases
by Johnny Connolly
The recent report published by the Law Reform Commission (LRC)1 recommends that the presumptive sentencing regime for drug offences be repealed.2 The Criminal Justice Act 1999 created a new offence of possessing controlled drugs having a value of £10,000 (€13,000) or more for sale or supply, which attracted a presumptive sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment, except where there were ‘exceptional and specific circumstances’ relating to the offence, or to the person convicted of the offence.
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Penal reform high on the agenda
by Johnny Connolly
A report on penal reform by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality1 makes a number of recommendations aimed at reducing overcrowding in Irish prisons and promoting the development of effective alternatives to imprisonment. In October 2011, the Joint Committee established a sub-committee on penal reform, following publication of a report by the Thornton Hall Project Review Group.2
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Report of the Inspector of Prisons
by Johnny Connolly
The Inspector of Prisons in his annual report for 2012 stated that the availability of drugs remains a major issue in a number of prisons.1 In particular, he made reference to drug problems in Limerick Prison, a matter that was also raised by the Limerick Prison Visiting Committee in their annual report for 2012.2 The Inspector also identified a number of issues of concern throughout the prison system, many of them drug-related.
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Proposed regulatory framework for buprenorphine/naloxone products in Ireland
by Suzi Lyons
The drug Suboxone, a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone, was licensed for use in 2006 in Ireland as an alternative to methadone for opiate dependency. In 2007 the Department of Health set up an expert group to examine the regulatory framework for products containing buprenorphine/naloxone and buprenorphine-only.1 The expert group considered a number of relevant documents, including the evaluation of a feasibility study on the use of Suboxone in Ireland.2
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Clinical practice guidelines for prescribing methadone in pregnancy
by Suzi Lyons
New clinical practice guidelines on safe and effective prescribing of methadone for pregnant women in maternity hospitals were jointly published in April 2013 by the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Health Service Executive. Based on an earlier document used by the three Dublin maternity hospitals, these new guidelines were developed after a wide-ranging review of the literature and consultation with key stakeholders.
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