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Illicit drug markets in Ireland
Local residents' views on illicit drug markets
Ireland's drug policy - progress in 2013
Who should decide national drug policy?
Towards UNGASS 2016
Urban and rural youth attending a treatment centre
HRB publishes drug and alcohol evidence reviews
EMCDDA's new-look best-practice portal
National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework pilot evaluated
Quality Champions Training for addiction services
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Illicit drug markets in Ireland
byJohnny Connolly

The first national study on illicit drug markets in Ireland, conducted by the Health Research Board, was recently published by the National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA).1 The study provides in-depth research and analysis on the various factors that influence the development of local drugs markets; the nature, structure and organisation of the Irish drugs market; the impact of drug-dealing on local communities; and an evaluation of current interventions in response to illicit drug dealing. This article provides a summary of the key findings of the study.

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Local residents' views on illicit drug markets
byJohnny Connolly

As part of the illicit drug markets study described in the previous article, a street survey of approximately 800 local residents and business people was carried out to gather information about the local community in relation to illicit drug use. The survey incorporated almost 60 questions related to local drug markets. Below we look at just three of the key responses – reasons for drug use, future responses needed and fear of drug dealers.

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Ireland's drug policy - progress in 2013
byBrigid Pike

Since 2001 Irish governments have endorsed the national drugs strategy (there have been two) as Ireland’s national drug policy. Each year the Department of Health publishes a progress report on implementing the actions contained in the strategy.

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Who should decide national drug policy?
byBrigid Pike

The previous article ‘Ireland’s drug policy – progress in 2013’pointed to a difference of perspective between government and non-government sources in how progress was assessed. This contrast highlights the issue, who should be responsible and accountable for drug policy? How might different, even conflicting,  views and approaches be reconciled or a balance struck? These types of question are the theme of a recent special edition of the International Journal of Drug Policy – ‘Towards good governance in drug policy’.1

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Towards UNGASS 2016
byBrigid Pike

Since Issue 48, Drugnet Ireland has carried ‘Towards UNGASS 2016’ as a regular column. It reports briefly on policy initiatives, research and debates launched by UN member states and civil society organisations in the lead-up to the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem, due to be held in 2016 (A/RES/67/193).

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