Coolmine marks 40 years in addiction services
by Caraíosa Kelly
Coolmine Therapeutic Community in Co Dublin celebrated 40 years in service delivery on Friday 17 May. A commemorative event was held at Coolmine Lodge to mark the occasion and a book aptly entitled 40 years helping people find their way home was launched, which includes a collection of stories from past Coolmine clients. Established in 1973, Coolmine was the first specialist drug treatment centre of its kind in the country.
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Extent and patterns of cannabis use in Ireland
by Justine Horgan
The article below was one of the final pieces of work written by Dr Justine Horgan, Senior Research Officer at the National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol.
It is with both pride in her accomplishments and regret at her untimely passing that we publish the article now.
‘Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dílis’ Colleagues in the NACDA |
The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA) recently published Bulletin 3 in the series of reports on the 2010/11 survey on drug use in the general population in Ireland and Northern Ireland.1
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Responding to addiction in a time of recession – BYAP seminar
by Brigid Pike and Dermot King
On 24 June 2013 the Ballymun Youth Action Project (BYAP) hosted a seminar on responding to addiction in a time of recession. The purpose of the seminar was to provide an opportunity to step back and think about the experience of the impact of funding cutbacks, and the implications for this particular sector. Dermot King, executive director of BYAP, outlines the key themes that emerged at the seminar.
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BYAP values individuality and people’s potential for change
by Brigid Pike
Founded in 1981, the Ballymun Youth Action Project (BYAP) is a community-based response to drug and alcohol misuse. It works with individuals, supports families and communities, and builds capacity through training and research. At its seminar on austerity, described in a separate item in this issue of Drugnet Ireland, BYAP invited Róisín Shortall TD, former Minister of State with responsibility for Drugs, to launch its annual report for 2012 and its strategic plan for 2013–2015.1
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Towards UNGASS 2016
by Brigid Pike (compiler)
UNGASS 2016 is a Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, scheduled for early 2016, at which member states, including Ireland, will assess ‘the achievements and challenges in countering the world drug problem, within the framework of the three international drug control conventions’ (A/RES/67/193). The last UNGASS on drugs, in 1998, adopted a plan to make the world ‘drug-free’ by 2008. This column reports on policy initiatives, research, reviews, conferences and debates launched by member states and civil society organisations that are relevant to UNGASS 2016.1
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