Welcome to the September 2013 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This newsletter is a monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail debates.

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25 Sep, 13
Dublin Simon Community annual review 2012.
Dublin Simon Community. (2013) Dublin Simon Community annual review 2012. Dublin Simon Community, Dublin.

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25 Sep, 13
Recorded crime quarter 3 2013.
Central Statistics Office. (2013) Recorded crime quarter 3 2013. Central Statistics Office, Cork.

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24 Sep, 13
UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2013.
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). (2013) UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2013. UNAIDS; World Health Organization, Geneva.

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23 Sep, 13
The HBSC Ireland trends report 1998–2010: Child health behaviours, outcomes and contexts.
Gavin, Aoife and Molcho, Michal and Kelly, Colette and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2013) The HBSC Ireland trends report 1998–2010: Child health behaviours, outcomes and contexts. Department of Health and National University of Ireland, Galway, Dublin.

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20 Sep, 13
Melting the iceberg of fear: a collective response.
Jennings, Philip (2013) Melting the iceberg of fear: a collective response. Safer Blanchardstown, Dublin.

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18 Sep, 13
Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament of the Council on new psychoactive substances.
European Commission. (2013) Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament of the Council on new psychoactive substances. European Commission, Brussels.

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16 Sep, 13
Irish Medicines Board annual report 2012.
Irish Medicines Board. (2013) Irish Medicines Board annual report 2012. Irish Medicines Board, Dublin.

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15 Sep, 13
Surfing the Silk Road: A study of users’ experiences.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Bingham, Tim (2013) Surfing the Silk Road: A study of users’ experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online .

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13 Sep, 13
Support manual for dealing with substance use issues in an out of school setting.
The Learning Curve Institute. (2013) Support manual for dealing with substance use issues in an out of school setting. National Youth Council of Ireland, Dublin.

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12 Sep, 13
European drinking survey: Technical challenge or expression of European integration. Lessons from the SMART project.
Moskalewicz, Jacek (2013) European drinking survey: Technical challenge or expression of European integration. Lessons from the SMART project. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 20 (5). pp. 345-347.

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11 Sep, 13
Availability of HIV prevention and treatment services for people who inject drugs: findings from 21 countries.
Petersen, Zaino and Myers, Bronwyn and Van Hout, Marie Claire and Plüddemann, Andreas and Parry, Charles (2013) Availability of HIV prevention and treatment services for people who inject drugs: findings from 21 countries. Harm reduction journal, 10 . p. 13.

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10 Sep, 13
Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2012.
Peter McVerry Trust. (2013) Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2012. Peter McVerry Trust, Dublin.

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10 Sep, 13
Association between maternal alcohol consumption in early pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes.
McCarthy, Fergus P. and O'Keefe, Linda M. and Khashan, Ali S. and North, Robyn A. and Poston, Lucilla and McCowan, Lesley ME and Baker, Philip N. and Dekker, Gus A. and Roberts, Claire T and Walker, James T. and Kenny, Louise C. (2013) Association between maternal alcohol consumption in early pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. Obstetrics & Gynecology, early online .

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09 Sep, 13
The relationship between subjective life expectancy and self-reported alcohol use in Northern Irish adolescents.
McKay, Michael T. (2013) The relationship between subjective life expectancy and self-reported alcohol use in Northern Irish adolescents. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, Early online . pp. 1-8.

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09 Sep, 13
Time IVA change, Health and Social Care, HSE, CAWT. (2013) Alcohol & pregnancy. A pocket guide
Time IVA change, Health and Social Care, Health Services Executive, CAWT. (2013) Alcohol & pregnancy. A pocket guide
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06 Sep, 13
Merchant Quay Ireland. Annual review 2012.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2013) Merchant Quay Ireland. Annual review 2012. Merchants Quay Ireland, Dublin .

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05 Sep, 13
Second report of the Suicide Support and Information System.
Arensman, Ella and Wall, A and McAuliffe, Carmel and Corcoran, Paul and Williamson, Eileen and Duggan, Aine and Perry, Ivan J. (2013) Second report of the Suicide Support and Information System. National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork.

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05 Sep, 13
National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2012.
Griffin, E. and Arensman, Ella and Wall, A and Corcoran, Paul and Perry, Ivan J. (2013) National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2012. National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork.

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05 Sep, 13
National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2012.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2013) National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2012. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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04 Sep, 13
A qualitative study of Irish postgraduate students’ alcohol consumption.
Hogan, Geraldine and O'Loughlin, Deirdre (2013) A qualitative study of Irish postgraduate students’ alcohol consumption. Journal of Substance Use, Early online . pp. 1-5.

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More than 1,700 Irish people have died from alcohol-related illnesses since the current recommendations to reduce alcohol-related harm.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] More than 1,700 Irish people have died from alcohol-related illnesses since the current recommendations to reduce alcohol-related harm were first published, says Alcohol Action Ireland. (30 Sep 2013)

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Half of farmers against relaxing drink-driving law.
[Irish Examiner] Half of farmers against relaxing drink-driving law. (30 Sep 2013)

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Calls to end ‘drift’ on alcohol policy.
[Irish Examiner] Calls to end ‘drift’ on alcohol policy. (30 Sep 2013)

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Ministers to discuss drink sponsorship.
[Irish Times] , O'Regan, Michael Ministers to discuss drink sponsorship. (30 Sep 2013)

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'Hard drugs should be legal', says top English police officer.
[Irish Independent] , Diaz, Alex 'Hard drugs should be legal', says top English police officer. (29 Sep 2013)

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Major hospital reports ‘exceptional’ number of drink-related admissions.
[Irish Times] Major hospital reports ‘exceptional’ number of drink-related admissions. (27 Sep 2013)

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Emergency call-outs for Arthur’s Day down on last year, figures reveal.
[] Emergency call-outs for Arthur’s Day down on last year, figures reveal. (27 Sep 2013)

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Docs want minimum price for alcohol.
[] Docs want minimum price for alcohol. (27 Sep 2013)

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North Cork gardaí seize €42k of head shop drugs.
[Irish Examiner] North Cork gardaí seize €42k of head shop drugs. (26 Sep 2013)

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Rape Crisis Network Ireland: press release on Arthur's day.
[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] Rape Crisis Network Ireland: press release on Arthur's day. (25 Sep 2013)

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Ireland’s drinking problem goes beyond Arthur’s Day – An Taoiseach.
[] Ireland’s drinking problem goes beyond Arthur’s Day – An Taoiseach. (25 Sep 2013)

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We need to take a line on drink.
[Irish Independent] , Hancock, Ciaran We need to take a line on drink. (25 Sep 2013)

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Agency rewards Irish role in drugs seizures.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean Agency rewards Irish role in drugs seizures. (25 Sep 2013)

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Decrease in drug and drink-drive offences.
[Irish Examiner] , MacCartaigh, Sean Decrease in drug and drink-drive offences. (25 Sep 2013)

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Minimum pricing an effective way of reducing alcohol consumption.
[Irish Times] , O'Brien, Carl Minimum pricing an effective way of reducing alcohol consumption. (24 Sep 2013)

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Study finds children less likely to smoke, drink or do drugs.
[Irish Examiner] , Stack, Sarah Study finds children less likely to smoke, drink or do drugs. (24 Sep 2013)

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Struggling industry fails to justify costly relationship with drink.
[Irish Independent] , McCabe, Sarah Struggling industry fails to justify costly relationship with drink. (24 Sep 2013)

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We can no longer afford the price of cheap alcohol, says Alcohol Action Ireland.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] We can no longer afford the price of cheap alcohol, says Alcohol Action Ireland. (23 Sep 2013)

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Plain packs would deter young smokers.
[] Plain packs would deter young smokers. (21 Sep 2013)

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Doctors: Irish people 'do not need another reason to drink'
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Doctors: Irish people 'do not need another reason to drink'. (22 Sep 2013)

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Tobacco companies targeting young people, says scientist.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul  Tobacco companies targeting young people, says scientist. (21 Sep 2013)

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A hard day’s night - 12 hours in a Dublin A&E.
[Irish Times] , Pope, Conor  A hard day’s night - 12 hours in a Dublin A&E. (20 Sep 2013)

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Dog unit sniffs out €6.28m in illicit goods.
[Irish Examiner] , Deegan, Gordon Dog unit sniffs out €6.28m in illicit goods. (20 Sep 2013)

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Plain packets discourage smoking.
[Irish Examiner] , Carty, Ed Plain packets discourage smoking. (20 Sep 2013)

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Research shows cigarette branding influential on teens.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Research shows cigarette branding influential on teens. (19 Sep 2013)

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Ireland has second highest rate in the world of cancer and binge drinking, Seanad hears.
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie  Ireland has second highest rate in the world of cancer and binge drinking, Seanad hears. (19 Sep 2013)

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An alcoholic's brain.
[Irish Medical News] An alcoholic's brain. (18 Sep 2013)

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How much are we really drinking?
[Alcohol Action Ireland] How much are we really drinking? (18 Sep 2013)

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Keeping up with legal high market ‘impossible’.
[Irish Examiner] , Cahill, Ann Keeping up with legal high market ‘impossible’. (18 Sep 2013)

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Eurostat finds Ireland's youth use 'legal highs' the most in EU.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Eurostat finds Ireland's youth use 'legal highs' the most in EU. (17 Sep 2013)

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EMCDDA welcomes European Commission call for stronger EU action on new drugs.
EMCDDA welcomes European Commission call for stronger EU action on new drugs. (17 Sep 2013)

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Lives ‘in danger’ from fake medicine.
[Irish Examiner] , Rogers, Stephen Lives ‘in danger’ from fake medicine. (17 Sep 2013)

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UCC: ‘Quiet’ housing units may join booze-free apartments.
[Irish Examiner] , English, Eoin UCC: ‘Quiet’ housing units may join booze-free apartments. (17 Sep 2013)

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Call for 50c ‘environmental levy’ on packs of 20 cigarettes.
[] Call for 50c ‘environmental levy’ on packs of 20 cigarettes. (16 Sep 2013)

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Illegal tobacco seizures and fines drop 84 per cent.
[] Illegal tobacco seizures and fines drop 84 per cent. (15 Sep 2013)

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Ministers close to deal on tackling under-age drinking.
[Irish Examiner] , Regan, Mary Ministers close to deal on tackling under-age drinking. (14 Sep 2013)

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'Family pub night' plan to curb teen drinking comes under fire.
[] , O'Sullivan, Majella 'Family pub night' plan to curb teen drinking comes under fire. (14 Sep 2013)

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Move to tackle cheap alcohol sales 'on way'.
[] Move to tackle cheap alcohol sales 'on way'. (13 Sep 2013)

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Football spectators subjected to ‘embedded’ drinks marketing.
[Irish Times] , Ahlstrom, Dick Football spectators subjected to ‘embedded’ drinks marketing. (10 Sep 2013)

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Half of 16-year-olds have drunk alcohol in the last month, down on 2007.
[] Half of 16-year-olds have drunk alcohol in the last month, down on 2007. (10 Sep 2013)

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Alcohol consumption in early pregnancy.
[Health Research Board] Alcohol consumption in early pregnancy. (10 Sep 2013)

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Drinks industry seeks reversal of tax on alcohol.
[Irish Times] , Hunt, Joanne Drinks industry seeks reversal of tax on alcohol. (09 Sep 2013)

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Five former FG aides working for tobacco industry.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul Five former FG aides working for tobacco industry. (09 Sep 2013)

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Warning as cases of painkiller poisoning on rise.
[Irish Independent] , O'Regan, Eilish Warning as cases of painkiller poisoning on rise. (09 Sep 2013)

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When drug mules land in Ireland.
[Irish Times] , Gleeson, Colin When drug mules land in Ireland. (07 Sep 2013)

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'Big Tobacco' earns €104m in profits from sales here.
[Irish Independent] , McCabe, Sarah  'Big Tobacco' earns €104m in profits from sales here. (06 Sep 2013)

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Drug use outside Dublin continues to grow, says report.
[] Drug use outside Dublin continues to grow, says report. (06 Sep 2013)

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Royal College of Physicians of Ireland’s Alcohol Policy Group and Alcohol Action Ireland call for the introduction of minimum pricing to reduce alcohol-related harm.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Royal College of Physicians of Ireland’s Alcohol Policy Group and Alcohol Action Ireland call for the introduction of minimum pricing to reduce alcohol-related harm. (05 Sep 2013)

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DoH clarifies policy on handwritten scripts.
[Irish Medical Times] , Reilly, Catherine DoH clarifies policy on handwritten scripts. (04 Sep 2013)

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Galway Mayor scared of city’s night boozers.
[Irish Examiner] , McDonald, Brian Galway Mayor scared of city’s night boozers. (04 Sep 2013)

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Increase in minors referred to ‘seriously’ under-resourced CDA for drugs counselling.
[The Anglo-Celt] Increase in minors referred to ‘seriously’ under-resourced CDA for drugs counselling. (01 Sep 2013)

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Linking prison and community addiction treatment.
[Irish Medical News] , Cahill, Niamh  Linking prison and community addiction treatment. (30 Aug 2013)

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Recent Oireachtas debates

Selected Oireachtas exchanges from September 2013


Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 62. Drug rehabilitation clinics [40065/13]. (26 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 8. Misuse of drugs [39927/13]. (26 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Local authority housing issues. (25 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 158. Prisoner rehabilitation programmes [40075/13]. (25 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 195. Drug rehabilitation implementation programmes [40104/13]. (25 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 3. Prison drug treatment services [39935/13]. (25 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 8. Organised crime [39814/13]. (25 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 439. Drugs crime [39741/13]. (24 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 39. Youth services funding [38765/13]. (19 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 1121. International agreements [drug trafficking] [38637/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 1331. Cross-border health initiatives [37267/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 1661. Road safety strategy [37905/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 63. United Nations issues [36856/13]. (18 Sep 2013) 


Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 17. National substance misuse strategy [40064/13]. (26 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 256 & 257. National Drugs Strategy Issues [40282/13 & 40283/13]. (26 Sep 2013)

Seanad Eireann Debate. Garda operations [Alcohol]. (26 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 185 - VAT payments [Alcohol] [39372/13]. (24 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 437. Liquor licensing laws [39731/13]. (24 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 501 & 502. National substance misuse strategy [39453/13 & 39467/13]. (24 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 196 - Excise duties issues [37736/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 205 - Excise duties yield [37813/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 1276, 1278 & 1352 - Alcohol pricing [37182/13, 37300/13 & 37460/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Report of Seanad Public Consultation Committee: statements [lifestyle and cancer]. (18 Sep 2013)

Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform debate. Overview of 2014 pre-budget submissions: discussion (continued) [Alcohol]. (11 Sep 2013) 


Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 220 - Customs and excise controls [Tobacco] [39739/13]. (24 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 202 - Tobacco control measures [37787/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 1280 - Tobacco control measures [36839/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 130 - Tax code [Tobacco] [37773/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 1467 - Sale of electronic cigarettes [38002/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 217 - Tobacco smuggling [37977/13]. (18 Sep 2013)

Report of Seanad Public Consultation Committee: statements [lifestyle and cancer]. (18 Sep 2013)

Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform debate. Overview of 2014 pre-budget submissions: discussion (resumed) (continued) [Tobacco]. (12 Sep 2013)


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