Welcome to the October 2015 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This is our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail debates

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30 Oct, 15
Alcohol seminar - Drug & Alcohol Task Forces 25/9/15
Cullen, Bazzie (2015) Alcohol seminar - Drug & Alcohol Task Forces 25/9/15. In: The Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. ‘Lessons from the past, potential for the future’, 25 September 2015, F2 Centre, Dublin

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29 Oct, 15
Assaults on medical, nursing and paramedical staff.
Murphy, JFA (2015) Assaults on medical, nursing and paramedical staff. Irish Medical Journal, 108 (9).

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29 Oct, 15
Attitudes to smoking and smoking cessation among nurses.
Chandrakumar, Sreejith and Adams, John (2015) Attitudes to smoking and smoking cessation among nurses. Nursing Standard, 30 (9). pp. 36-40.

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29 Oct, 15
National sexual health strategy 2015-2020 and action plan 2015-2016.
Department of Health. (2015) National sexual health strategy 2015-2020 and action plan 2015-2016. Department of Health, Dublin .

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29 Oct, 15
Drug treatment courts: refining successes and failures through participant narratives.
Broomfield, Darren (2015) Drug treatment courts: refining successes and failures through participant narratives. The Irish Social Worker, Spring . pp. 36-40.

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29 Oct, 15
Vulnerable families and drug use: examining care admissions of children of parents attending an Irish drug treatment facility.
McGivern, Aidan and McDonnell, Chloe (2015) Vulnerable families and drug use: examining care admissions of children of parents attending an Irish drug treatment facility. The Irish Social Worker, Spring . pp. 17-23.

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29 Oct, 15
Evaluation of CARE (Community alcohol response and engagement) pilot project.
Dermody, Aoife and Banka, P (2015) Evaluation of CARE (Community alcohol response and engagement) pilot project. Ballymun Local Drugs & Alcohol Task Force and Quality Matters, Dublin .

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28 Oct, 15
Department of Health annual report 2015.
Department of Health. (2015) Department of Health annual report 2015. Department of Health, Dublin .

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27 Oct, 15
Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence.
World Health Organization. (2015) Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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27 Oct, 15
Young persons’ support programme.
National Family Support Network. (2015) Young persons’ support programme. [Teaching Resource]

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27 Oct, 15
Presentations from the Lisbon addictions conference 2015.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Presentations from the Lisbon addictions conference 2015. In: EMCDDA Conference on 20 years of monitoring and communicating evidence on drugs, 21-22 September, Lisbon.

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23 Oct, 15
Just saying... the views of young people about drugs and alcohol.
North Inner City Drug and AlcoholTask Force. (2015) Just saying... the views of young people about drugs and alcohol. North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Dublin .

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21 Oct, 15
Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2015.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2015. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

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20 Oct, 15
Personality and substance use: psychometric evaluation and validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German adolescents.
Jurk, Sarah ,Garavan, Hugh et al (2015) Personality and substance use: psychometric evaluation and validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German adolescents. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online .

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19 Oct, 15
Global status report on road safety 2015.
World Health Organization. (2015) Global status report on road safety 2015. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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19 Oct, 15
National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2014.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2015) National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2014. National Office for Suicide Prevention, Dublin .

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19 Oct, 15
National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2014.
Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Corcoran, Paul and Dillon, Christina B and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2015) National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2014. National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork .

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15 Oct, 15
Training in addiction medicine should be standardised and scaled up.
Klimas, J (2015) Training in addiction medicine should be standardised and scaled up. BMJ, 351 . h4027.

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15 Oct, 15
South East Traveller health unit: strategic plan 2015 - 2020.
Health Service Executive. (2015) South East Traveller health unit: strategic plan 2015 - 2020. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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15 Oct, 15
Clustering of sex and substance use behaviors in adolescence.
McAloney, Kareena (2015) Clustering of sex and substance use behaviors in adolescence. Substance Use & Misuse, Early online . pp. 1-6.

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13 Oct, 15
Socioeconomic inequalities in the impact of tobacco control policies on adolescent smoking. A multilevel study in 29 European countries.
Pförtner, Timo-Kolja et al (2015) Socioeconomic inequalities in the impact of tobacco control policies on adolescent smoking. A multilevel study in 29 European countries. Addictive behaviors, 53 . pp. 58-66.

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13 Oct, 15
Low resolution and high resolution MS for studies on the metabolism and toxicological detection of the new psychoactive substance methoxypiperamide (MeOP).
Meyer, Markus R and Holderbaum, Anna and Kavanagh, Pierce and Maurer, Hans H (2015) Low resolution and high resolution MS for studies on the metabolism and toxicological detection of the new psychoactive substance methoxypiperamide (MeOP). Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 50 (10). pp. 1163-74.

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13 Oct, 15
Risk of respiratory hospitalization and death, readmission and subsequent mortality: scottish health and ethnicity linkage study.
Bhopal, Raj and Steiner, Markus F C and Cezard, Genevieve and Bansal, Narinder and Fischbacher, Colin and Simpson, Colin R and Douglas, Anne and Sheikh, Aziz (2015) Risk of respiratory hospitalization and death, readmission and subsequent mortality: scottish health and ethnicity linkage study. European journal of public health, 25 (5). pp. 769-774.

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12 Oct, 15
Ballymun Youth Action Project annual report 2014.
Ballymun Youth Action Project. (2015) Ballymun Youth Action Project annual report 2014. Ballymun Youth Action Project, Dublin .

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12 Oct, 15
National youth strategy 2015-2020.
Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015) National youth strategy 2015-2020. Government Publications, Dublin .

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08 Oct, 15
Smoking dependence in 18 European countries: hard to maintain the hardening hypothesis.
Fernández, Esteve and Lugo, Alessandra and Clancy, Luke and Matsuo, Keitaro and La Vecchia, Carlo and Gallus, Silvano (2015) Smoking dependence in 18 European countries: hard to maintain the hardening hypothesis. Preventive Medicine, Early online .

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08 Oct, 15
Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2014.
Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd. (2015) Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2014. Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd, Dublin .

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08 Oct, 15
Statistics from the Northern Ireland drug misuse database: 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015.
Corrigan, Deirdre (2015) Statistics from the Northern Ireland drug misuse database: 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast .

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07 Oct, 15
Healthy Ireland survey 2015 - summary of findings.
Department of Health. (2015) Healthy Ireland survey 2015 - summary of findings. Department of Health, Dublin .

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06 Oct, 15
Global Standards for quality health care services for adolescents.
World Health Organization. (2015) Global Standards for quality health care services for adolescents. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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05 Oct, 15
"An unspoken world of unspoken things": a study identifying and exploring core beliefs underlying self-stigma among people living with HIV and AIDS in Ireland.
France, Nadine Ferris and Mcdonald, Steve H and Conroy, Ronan R and Byrne, Elaine and Mallouris, Chris and Hodgson, Ian and Larkan, Fiona N (2015) "An unspoken world of unspoken things": a study identifying and exploring core beliefs underlying self-stigma among people living with HIV and AIDS in Ireland. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145 . w14113.

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Events for November

[Dublin Business School] Women and addiction conference. (13 Nov 2015) 

[Midlands Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force] A cannabis conference - The facts about cannabis. (09 Nov 2015) and A cannabis seminar: the essential things you need to know in Primary Care. (09 Nov 2015)

All events

Department working on new Drugs Strategy
[Irish Medical Times] Mudiwa, Lloyd Department working on new Drugs Strategy. (30 Oct 2015)

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Decision looms for Government on legalising marijuana.
[Irish Times] , McCann, Eamonn  Decision looms for Government on legalising marijuana. (29 Oct 2015)

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Shifting drug strategies in Ireland and the UK.
[LSE ideas] Shifting drug strategies in Ireland and the UK. (29 Oct 2015)

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Families back reform of drug laws.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Families back reform of drug laws. (28 Oct 2015)

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Health national lottery grants.
[Department of Health] Health national lottery grants. (28 Oct 2015)

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Unbearable cost of drinking and driving.
[] Unbearable cost of drinking and driving. (28 Oct 2015)

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Gay Byrne: Drink-driving laws need to be re-written.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Gay Byrne: Drink-driving laws need to be re-written. (28 Oct 2015)

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Cannabis weed not really seen as a drug, say teens.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Cannabis weed not really seen as a drug, say teens. (27 Oct 2015)

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40% conviction rate for drink-driving ‘simply wrong’.
[Irish Examiner] , Ó Fátharta, Conall 40% conviction rate for drink-driving ‘simply wrong’. (27 Oct 2015)

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‘Students have a fairly healthy attitude to alcohol’.
[Irish Times] , Harris, Arlene ‘Students have a fairly healthy attitude to alcohol’. (27 Oct 2015)

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New kits next year will detect drivers on drugs.
[Irish Times] , O'Brien, Carl and Labanyi, David New kits next year will detect drivers on drugs. (27 Oct 2015)

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New alcohol treatment prog 'saves lives'.
[] , Condon, Deborah New alcohol treatment prog 'saves lives'. (27 Oct 2015)

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Opinion. Ciara Kelly: No cheers for our seven drunken nights.
[] , Kelly, Clara Opinion. Ciara Kelly: No cheers for our seven drunken nights. (26 Oct 2015)

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Study confirms alcohol ups breast cancer risk.
[] , Condon, Deborah Study confirms alcohol ups breast cancer risk. (26 Oct 2015)

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Concern over garda handling of drugs.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Doherty, Caroline and Ó Fátharta, Conall Concern over garda handling of drugs. (26 Oct 2015)

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The potent mixture of marijuana and heroin that’s destroying South Africa’s youth.
AFP. [] The potent mixture of marijuana and heroin that’s destroying South Africa’s youth. (25 Oct 2015)

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Foreign drug mules risking their lives for just €1,500 by smuggling cocaine in their bodies.
[Irish Mirror] , McNamee, Emma  Foreign drug mules risking their lives for just €1,500 by smuggling cocaine in their bodies. (25 Oct 2015)

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Early trauma blamed for kids becoming addicts.
[Irish Examiner] , Shanahan, Catherine Early trauma blamed for kids becoming addicts. (24 Oct 2015)

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Minister backs ‘half-a-pill’ student campaign.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Minister backs ‘half-a-pill’ student campaign. (24 Oct 2015)

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Narcotics Anonymous extends an invitation to professional workers.
[] Narcotics Anonymous extends an invitation to professional workers. (23 Oct 2015)

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Tackling Ireland’s alcohol love affair.
[Medical Independent] , Lynch, David Tackling Ireland’s alcohol love affair. (22 Oct 2015)

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Drug swallowers ‘at bottom of ladder’.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Drug swallowers ‘at bottom of ladder’. (21 Oct 2015)

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Almost 1,400 drivers caught over the legal limit.
[] Almost 1,400 drivers caught over the legal limit. (21 Oct 2015)

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Public support softer laws on drug use.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Public support softer laws on drug use. (20 Oct 2015)

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Change in laws to crack down on drink-driving.
[Irish Times] , O'Brien, Carl and Roche, Barry and Labanyi, David Change in laws to crack down on drink-driving. (20 Oct 2015)

Read more ‘Let’s talk about drugs’ National youth media awards competition now open for entries.
[] ‘Let’s talk about drugs’ National youth media awards competition now open for entries. (20 Oct 2015)

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Alcohol: minimum unit pricing.
[Health Research Board] Alcohol: minimum unit pricing. (20 Oct 2015)

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Relax laws on possession of drugs, urges Dáil committee.
[] , Ryan, Philip Relax laws on possession of drugs, urges Dáil committee. (19 Oct 2015)

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A bad hangover won’t just hurt your head – it’s damaging the country as well.
[] , Bodkin, Peter A bad hangover won’t just hurt your head – it’s damaging the country as well. (19 Oct 2015)

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Dependent cannabis users spending €700 a week.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Dependent cannabis users spending €700 a week. (18 Oct 2015)

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‘Worrying’ rise in self-harm among young boys.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul ‘Worrying’ rise in self-harm among young boys. (17 Oct 2015)

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Department of Health announces public consultation on revised European Tobacco Products Directive.
[Department of Health] Department of Health announces public consultation on revised European Tobacco Products Directive. (16 Oct 2015)

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'Hundreds of drink-driving cases in balance' as DPP seeks leave to appeal High Court ruling.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] 'Hundreds of drink-driving cases in balance' as DPP seeks leave to appeal High Court ruling. (16 Oct 2015)

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Public to be allowed administer more emergency medicines.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul Public to be allowed administer more emergency medicines. (15 Oct 2015)

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The price of cheap alcohol.
[UCD Observer] , O'Brien, Mieke The price of cheap alcohol. (12 Oct 2015)

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Expert's warning over drug 15 times stronger than heroin about to hit Irish streets.
[Irish Mirror] , Gallagher, Conor Expert's warning over drug 15 times stronger than heroin about to hit Irish streets. (12 Oct 2015)

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Surge in new HIV cases linked to ‘snow blow’ drug use.
[Irish Examiner] , McCarthaigh, Sean Surge in new HIV cases linked to ‘snow blow’ drug use. (12 Oct 2015)

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Drug tests for courts a waste of time says forensic scientist.
[Irish Times] , Murtagh, Peter Drug tests for courts a waste of time says forensic scientist. (10 Oct 2015)

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Brussels must resist lobbying by the tobacco industry.
[Irish Times] , O'Reilly, Emily Brussels must resist lobbying by the tobacco industry. (10 Oct 2015)

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Alcohol in primary care.
[Medical Independent] Alcohol in primary care. (09 Oct 2015)

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Raising awareness of foetal alcohol syndrome and its associated clinical disorders.
[Medical Independent] , Lynch, Priscilla Raising awareness of foetal alcohol syndrome and its associated clinical disorders. (08 Oct 2015)

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Tackling alcohol addiction.
[Medical Independent] , Gallagher, Hugh Tackling alcohol addiction. (08 Oct 2015)

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Hopes raised for OTC naloxone.
[Medical Independent] , Lynch, David Hopes raised for OTC naloxone. (08 Oct 2015)

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A shot in the arm to tackle overdose deaths.
[Medical Independent] , Lynch, David A shot in the arm to tackle overdose deaths. (08 Oct 2015)

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Smokers need more support to quit.
[] Smokers need more support to quit. (08 Oct 2015)

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Obesity peaks, smoking below 20% but binge drinking rife.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul Obesity peaks, smoking below 20% but binge drinking rife. (07 Oct 2015)

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Alcohol is a hugely complex issue engrained in Irish culture.
[The ECHO] , Dennehy, Mary Alcohol is a hugely complex issue engrained in Irish culture. (07 Oct 2015)

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Here's why pregnant women are being told to 'avoid alcohol completely'.
[Irish Examiner] Here's why pregnant women are being told to 'avoid alcohol completely'. (06 Oct 2015)

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Consultation launched to change alcohol licensing laws for outdoor stadiums in Northern Ireland.
[Belfast Telegraph] , Williamson, Claire Consultation launched to change alcohol licensing laws for outdoor stadiums in Northern Ireland. (06 Oct 2015)

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New App for drug and alcohol professionals in Northern Ireland.
[Care Appointments] New App for drug and alcohol professionals in Northern Ireland. (06 Oct 2015)

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‘Players forced to retire are two & a half times more likely to report mental health problems’.
[] , O'Callaghan, Eoin ‘Players forced to retire are two & a half times more likely to report mental health problems’. (03 Oct 2015)

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90 visitors arrested for smuggling drugs into prisons.
[] 90 visitors arrested for smuggling drugs into prisons. (02 Oct 2015)

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