Home > National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2020.

Eogan, Maeve (2021) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2020. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.

PDF (National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report) - Published Version

Nobody needs any reminding that 2020 ‘was a year like no other’! January and February ran as normal, albeit with a 6% increase in attendances compared with 2019. Everything changed in March 2020, and we really did not know what to expect. We were concerned that staff would be redeployed or become unwell and units would be closed, but thankfully that did not happen, and all SATUs remained operational throughout the year – exceeding the KPI with over 90% of people being seen within 3 hours of a request for forensic examination, when appropriate.

While there was a 22% reduction in attendances compared with 2019, it is significant to note that sexual violence unfortunately did not disappear. We have summarised some of the salient metrics, what is most notable is that there was a sustained demand for the service throughout the year. Assailants known to the person increased, while assaults by strangers and recent acquaintances reduced. All age groups continued to be represented, but a reduced number of attendances by third level students was noted. These metrics confirm the multifactorial nature of sexual violence, with prevention undoubtedly requiring a ‘whole of society’ approach.

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