
This is the March 2017 edition of the library newsletter – our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol & tobacco publications, news and Dail debates, with key international research evidence..

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Cannabis legislation in Europe: an overview.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) Cannabis legislation in Europe: an overview. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Reducing youth crime in Ireland: an evaluation of Le Chéile mentoring.
O'Dwyer, Kieran (2017) Reducing youth crime in Ireland: an evaluation of Le Chéile mentoring. Dublin: Le Chéile.
Irish General Practitioner (GP) perspectives toward decriminalisation, legalisation and cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes (CTP).
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Collins, Claire and Delargy, Ide and Crowley, Des (2016) Irish General Practitioner (GP) perspectives toward decriminalisation, legalisation and cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes (CTP). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction , Early online .
The dynamic landscape of novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use in Ireland: results from an expert consultation.
Van Hout, Marie Claire (2016) The dynamic landscape of novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use in Ireland: results from an expert consultation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction , Early online .
Shake ‘N Bake: the migration of ‘pervitin’ to Ireland.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Hearne, Evelyn (2016) Shake ‘N Bake: the migration of ‘pervitin’ to Ireland. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction , Early online .
A 2015 national survey of e-cigarette use among Irish youth.
Keogan, Sheila and Taylor, Keishia and Babineau, Kate and Clancy, Luke (2016) A 2015 national survey of e-cigarette use among Irish youth. European Respiratory Journal , 48 .
Cross-cultural comparisons of drinking motives in 10 countries: Data from the DRINC project.
Mackinnon, Sean P and Couture, Marie-Eve and Cooper, M L and Kuntsche, Emmanuel and O'Connor, Roisin M and Stewart, Sherry H (2017) Cross-cultural comparisons of drinking motives in 10 countries: Data from the DRINC project. Drug and Alcohol Review , Early online .
Implementation of key demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and change in smoking prevalence in 126 countries: an association study.
Gravely, Shannon et al (2017) Implementation of key demand-reduction measures of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and change in smoking prevalence in 126 countries: an association study. The Lancet , Early online .
General commercial communications code.
Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. (2017) General commercial communications code. Dublin: Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.
Crack cocaine use in the Finglas and Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force area.
Bennett, John (2015) Crack cocaine use in the Finglas and Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force area. Dublin: Finglas and Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force.
'APAAN in the neck' - A reflection on some novel impurities found in seized materials containing amphetamine in Ireland during routine forensic analysis.
Power, John D and Kavanagh, Pierce and McLaughlin, Gavin and Barry, Michael and Dowling, Geraldine and Brandt, Simon D (2017) 'APAAN in the neck' - A reflection on some novel impurities found in seized materials containing amphetamine in Ireland during routine forensic analysis. Drug Testing and Analysis , Early online .
New psychoactive substances: Current health-related practices and challenges in responding to use and harms in Europe.
Pirona, Alessandro et al (2017) New psychoactive substances: Current health-related practices and challenges in responding to use and harms in Europe. The International Journal on Drug Policy , 40 , pp. 84-92.
Dealing with drug use.
Duffin, Tony (2017) Dealing with drug use. Eolas Magazine , (Public Affairs: March 2017) .
A review of 2014 RTC fatalities with a positive toxicology for alcohol.
Road Safety Authority. (2017) A review of 2014 RTC fatalities with a positive toxicology for alcohol. Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
Lifetime risk of mortality due to different levels of alcohol consumption in seven European countries: implications for low-risk drinking guidelines.
Shield, Kevin D and Gmel, Gerrit and Gmel, Gerhard and Mäkelä, Pia and Probst, Charlotte and Room, Robin and Rehm, Jürgen (2017) Lifetime risk of mortality due to different levels of alcohol consumption in seven European countries: implications for low-risk drinking guidelines. Addiction , Early online .
The country-level effects of drinking, heavy drinking and drink prices on pre-drinking: An international comparison of 25 countries.
Labhart, Florian and Ferris, Jason and Winstock, Adam (2017) The country-level effects of drinking, heavy drinking and drink prices on pre-drinking: An international comparison of 25 countries. Drug and Alcohol Review , Early online .
Say no to alcohol in pregnancy.
(2017) Say no to alcohol in pregnancy. Health Matters , 12 , (9) , p. 48.
Out of sight, out of mind? A national survey of paediatricians in Ireland regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
Gill, I and Sharif, F (2017) Out of sight, out of mind? A national survey of paediatricians in Ireland regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Irish Medical Journal , 110 , (3) , p. 528.
Tobacco Free Ireland annual report 2015.
Department of Health Tobacco and Alcohol Control Unit. (2017) Tobacco Free Ireland annual report 2015. Dublin: Department of Health.
Alcohol consumption among university students: a latent class analysis.
Davoren, Martin P and Dahly, Darren L and Shiely, Frances and Perry, Ivan J (2017) Alcohol consumption among university students: a latent class analysis. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , Early online .
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council regarding the mandatory labelling of the list of ingredients and the nutrition declaration of alcoholic beverages.
European Commission. (2017) Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council regarding the mandatory labelling of the list of ingredients and the nutrition declaration of alcoholic beverages. Brussels: European Commission.
Peer led action research. A community assets scoping exercise in Dublin’s North Inner City.
Brady, Julie and Corcoran, Keith and Ducque, Karl and Gelston, Martin and Murtagh, Joey and O’Neill, Brian and Slator, Katie (2016) Peer led action research. A community assets scoping exercise in Dublin’s North Inner City. Dublin: Recovery Academy Ireland.
Opioid substitution guide an invaluable resource.
Latham, John (2017) Opioid substitution guide an invaluable resource. Forum , 34 , (3) , 7 p..
Views on alcohol and drug related issues: findings from the October 2016 Northern Ireland omnibus survey.
Ramsden, Graham and Ramsden, R (2017) Views on alcohol and drug related issues: findings from the October 2016 Northern Ireland omnibus survey. Belfast: Deparartment of Justice.
Smoke-free spaces on the island of Ireland.
Purdy, Joanna and McAvoy, Helen and Cotter, Noelle and Mitchell, Elizabeth (2017) Smoke-free spaces on the island of Ireland. Dublin: Institute of Public Health in Ireland.
Dying from inequality: socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour. Summary report.
Samaritans. (2017) Dying from inequality: socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour. Summary report. London: Samaritans.
Talking got me through: Ireland impact report 2015/2016.
Samaritans Ireland. (2016) Talking got me through: Ireland impact report 2015/2016. Dublin: Samaritans Ireland.
Health service performance report October - December 2016.
Health Service Executive. (2017) Health service performance report October - December 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
Opiate addiction and overdose: experiences, attitudes, and appetite for community naloxone provision.
Barry, T and Klimas, Jan and Tobin, Helen and Egan, Mairead and Bury, Gerard (2017) Opiate addiction and overdose: experiences, attitudes, and appetite for community naloxone provision. The British Journal of General Practice , Early online .
Enhancing alcohol screening and brief intervention among people receiving opioid agonist treatment: qualitative study in primary care.
McCombe, Geoff and Henihan, Anne Marie and Klimas, Jan and Swan, Davina et al (2016) Enhancing alcohol screening and brief intervention among people receiving opioid agonist treatment: qualitative study in primary care. Drugs and Alcohol Today , 16 , (4) , pp. 247-258.
HBSC Ireland 2014: tobacco use among 15 to 17 year olds.
Gavin, Aoife and Keane, Eimear (2016) HBSC Ireland 2014: tobacco use among 15 to 17 year olds. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway.
HBSC Ireland 2014: alcohol and cannabis use in school-children in Ireland (updated).
Perry, Catherine and Keane, Eimear and Gavin, Aoife and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2017) HBSC Ireland 2014: alcohol and cannabis use in school-children in Ireland (updated). Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway.
Short report HBSC Ireland 2014: young people’s drinking in the North Dublin area.
Burke, Lorraine and Gavin, Aoife (2017) Short report HBSC Ireland 2014: young people’s drinking in the North Dublin area. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway.
Statement on the presence of new psychoactive substances in custodial settings.
Five Nations Health and Justice Collaboration. (2017) Statement on the presence of new psychoactive substances in custodial settings. London: Public Health England.
Evidence Resources
Two birds with one stone: experiences of combining clinical and research training in addiction medicine.
Klimas, Jan and McNeil, R and Ahamad, K and Mead, A and Rieb, L and Cullen, W and Wood, E and Small, W [Biomed Central] . (2017) Two birds with one stone: experiences of combining clinical and research training in addiction medicine. BioMed Central. BMC Medical Education, 17 (1)
Preventing the deaths of women in prison – initial results of a rapid information gathering exercise by the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody.
Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody. (2017) Preventing the deaths of women in prison – initial results of a rapid information gathering exercise by the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody. London: Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody. 45 p.
Implementation of drug-, alcohol- and tobacco-related brief interventions in the European Union Member States, Norway and Turkey. Technical report.
Fountain, Jane and Burkhart, Gregor and Montanari, Linda [EMCDDA] . (2017) Implementation of drug-, alcohol- and tobacco-related brief interventions in the European Union Member States, Norway and Turkey. Technical report. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. 32 p.
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2016.
International Narcotics Control Board. [INCB] (2017) Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2016. New York: United Nations. 132 p.
Precursors 2016 and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
International Narcotics Control Board. [INCB] (2017) Precursors 2016 and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. New York: United Nations. 132 p.
Communicating the UK Chief Medical Officers’ alcohol guidelines.
United Kingdom. Department of Health. [Department of Health (UK)] (2017) Communicating the UK Chief Medical Officers’ alcohol guidelines. London: Department of Health. 4 p.
Reducing opioid-related deaths in the UK.
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. (2016) Reducing opioid-related deaths in the UK. London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. 62 p.
European Facility Survey Questionnaire (EFSQ) package.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) European Facility Survey Questionnaire (EFSQ) package. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
Insight report: young people and NPS.
Addaction. (2017) Insight report: young people and NPS. London: Addaction. 20 p.
Alcohol policy changes and 22-year trends in individual alcohol consumption in a Swiss adult population: a 1993-2014 cross-sectional population-based study.
Dumont, Shireen et al [BMJ Open]. (2017) Alcohol policy changes and 22-year trends in individual alcohol consumption in a Swiss adult population: a 1993-2014 cross-sectional population-based study. BMJ Publishing. BMJ Open, 7 (3)
Cannabis and young users- a brief intervention to reduce their consumption (CANABIC): a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care.
Laporte, Catherine et al. (2017) Cannabis and young users- a brief intervention to reduce their consumption (CANABIC): a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, 15 (2)
An exploration of the role of alcohol in relation to living situation and significant life events for the homeless population in Merseyside, UK.
Ross-Houle, Kim and Venturas, Collette and Bradbury, Andrew and Porcellato, Lorna [Alcohol Research UK] . (2017) An exploration of the role of alcohol in relation to living situation and significant life events for the homeless population in Merseyside, UK. London: Alcohol research UK. 42 p.
Report on the risk assessment of methyl 2-[[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonyl]amino]-3,3-dimethylbutanoate (MDMB-CHMICA).
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2017) Report on the risk assessment of methyl 2-[[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonyl]amino]-3,3-dimethylbutanoate (MDMB-CHMICA) in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 51 p. Risk Assessments 19
Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Health Organization. [UNESCO] (2017) Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Paris: UNESCO. 69 p. Good policy and practice in health education: booklet 10.
“No one judges you here". Voices of older people affected by a loved one’s substance use.
Adfam. (2017) “No one judges you here". Voices of older people affected by a loved one’s substance use. London: Adfam. 16 p.
Outreach to chronic problem drinkers: the service user view.
Ward, Mark [Alcohol Concern] . (2016) Outreach to chronic problem drinkers: the service user view. London: Alcohol Concern. 14 p.
Council of Europe annual penal statistics SPACE II: Survey 2015. Persons serving non-custodial sanctions and measures in 2015.
Aebi, Marcelo F and Chopin, Julien [Council of Europe] . (2016) Council of Europe annual penal statistics SPACE II: Survey 2015. Persons serving non-custodial sanctions and measures in 2015. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 94 p.
Council of Europe annual penal statistics: SPACE I – prison populations: survey 2015.
Aebi, Marcelo F and Tiago, Melanie M and Burkhardt, Christine [Council of Europe] . (2016) Council of Europe annual penal statistics: SPACE I – prison populations: survey 2015. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 143 p.
European Union Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment: crime in the age of technology,
Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment. (2017) European Union Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment: crime in the age of technology,. The Hague: Europol.
Global SMART update 2017. Fentanyl and its analogues - 50 years on.
Global SMART Programme. [UNODC] (2017) Global SMART update 2017. Fentanyl and its analogues - 50 years on. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 12 p.
Evaluation of four recovery communities across England: Final report for the Give it Up project.
Harrison, Rebecca and Cochrane, Madeleine and Pendlebury, Marissa and Noonan, Robert and Eckley, Lindsay and Sumnall, Harry and Timpson, Hannah . (2017) Evaluation of four recovery communities across England: Final report for the Give it Up project. Liverpool John Moores University. 119 p.
Health matters: preventing drug misuse deaths.
Fenton, Kevin [Public Health England] . (2017) Health matters: preventing drug misuse deaths. London: Public Health England. Public Health Matters (1 March 2017)
Novel Psychoactive Substances: important information for health professionals.
Sumnall, Harry and Hamilton, Ian and Monaghan, Mark . (2017) Novel Psychoactive Substances: important information for health professionals. Oxford: Minervation Ltd. The Mental Elf Blog (3 March 2017)
Towards elimination of hepatitis B and C in European Union and European economic area countries: monitoring the world health organization’s global health sector strategy core indicators and scaling up key interventions.
Duffell, EF and Hedrich, Dagmar and Mardh, O and Mozalevskis, A [Eurosurveillance] . (2017) Towards elimination of hepatitis B and C in European Union and European economic area countries: monitoring the world health organization’s global health sector strategy core indicators and scaling up key interventions. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Eurosurveillance, 22 (9) 30476. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.9.30476
Splitting the bill: alcohol's impact on the economy.
Institute of Alcohol Studies. [IAS] (2017) Splitting the bill: alcohol's impact on the economy. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies. 68 p.
Adolescents at risk. Psychosomatic health complaints, low life satisfaction, excessive sugar consumption and their relationship with cumulative risks.
Walsh, Sophie D and Bruckauf, Zlata and Gaspar, Tania [UNICEF] . (2016) Adolescents at risk. Psychosomatic health complaints, low life satisfaction, excessive sugar consumption and their relationship with cumulative risks. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research. 38 p. Innocenti Working Paper No.2016-13
The acceptability and feasibility of a brief psychosocial intervention to reduce blood-borne virus risk behaviours among people who inject drugs: a randomised control feasibility trial

Gilchrist, Gail and Swan, Davina et al [Biomed Central] (2017) The acceptability and feasibility of a brief psychosocial intervention to reduce blood-borne virus risk behaviours among people who inject drugs: a randomised control feasibility trial of a psychosocial intervention (the PROTECT study) versus treatment as usual. BioMed Central. Harm Reduction Journal, 14 (4)

Early-life exposure to income inequality and adolescent health and well-being: evidence from the health behaviour in school-aged children study.
Elgar, Frank J and Currie, Candace . (2016) Early-life exposure to income inequality and adolescent health and well-being: evidence from the health behaviour in school-aged children study. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research. 22 p. Innocenti working paper no.2016-07
880 lives a year saved by addiction treatment in England.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) 880 lives a year saved by addiction treatment in England. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (28 March 2017) 4 p.
Does AA really help drinkers stop?
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Does AA really help drinkers stop? London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. (28 March 2017) 4 p.
Mandatory assessment for arrestees does not cut crime.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Mandatory assessment for arrestees does not cut crime. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (28 March 2017) 4 p.
Overdose antidote naloxone takes harm-reduction centre stage.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2017) Overdose antidote naloxone takes harm-reduction centre stage. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Hot Topic 6 p.
Concern over street use of epilepsy drug in Dublin and Limerick.
[thejournal.ie] , Brophy, Daragh (30 Mar 2017)
Standardised Packaging of Tobacco to be signed into law, to come into force in September.
[Department of Health] (29 Mar 2017)
Minister Harris announces ‘pivotal step’ on medicinal cannabis access programme – prescribers, patients and pharmacists to draw up guidance for the safe use of cannabis-based treatments for qualifying patients.
[Department of Health] (29 Mar 2017)
Ireland still among the highest smokers in the world.
[Independent.ie] (28 Mar 2017)
Surge in teenage alcohol-related admissions at children’s hospital.
[Irish Times] , D'Arcy, Ciaran (27 Mar 2017)
Buying drugs online: ‘It’s so easy. It sucks you in’.
[Irish Times] , O'Connell, Jennifer (25 Mar 2017)
Online intervention programme will help students moderate their drinking.
[Limerick Post] , Bourke, Simon (24 Mar 2017)
How our teens are getting 'high' online - as they ditch the booze and cigarettes.
[Independent.ie] , Moriarty, Sinead (23 Mar 2017)
Minister Catherine Byrne presses on with injecting facilities bill.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (23 Mar 2017)
Ireland top of the table for drinking at home.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (22 Mar 2017)
Pregabalin harm reduction campaign launched on drugs.ie.
[drugs.ie] (22 Mar 2017)
High prevalence of ‘pre-drinking’ and heavy drinking identified in new survey.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (22 Mar 2017)
Your 6 big questions about medicinal cannabis in Ireland... answered.
[thejournal.ie], Murray, Sean (20 Mar 2017)
USI: Drug information campaign 2017.
[drugs.ie] (20 Mar 2017)
Science weighs in to assess risks and rewards of medicinal cannabis.
[Independent.ie] , Bielenberg, Kim (19 Mar 2017)
Roadside drug tests set to begin over Easter weekend.
[Irish Examiner] , Rogers, Stephen (19 Mar 2017)
New judge wants drugs court for North East.
[Independent.ie] (18 Mar 2017)
Road Safety Authority: Ban motorists who drink and drive.
[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn (17 Mar 2017)
Experts to provide clarity on medicinal cannabis.
[Irish Examiner], Shanahan, Catherine (16 Mar 2017)
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Doctors unaware of dangers.
[Irish Examiner] (16 Mar 2017)
Neurologists to draw up guidelines for safe use of medicinal cannabis.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul (15 Mar 2017)
Commission proposes a new EU Action Plan on Drugs to enhance action against drug use and trafficking.
[European Commission] (15 Mar 2017)
Warning re purchase of alcohol from unrecognised vendors.
[Health Service Executive] (14 Mar 2017)
HPRA detains 673,906 dosage units of illegal medicines in 2016.
[Health Products Regulatory Authority] (13 Mar 2017)
New 'SafeSesh' kits allow college students test quality of recreational drugs.
[Independent.ie], Halpin, Hayley (13 Mar 2017)
Ireland targeted in 200-courier cocaine trafficking operation.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (12 Mar 2017)
Nightclubs could soon provide free drug testing so users can check 'purity' of substances.
[Independent.ie], O'Regan, Mark (12 Mar 2017)
Injecting facility ‘clinical structure’ is key.
[Irish Medical Times], Culliton, Gary (10 Mar 2017)
Warning of obligation to comply with international drug laws on plan for injecting facilities.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (08 Mar 2017)
'Unseen' calories in alcohol give drinkers food for thought.
[Independent.ie], O'Regan, Eilish 08 Mar 2017)
Alcohol Bill may return to Seanad before summer.
[Irish Times], D'Arcy, Ciaran (08 Mar 2017)
Most Irish people think drinking to excess is part of our culture.
[thejournal.ie], Hosford, Paul (08 Mar 2017)
Minister Corcoran Kennedy launches new HSE website Askaboutalcohol.ie and encourages everyone to manage their own drinking.
[Department of Health] (07 Mar 2017)
Statement from Minister Harris: Cannabis for medical reasons.
[Department of Health] (06 Mar 2017)
Children as young as 13 are caught up in crack 'epidemic'.
[Independent.ie], Lynott, Laura (06 Mar 2017)
Needle exchange gets thumbs up from users.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (05 Mar 2017)
'Low-alcohol' crashes kill up to eight a year.
[Independent.ie], O'Regan, Mark (05 Mar 2017)
After Alex 'N Bomb' tragedy, drug education can prevent more deaths.
[Independent.ie] (04 Mar 2017)
Warnings over ‘fast and loose’ medicinal cannabis supply.
[Irish Times], Cullen, Paul (03 Mar 2017)
Minimum pricing key to tackling drink crisis.
[Irish Examiner], Baker, Noel (01 Mar 2017)
Irish Pain Society backs use of medical cannabis.
Irish Examiner], Leogue, Joe (01 Mar 2017)
'If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you inhale a mugful of tar each year'.
[thejournal.ie], Ryan, Orla (01 Mar 2017)
Department of Health: Update on progress re Cannabis for medical reasons
[Department of Health] (01 Mar 2017)
Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
TOC of Journals
Journal table of contents alerts

Click on the link below to see the latest articles from these journals.

  • Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • International Journal of Drugs Policy
  • Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
  • Addiction
[Due to copyright you will not be able to access the full texts through these links. If you would like to obtain the full text of an article, please email the library staff on drugslibrary@hrb.ie with details.]

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