
Exploring methamphetamine trends in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) Exploring methamphetamine trends in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Minimum pricing of alcohol versus volumetric taxation: which policy will reduce heavy consumption without adversely affecting light and moderate consumers?
Sharma, Anurag and Vandenberg, Brian and Hollingsworth, Bruce (2014) Minimum pricing of alcohol versus volumetric taxation: which policy will reduce heavy consumption without adversely affecting light and moderate consumers? PLoS ONE .

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National poisons information centre annual report 2012.
National Poison Information Centre . (2013) National poisons information centre annual report 2012. Natonal Poison Information Centre, Dublin.

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The over 50s in a changing Ireland: economic circumstances, health and well-being.
Donoghue, Orna, and Dooley, Cara, and Feeney, Joanne et al. (2014) The over 50s in a changing Ireland: economic circumstances, health and well-being. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin.

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Health service management data report. November 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health service management data report. November 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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Young people, alcohol and sex: what’s consent got to do with it? Exploring how attitudes to alcohol impact on judgements about consent to sexual activity: a qualitative study of university students.
MacNeela, Padraig and Conway, Thomas and Kavanagh, Siobhan and Kennedy, Lisa Ann and McCaffrey, John (2014) Young people, alcohol and sex: what’s consent got to do with it? Exploring how attitudes to alcohol impact on judgements about consent to sexual activity: a qualitative study of university students. Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Galway.

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Cancer projections for Ireland 2015 - 2040.
National Cancer Registry, Ireland. (2014) Cancer projections for Ireland 2015 - 2040. National Cancer Registry, Ireland, Cork.

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Gambling and sport: considerations for the GAA.
Gaelic Athletic Association and Gaelic Players Association. (2014) Gambling and sport: considerations for the GAA. Gaelic Athletic Assocation, Dublin.

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Adolescent males in secondary school in Ireland: alcohol use and depressed mood.
Kerr, Robert A (2013) Adolescent males in secondary school in Ireland: alcohol use and depressed mood. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 13 (1).

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Alcohol and youth mental health- The evidence base.
Fitzgerald, Amanda and Dooley, Barbara (2013) Alcohol and youth mental health- The evidence base. Psychiatry Professional, 2 (1). pp. 6-8.

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Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2012.
Kidd, Martina (2013) Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2012. Health Service Executive South, Waterford.

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Drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in Ireland: 2011 figures from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index.
Health Research Board. (2014) Drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in Ireland: 2011 figures from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index. Health Research Board, Dublin.

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A review of drug-facilitated sexual assault evidence: an Irish perspective.
McBrierty, Dermot and Wilkinson, Andrew and Tormey, William P (2013) A review of drug-facilitated sexual assault evidence: an Irish perspective. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 20 (4). pp. 189-197.

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Brief interventions for problem drinking.
McGowan, Orla and Shields, Clare and Lyons, Declan (2014) Brief interventions for problem drinking. Forum, 31 (1). pp. 19-20.

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Making progress? Examining the first year of the Irish Prison Service’s three year strategic plan 2012—2015.
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. (2013) Making progress? Examining the first year of the Irish Prison Service’s three year strategic plan 2012—2015. Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublin.

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Revenue headline results for 2013.
Revenue Commissioners. (2014) Revenue headline results for 2013. Revenue Commissioners, Dublin.

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Non-medical use of psychotropic prescription drugs among adolescents in substance use treatment.
Apantaku-Olajide, Tunde and Smyth, Bobby P (2013) Non-medical use of psychotropic prescription drugs among adolescents in substance use treatment. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 45 (4). pp. 340-346.

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Report on the current state of play of the 2003 Council Recommendation on the prevention and reduction of health-related harm, associated with drug dependence, in the EU and candidate countries.
Busch, Martin and Grabenhofer-Efferth, Alexander and Wiegl, Marion and Wirl, Charlotte (2013) Report on the current state of play of the 2003 Council Recommendation on the prevention and reduction of health-related harm, associated with drug dependence, in the EU and candidate countries. European Commission, Vienna.

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Primary care and youth mental health in Ireland: qualitative study in deprived urban areas.
Leahy, Elisabeth, and Armstrong, Claire and Bury, Gerard et al. (2013) Primary care and youth mental health in Ireland: qualitative study in deprived urban areas. BMC Family Practice, 14 (194).

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3-Lead ECG screening for prolonged QT-interval in methadone maintenance therapy clients: a pilot study.
O'Carroll, L and Bury, G (2013) 3-Lead ECG screening for prolonged QT-interval in methadone maintenance therapy clients: a pilot study. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182 (Suppl 11). S495-S496.

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Acute infections in current and past in injecting drug users presenting to an inner-city emergency department.
Connolly, S and O'Connor, G and Mallon, P (2013) Acute infections in current and past in injecting drug users presenting to an inner-city emergency department. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182 (Suppl 11). S491-S492.

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