
This is the April 2017 edition of the library newsletter – our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol & tobacco publications, news and Dail debates, with key international research evidence..

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Decline in new psychoactive substance use disorders following legislation targeting headshops: Evidence from national addiction treatment data.
Smyth, Bobby P and Lyons, Suzi and Cullen, Walter (2017) Decline in new psychoactive substance use disorders following legislation targeting headshops: Evidence from national addiction treatment data. Drug and Alcohol Review , Early online .
UISCE strategic plan 2017.
Uisce. (2017) UISCE strategic plan 2017. Dublin: UISCE.
Drug and alcohol recovery outcomes framework.
Ni Ogain, Eibhlin and Hodgson, Linsay (2017) Drug and alcohol recovery outcomes framework. London: Catch Impact.
Dublin drug policy summit.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2017) Dublin drug policy summit. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
Sláinte agus Tiomáint. Medical fitness to drive guidelines (Group 1 and Group 2 Drivers).
National Office for Traffic Medicine. (2017) Sláinte agus Tiomáint. Medical fitness to drive guidelines (Group 1 and Group 2 Drivers). Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
Revenue Commissioners annual report 2016
Ireland. Revenue Commissioners. (2017) Revenue Commissioners annual report 2016. Dublin: Revenue Commissioners.
Foul play. Alcohol marketing during UEFA Euro 2016.
Purves, Richard I and Critchlow, Nathan and Stead, Martine (2017) Foul play. Alcohol marketing during UEFA Euro 2016. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems, and Alcohol Action Ireland.
Monitoring quality and coverage of harm reduction services for people who use drugs: a consensus study.
Wiessing, Lucas and Ferri, Marica and Běláčková, Vendula and Carrieri, Patrizia and Friedman, Samuel R and Folch, Cinta and Dolan, Kate and Galvin, Brian and Vickerman, Peter et al (2017) Monitoring quality and coverage of harm reduction services for people who use drugs: a consensus study. Harm Reduction Journal , 14 , (1) , p. 19.
Daily and occasional smoking and quitting in Irish university students.
Mckee, Gabrielle and Barry, Joseph and Mullin, Martina and Allwright, Shane and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Daily and occasional smoking and quitting in Irish university students. Health , 9 , pp. 435-450.
Hospital readmissions - independent predictors of 30-day readmissions derived from a 10 year database.
Kidney, Rachel and Sexton, Eithne and Galen, Louise Van and Silke, Bernard and Nanayakkara, Prabath and Kellett, John (2017) Hospital readmissions - independent predictors of 30-day readmissions derived from a 10 year database. Acute Medicine , 16 , (1) , pp. 4-9.
An investigation into the effect of alcohol consumption on health status and health care utilization in Ireland.
Ormond, Gillian and Murphy, Rosemary (2017) An investigation into the effect of alcohol consumption on health status and health care utilization in Ireland. Alcohol , 59 , pp. 53-67.
Socio-economic impacts of proposed regulations under the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. Final report to the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland.
DKM Economic Consultants. (2017) Socio-economic impacts of proposed regulations under the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. Final report to the Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland. Dublin: Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland.
Socio-economic review 2017.
Social Justice Ireland. (2017) Socio-economic review 2017. Dublin: Social Justice Ireland.
Codeine use, dependence and help-seeking behaviour in the UK and Ireland: an online cross-sectional survey.
Kimergård, Andreas and Foley, Michelle and Davey, Zoe and Dunne, Jacklyn and Drummond, Colin and Deluca, Paolo (2017) Codeine use, dependence and help-seeking behaviour in the UK and Ireland: an online cross-sectional survey. QJM , Early online .
Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2015.
Ireland. Department of Defence. (2017) Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2015. Kildare: Department of Defence and Defence Forces.
Novas community detox programme evaluation: fidelity, client and programme outcomes.
Greenwood, Ronni Michelle (2016) Novas community detox programme evaluation: fidelity, client and programme outcomes. Dublin: Novas.
Young lives in Ireland: a school-based study of mental health and suicide prevention.
McMahon, Elaine M and O’Regan, Grace and Corcoran, Paul and Arensman, Ella and Cannon, Mary and Williamson, Eileen and Keeley, Helen (2017) Young lives in Ireland: a school-based study of mental health and suicide prevention. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
Crime prevention & reduction strategy. Putting prevention first.
An Garda Siochana. (2017) Crime prevention & reduction strategy. Putting prevention first. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
Development and implementation of a 'Mental Health Finder' software tool within an electronic medical record system.
Swan, D and Hannigan, A and Higgins, S and McDonnell, R and Meagher, D and Cullen, W (2017) Development and implementation of a 'Mental Health Finder' software tool within an electronic medical record system. Irish Journal of Medical Science , 186 , (1) , pp. 191-200.
Non-medical use of olanzapine by people on methadone treatment.
James, Philip David and Fida, Ali Shaik and Konovalov, Pavel and Smyth, Bobby P (2016) Non-medical use of olanzapine by people on methadone treatment. BJPsych bulletin , 40 , (6) , pp. 314-317.
Factors associated with different smoking status in European adolescents: results of the SEYLE study.
Banzer, Raphaela and Haring, C and Buchheim, A and Oehler, S et al (2017) Factors associated with different smoking status in European adolescents: results of the SEYLE study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Early online .
Practitioner health matters programme 2015-2016.
Practitioner Health Matters Programme. (2017) Practitioner health matters programme 2015-2016. Practitioner Health.
Factors associated with suicide in four age groups: a population based study.
O'Neill, S and Ennis, E and Corry, C and Bunting, B (2017) Factors associated with suicide in four age groups: a population based study. Archives of Suicide Research , Early online .
Health technology assessment (HTA) of smoking cessation interventions.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2017) Health technology assessment (HTA) of smoking cessation interventions. Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority.
Global hepatitis report 2017.
World Health Organization. (2017) Global hepatitis report 2017. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
Reltman, Marissa B and Fullman, Nancy and Ng, Marle and Salama, Joseph S and et al, (2017) Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet , Early online .
Planning for health: trends and priorities to inform health service planning 2017.
Health Service Executive. (2017) Planning for health: trends and priorities to inform health service planning 2017. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
EMCDDA strategy 2025.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) EMCDDA strategy 2025. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Evidence Resources
Harm reduction investment in the European Union. Current spending, challenges and successes.
Cook, Catherine [Harm Reduction International] . (2017) Harm reduction investment in the European Union. Current spending, challenges and successes. London: Harm Reduction International. 56 p.
Supervised dosing with a long acting opioid medication in the management of opioid dependence

Saulle, Rosella and Vecchi, Simona and Gowing, Linda [The Cochrane Library]. (2015) Supervised dosing with a long acting opioid medication in the management of opioid dependence. London: Wiley. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (12)

Tobacco packaging design for reducing tobacco use.
McNeill, Ann and Gravely, Shannon and Hitchman, Sarah C and Bauld, Linda and Hammond, David and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie [The Cochrane Library] . (2017) Tobacco packaging design for reducing tobacco use. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4) DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011244.pub2
The effects of psychoactive prescription drugs on driving.
Beirness, DJ . (2017) The effects of psychoactive prescription drugs on driving. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. 48 p.
Pharmacy guidance on smoking and mental disorder.
Campion, Jonathan and Hewitt, Jed and Shiers, David and Taylor, David . (2017) Pharmacy guidance on smoking and mental disorder. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists, National Pharmacy Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society. 4 p.
United Kingdom drug situation. Focal Point annual report 2016.
Crawford, Catherine and Gohel, Rhia and Heneghan, Miranda and Thomson, Fay and Wright, Craig [UK Focal Point] . (2017) United Kingdom drug situation. Focal Point annual report 2016. London: United Kingdom Focal Point at Public Health England. 180 p.
Effect of early, brief computerized interventions on risky alcohol and cannabis use among young people.
Smedslund, Geir and Wollscheid, Sabine and Fang, Lin and Nilsen, Wendy and Steiro, Asbjørn and Larun, Lillebeth [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2017) Effect of early, brief computerized interventions on risky alcohol and cannabis use among young people. London: The Campbell Collaboration. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13 (6) 216 p. DOI: 10.4073/csr.2017.6
Identifying substance misuse in primary care: TAPS Tool compared to the WHO ASSIST.
Schwartz, R P and McNeely, J and Wu, L T and Sharma, G and Wahle, A and Cushing, C and Nordeck, C D and Sharma, A and O'Grady, K E and Gryczynski, J and Mitchell, S G and Ali, R L and Marsden, J and Subramaniam, G A . (2017) Identifying substance misuse in primary care: TAPS Tool compared to the WHO ASSIST. Elsevier. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 76 69-76.
Improving lives: helping workless families.
United Kingdom. Department for Work and Pensions. [Public Health England] (2017) Improving lives: helping workless families. London: Department of Work and Pensions. 32 p.
Estimates of alcohol dependence in England, including estimates of children living in a household with an adult with alcohol dependence. Prevalence, trends, and amenability to treatment.
Pryce, Robert and Buykx, Penny and Gray, Laura and Stone, Tony and Drummond, Colin and Brennan, Alan . (2017) Estimates of alcohol dependence in England, including estimates of children living in a household with an adult with alcohol dependence. Prevalence, trends, and amenability to treatment. London: Public Health England. 63 p.
Overdose deaths, naloxone and controlling alcohol-related nuisance and disorder.
Drug and Alcohol Findings.(2017) Overdose deaths, naloxone and controlling alcohol-related nuisance and disorder.London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Hot Topic (April - June 2017) 
Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol Recommendations for further action.

Alcohol Advocacy Coalition.  (2017 Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol  Recommendations for further action. Glasgow: Alcohol Focus Scotland.

New issues and age-old challenges: a review of young people’s relationship with tobacco.
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. (2017) New issues and age-old challenges: a review of young people’s relationship with tobacco. Liverpool: Roy Castle Lung Cancer
The “Let’s Talk About Drugs” National Youth Media Awards 2017 overall winner has been announced.
[drugs.ie] (27 Apr 2017)
Roadside drug testing kits may not work in cold weather.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] (27 Apr 2017)
Half of all drink-driving cases struck out as Garda summonses not served.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor (27 Apr 2017)
Headshop drug treatments fell 50% after ban in 2010.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (26 Apr 2017)
Get the message: why it all 'ads' up in critical drive for safer roads.
[Independent.ie] (26 Apr 2017)
Drugs: 'How is arresting someone for something that they are addicted to helping?'
[thejournal.ie], O'Riordain, Aodhan (25 Apr 2017)
Gardaí look at extending cautions for cannabis.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Apr 2017)
Exams a bad time for stop smoking campaign.
[Irish Examiner], Baker, Noel (25 Apr 2017)
Injecting centres: no honeypot effect.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Apr 2017)
We want his death to be a lesson to others on the dangers of anabolic steroids: Family’s appeal.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] (25 Apr 2017)
One in eight crimes last year carried out by people on bail.
[Irish Examiner], McCarthaigh, Sean (24 Apr 2017)
Call for campaign to tackle alcohol in pregnancy.
[Irish Examiner], Shanahan, Catherine (23 Apr 2017)
Drug dealing happens in mental health facilities across the country, doctor says.
[thejournal.ie], Ryan, Orla (22 Apr 2017)
Senator O'Riordain calls for legalisation of cannabis.
[Irish Examiner], O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (22 Apr 2017)
600 babies born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome every year.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] (21 Apr 2017)
Homeless drug users are being left to die, doctors warn.
[Irish Times], Cullen, Paul (20 Apr 2017)
Decriminalisation of all drugs for personal use considered.
[Irish Times], Holland, Kitty (18 Apr 2017)
Meeting psychological needs – but going nowhere.
[Irish Times], O'Morain, Padraig (18 Apr 2017)
Letter: Alcohol problems cost €1 in €10 spent on healthcare.
[Irish Times], Rowe, Mark (18 Apr 2017)
Drugs Ireland: pushing back the rising tide.
[Independent.ie], Clifford, Graham (16 Apr 2017)
72 Gardaí trained to use drug test.
[Irish Examiner], Fegan, Joyce (15 Apr 2017)
A drug with 'zombie-like' effects is causing huge problems in Manchester. So what is it?
[thejournal.ie], Brophy, Daragh (15 Apr 2017)
Drug warning over middle-aged motorists who 'borrow' tablets and drive.
[thejournal.ie] (13 Apr 2017)
Forum seeks to give voice to most-vulnerable drug users.
[Irish Times], Holland, Kitty (13 Apr 2017)
So alcohol won't affect you? Then why do you bother drinking at all?
[Independent.ie] (12 Apr 2017)
Problem with ending Good Friday ban is ... alcohol.
[Irish Times], Sheridan, Kathy (12 Apr 2017)
Cannabis is most common drug detected among Irish drivers, followed by benzos.
[thejournal.ie], Brophy, Daragh (12 Apr 2017)
Concerns vaping may act as ‘gateway’ to tobacco cigarettes.
[Irish Examiner], Ring, Evelyn (11 Apr 2017)
Time to put words into action – Open letter to Members of the European Parliament.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (10 Apr 2017)
Strategies to tackle drug abuse must come from communities, Cork protest told.
[Irish Times], Roche, Barry (08 Apr 2017)
Crime prevention: a case of vision and value.
Editorial. [Irish Times] (08 Apr 2017)
Legalising cannabis could boost Irish tax revenues by millions.
[Irish Times], Cullen, Paul (07 Apr 2017)
Call for outreach programmes for people with hepatitis C.
[rte.ie], O'Flynn, Mark (06 Apr 2017)
Stressed-out doctors turn to drink and drugs in rise of mental health issues.
[Independent.ie], O'Regan, Eilish (05 Apr 2017)
Automatic drink-driving ban 'could save eight lives a year'.
[Independent.ie], Melia, Paul (05 Apr 2017)
10 facts about addiction.
[Independent.ie], Quinlan, Ailin (04 Apr 2017)
Gardai to be randomly tested for illegal drugs and alcohol.
[Independent.ie], McMahon, Cathal (02 Apr 2017)
Online alcohol intervention for Limerick third level students.
[Limerick Post] (01 Apr 2017)
Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
TOC of Journals
Journal table of contents alerts

Click on the link below to see the latest articles from these journals.

  • Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • International Journal of Drugs Policy
  • Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
  • Addiction

[Due to copyright you will not be able to access the full texts through these links. If you would like to obtain the full text of an article, please email the library staff on drugslibrary@hrb.ie with details.]