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Welcome to the May 2013 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This newsletter is a monthly electronic digest of Irish drug and alcohol news, publications and Dail debates. For the latest news and research, visit the NDC website, Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research repository, or follow us on Twitter


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults attending addiction treatment in Ireland: preliminary international ADHD in substanceuse disorders prevalence study (IASP) results.
Van Hout, Marie Claire (2013) Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults attending addiction treatment in Ireland: preliminary international ADHD in substanceuse disorders prevalence study (IASP) results. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online . pp. 1-7.

The Probation Service annual report 2012.
Probation Service. (2013) The Probation Service annual report 2012. Probation Service, Dublin.

Joint Irish Prison Service & Probation Service strategic plan 2013-2015.
Irish Prison Service, Probation Service. (2013) Joint Irish Prison Service & Probation Service strategic plan 2013-2015. Irish Prison Service & Probation Service, Longford.

Irish prison service annual report 2012.
Irish Prison Service. (2013) Irish prison service annual report 2012. Irish Prison Service, Longford.

Re-establishing Contact: A profile of clients attending the health promotion unit - needle exchange at Merchants Quay Ireland.
Jennings, Ciaran J (2013) Re-establishing Contact: A profile of clients attending the health promotion unit - needle exchange at Merchants Quay Ireland. Merchants Quay Ireland, Dublin.

European drug report 2013: trends and developments.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2013) European drug report 2013: trends and developments. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Submission in relation to: Framework statutory homeless action plan for the Dublin region 2014–2016.
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. (2013) Submission in relation to: Framework statutory homeless action plan for the Dublin region 2014–2016. Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublin.

Canal Communities Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force strategic planning document 2013 - 2016.
Canal Communities Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. (2013) Canal Communities Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force strategic planning document 2013 - 2016. Canal Communities Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Dublin.

Indoor air pollution and health.
Coggins, Marie A and Semple, Sean and Hurley, Fintan and Shafrir, Amy and Galea, Karen S and Cowie, Hilary and Sanchez-Jimenez, Araceli and Garden, Carole and Whelan, Paul and Ayres, John G (2013) Indoor air pollution and health. Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford.

Suicide in Ireland 2003-2008.
Malone, Kevin (2013) Suicide in Ireland 2003-2008. 3Ts, Dublin.

Prevention of suicide in Northern Ireland.
O'Donnell, Hugh and Wilkinson, Eric (2012) Prevention of suicide in Northern Ireland. Mental Health Practice, 15 (8). pp. 25-9.

Assessing the reasons for deliberate self-harm in young people.
Arkins, Brigid and Tyrell, Mark and Herlihy, Eddie and Crowley, Brenda and Lynch, Rose (2013) Assessing the reasons for deliberate self-harm in young people. Mental Health Practice, 16 (7). pp. 28-32.

Cracking on: a harm reduction report.
O'Heaire, Gary (2013) Cracking on: a harm reduction report. The Bawnogue Youth and Family Support Group, Dublin.

Illicit trade in Ireland: uncovering the cost to the Irish economy.
Grant Thornton. (2013) Illicit trade in Ireland: uncovering the cost to the Irish economy. Grant Thornton, Dublin.

Universal antenatal screening for Hepatitis C.
Lambert, J and Jackson, V and Coulter-Smith, S and Brennan, M. and Geary, Michael and Kelleher, TB and O'Reilly, M and Grundy, K and Sammon, M and Cafferkey, MT (2013) Universal antenatal screening for Hepatitis C. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (5).

Parental patterns of use of over the counter analgesics In children.
Garvey, AA and Hawkes, CP and Kelly, M. (2013) Parental patterns of use of over the counter analgesics In children. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (5).

A profile of hospital consultants: the health practices of a cohort of medical professionals.
O'Cathail, M and O'Callaghan, M (2013) A profile of hospital consultants: the health practices of a cohort of medical professionals. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (5).

Biochemical toxicology and suicide in Ireland: a laboratory study.
Tormey, WP and Srinivasan, R and Moore, T (2013) Biochemical toxicology and suicide in Ireland: a laboratory study. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182 (2). pp. 277-281.

Strategic framework for family support within the family and community services resource centre programme.
McKeown, Kieran (2013) Strategic framework for family support within the family and community services resource centre programme. Family Support Agency, Dublin.

The World Health Organisation analgesic ladder: its place in modern Irish medical practice.
Balding, Lucy (2013) The World Health Organisation analgesic ladder: its place in modern Irish medical practice. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (4).

Is alcohol too cheap in the UK? The case for setting a minimum unit price for alcohol.
Stockwell, Tim and Thomas, Gerald (2013) Is alcohol too cheap in the UK? The case for setting a minimum unit price for alcohol. Institute of Alcohol Studies, London.

Garda recorded crime statistics 2007-2011.
Central Statistics Office. (2013) Garda recorded crime statistics 2007-2011. Central Statistics Office, Cork.

Irish prison service recidivism study 2013.
Irish Prison Service, Central Statistics Office. (2013) Irish prison service recidivism study 2013. Irish Prison Service, Dublin

Citywide conference report on criminalising addiction: is there another way?
Citywide. (2013) Citywide conference report on criminalising addiction: is there another way? Citywide, Dublin


Irish love affair with drink raises cancer risk.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Irish love affair with drink raises cancer risk. (30 May 2013)

Women seriously ill after consuming ‘contaminated cannabis’.
[Irish Times] , Keogh, Elaine Women seriously ill after consuming ‘contaminated cannabis’. (30 May 2013)

'Never drink and dive' - IWS
[] , Condon, Deborah 'Never drink and dive' - IWS. (29 May 2013)

Prohibition-era logic not the answer to drug abuse.
[Irish Times] , Delargy, Ide Prohibition-era logic not the answer to drug abuse. (29 May 2013)

Govt approval for plain cig packaging.
[] , Hunter, Niall  Govt approval for plain cig packaging. (28 May 2013)

Steroid drug use on the increase in Ireland, study of drug users in Dublin has found.
[Irish Times] , Gartland, Fiona Steroid drug use on the increase in Ireland, study of drug users in Dublin has found. (29 May 2013)

EU warning over ‘relentless supply’ of synthetic drugs.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac EU warning over ‘relentless supply’ of synthetic drugs. (29 May 2013)

Industrial-scale cannabis factories ‘changing face of drug trade’.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Industrial-scale cannabis factories ‘changing face of drug trade’. (29 May 2013)

75% of Dublin heroin addicts also hooked on other drugs, study finds.
[Irish Examiner] , Stack, Sarah 75% of Dublin heroin addicts also hooked on other drugs, study finds. (28 May 2013)

New report reveals the latest drug trends in Europe.
[Health Research Board] New report reveals the latest drug trends in Europe. (28 May 2013)

Drug units take a hit as Garda numbers decline.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Drug units take a hit as Garda numbers decline. (27 May 2013)

Taoiseach conducts formal talks with tobacco industry.
[Irish Times] , Beasley, Arthur Taoiseach conducts formal talks with tobacco industry. (23 May 2013)

Call for national debate on decriminalising drugs.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Call for national debate on decriminalising drugs. (22 May 2013)

Alcohol, mental illness and bullying leading causes of suicide, says study.
[Irish Times] , Crosbie, Judith Alcohol, mental illness and bullying leading causes of suicide, says study. (21 May 2013)

Ó Ríordáin calls for reintroduction of ban on below cost selling of alcohol.
[] Ó Ríordáin calls for reintroduction of ban on below cost selling of alcohol. (20 May 2013)

African gangs use 'front' businesses to sell 'meth'.
[] , Cusack, Jim African gangs use 'front' businesses to sell 'meth'. (19 May 2013)

Two thirds of treatment centre’s clients stay drug-free.
[Irish Examiner] Two thirds of treatment centre’s clients stay drug-free. (18 May 2013)

Finding the right fix to treat addiction.
[Irish Times] Finding the right fix to treat addiction. (18 May 2013)

Call to include head shop ban in plan.
[Irish Examiner] , Hickey, Donal Call to include head shop ban in plan. (15 May 2013)

Support for at-risk youths.
[Irish Examiner] , Cassidy, Eddie Support for at-risk youths. (15 May 2013)

Are you an accidental, over the counter opiate addict?
[] , Smith, Andrea Are you an accidental, over the counter opiate addict? (13 May 2013)

Still no warning labels on alcohol one year on.
[] , O'Regan, Eilish Still no warning labels on alcohol one year on. (13 May 2013)

Majority of publicans want minimum alcohol pricing.
[] , Molloy, Thomas Majority of publicans want minimum alcohol pricing. (13 May 2013)

Calling time on its Guinness sponsorship can ultimately be good business for the GAA.
[] , Crowe, Dermot Calling time on its Guinness sponsorship can ultimately be good business for the GAA. (12 May 2013)

Problem drinking among doctors is ‘overestimated’.
[Irish Medical Times] , Reilly, Catherine  Problem drinking among doctors is ‘overestimated’. (01 May 2013)

Dealers forcing parents to pay for drug debts.
[] , Feehan, Conor Dealers forcing parents to pay for drug debts. (10 May 2013)

Students turning to legal stimulants for exam edge.
[Irish Examiner] , De Brun, Rita Students turning to legal stimulants for exam edge. (09 May 2013)

Successful cross border health projects are delivering for the people – Poots and Reilly.
[Northern Ireland Executive] Successful cross border health projects are delivering for the people – Poots and Reilly. (08 May 2013)

Warning over use of pain medicines.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Sullivan, Claire Warning over use of pain medicines. (09 May 2013)

Statutory code planned for drink sales.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul Statutory code planned for drink sales. (07 May 2013)

‘Zero tolerance’ with drug-using patients at Mater.
[Irish Examiner] ‘Zero tolerance’ with drug-using patients at Mater. (07 May 2013)

Calls for Ireland to follow as Scotland pushes ahead with minimum alcohol price.
[] Calls for Ireland to follow as Scotland pushes ahead with minimum alcohol price. (04 May 2013)

Alcohol sports sponsors in doctors’ crosshairs.
[Irish Medical Times] , Culliton, Gary Alcohol sports sponsors in doctors’ crosshairs. (01 May 2013)

Almost 4,000 deaths prevented due to workplace smoking ban.
[Irish Examiner] , Buckley, Dan Almost 4,000 deaths prevented due to workplace smoking ban. (30 Apr 2013)

Dail Debates

Recent Dail debates
Click here for recent drug and alcohol discussions from the Dail, Seanad, and Committees.

Selected debates from May 2013


Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 213 - Drugs in prisons [26437/13]. (30 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 668 - Medicinal products licensing [Sativex] [24360/13]. (21 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 649 - Misuse of drugs [sedatives & steroids] [24057/13]. (21 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 526 - Garda operations [23884/13]. (21 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 211 - Medicinal products supply [21863/13]. (08 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 206 & 207- Youth services [21685/13 & 21686/13]. (08 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 314 - Maritime surveillance [21555/13]. (07 May)



Joint Committee on Health and Children Debate. Update on Health Affairs: Discussion with Minister for Health and HSE (Continued) [Alcohol]. (23 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 213 - Substance misuse [alcohol] [24895/13]. (23 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 214 - Excise duties yield [24148/13]. (21 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 671 [& 213} - Alcohol pricing [24269/13 & 24895/13]. (21 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 247 - Alcohol pricing [23441/13]. (16 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 269 - Alcohol pricing [23280/13]. (15 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Priority question 78 - Alcohol sales legislation. [22735/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 611 - Alcohol pricing [22315/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 78 - Alcohol sales legislation [22735/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 142 - Alcohol pricing. [21344/13]. (07 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 393 - Alcohol pricing [21343/13]. (07 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 243 - Maternity services [21006/13]. (02 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 183 - Alcohol sales legislation [20617/13]. (01 May)



Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 179 - Tobacco Industry lobbying [26051/13]. (29 May)

Seanad Eireann debate. Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2013: Committee Stage. (29 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 87 & 88 - Illicit trade in tobacco [26182/13 & 26183/13]. (29 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 141 - Illegal tobacco trade [25529/13]. (28 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 88 - Illicit trade in tobacco [24765/13]. (22 May)

Joint Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Debate. Effects of black economy: Discussion with National Federation of Retail Newsagents and Grant Thornton [Tobacco]. (21 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 215 - Illicit trade in tobacco [22804/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 592 - Tobacco control measures [22219/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 200 - Tobacco control measures [22405/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answers 612 & 613 - Tobacco control measures [22316/13 & 22319/13]. (14 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 224 - Tobacco control measures [22021/13]. (09 May)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 79 - Illicit trade in tobacco. [21869/13]. (08 May)

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