
We can quit. Development and evaluation of an action research project
Fullerton, Deirdre and Bauld, Linda and Dobbie, Fiona (2015) We can quit. Development and evaluation of an action research project. Irish Cancer Society, Dublin .

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Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent smoking across 35 countries: a multilevel analysis of the role of family, school and peers.
Moor, Irene et al (2015) Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent smoking across 35 countries: a multilevel analysis of the role of family, school and peers. European journal of public health, 25 (3). pp. 457-63.

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Tobacco control policy development in the European Union: do political factors matter?
Bosdriesz, Jizzo R and Willemsen, Marc C and Stronks, Karien and Kunst, Anton E (2015) Tobacco control policy development in the European Union: do political factors matter? European Journal of Public Health, 25 (2). pp. 190-194.

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Evaluation of trace and toxic elements in the samples of different cigarettes and their impact on human health of Irish diabetes mellitus patients.
Afridi, Hassan Imran and Kazi, Tasneem Gul and Talpur, Farah Naz and Brabazon, Dermot (2015) Evaluation of trace and toxic elements in the samples of different cigarettes and their impact on human health of Irish diabetes mellitus patients. Clinical Laboratory, 61 (1-2). pp. 123-140.

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Illegal trade of tobacco products: what you should know to stop it.
World Health Organization. (2015) Illegal trade of tobacco products: what you should know to stop it. World Health Organization .

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Prison visiting committee annual reports 2014.
Prison visiting committees. (2015) Prison visiting committee annual reports 2014. Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform, Dublin .

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Poor awareness of risk factors for cancer in Irish adults: results of a large survey and review of the literature..
Ryan, Aoife M and Cushen, Samantha and Harriet, Schellekens and Ni Bhuachalla, Eadaoin and Burns, Lisa and Kenny, Ursula and Power, Derek G (2015) Poor awareness of risk factors for cancer in Irish adults: results of a large survey and review of the literature.. The Oncologist, 20 (4). pp. 372-378.

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National cancer strategy 2006: a strategy for cancer control in Ireland: evaluation panel report.
Warde, Padraig and de Koning, Harry and Richardson, Alison (2015) National cancer strategy 2006: a strategy for cancer control in Ireland: evaluation panel report. Department of Health, Dublin .

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Supporting women with alcohol issues: what social workers need to know.
Staddon, Patsy (2015) Supporting women with alcohol issues: what social workers need to know. Community Care .

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Psychosocial interventions for problem alcohol use in primary care settings (PINTA): baseline feasibility data.
Klimas, Jan and Heninan, Anne Marie and McCombe, Geoff and Swan, Davina and Anderson, Rolande and Bury, Gerard and Dunne, Colum and Keenan, Eamon and Saunders, Jean and Williams Shorter, Gillian and Smyth, Bobby P. and Cullen, Walter (2015) Psychosocial interventions for problem alcohol use in primary care settings (PINTA): baseline feasibility data. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 11 (2).

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Treatment outcome for adolescents abusing alcohol and cannabis: how many 'reliably improve'?
Smyth, Bobby P. (2015) Treatment outcome for adolescents abusing alcohol and cannabis: how many 'reliably improve'? Irish Medical Journal, 108 (5).

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Joint Irish Prison Service & Probation Service strategic plan 2015-2017.
Irish Prison Service, Probation Service. (2015) Joint Irish Prison Service & Probation Service strategic plan 2015-2017. Irish Prison Service & Probation Service, Ireland .

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Irish prison service annual report 2014.
Irish Prison Service. (2015) Irish prison service annual report 2014. Irish Prison Service, Longford .

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National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016: progress report to end 2014.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016: progress report to end 2014. Department of Health, Dublin .

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World health statistics 2015.
World Health Organization. (2015) World health statistics 2015. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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The role of cannabinoids in adult neurogenesis.
Prenderville, Jack A and Kelly, Áine M and Downer, Eric J (2015) The role of cannabinoids in adult neurogenesis. British Journal of Pharmacology, Early online .

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Turnaround youth: young adults (18-24) in the criminal justice system - the case for a distinct approach.
Costello, Liza (2015) Turnaround youth: young adults (18-24) in the criminal justice system - the case for a distinct approach. Irish Prison Reform Trust, Dublin .

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Review of needle exchange provision in Ireland.
Bingham, Tim and Harnedy, N and O'Driscoll, Denis and Doyle, Joe (2015) Review of needle exchange provision in Ireland. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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The Australian Treatment Outcome Study – implications for treatment philosophies, policy, political processes and practice.
Comiskey, Catherine (2015) The Australian Treatment Outcome Study – implications for treatment philosophies, policy, political processes and practice. Addiction, 110 (6). pp. 994-995.

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‘Girls, women and alcohol’: the presentations.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2015) ‘Girls, women and alcohol’: the presentations. In: Girls, women and alcohol, 21 April 2015, Westin Hotel.

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Anti-doping annual review 2014.
Irish Sports Council. (2015) Anti-doping annual review 2014. Irish Sports Council, Dublin .

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Getting it right on methadone treatment.
Hopkins, Julie and Courtney, Danielle (2015) Getting it right on methadone treatment. Forum, 32 (5). pp. 40-41.

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Alcohol problems: update on treatment.
(2015) Alcohol problems: update on treatment. Forum: Clinical Focus, 15 (supp) (1). pp. 1-18.

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Older men and older women remand prisoners: mental illness, physical illness, offending patterns and needs.
Davoren, Mary and Fitzpatrick, Mary and Caddow, Fintan and Caddow, Martin and O'Neill, Conor and O'Neill, Helen and Kennedy, Harry G (2015) Older men and older women remand prisoners: mental illness, physical illness, offending patterns and needs. International Psychogeriatrics, 27 (5). pp. 747-55.

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Newspaper reports from the Coroners Court in Ireland are used to reveal the potential complexity and need for reform in forensic toxicology and medicine services.
Tormey, William P (2015) Newspaper reports from the Coroners Court in Ireland are used to reveal the potential complexity and need for reform in forensic toxicology and medicine services. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 32 . pp. 47-52.

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The impact of social work intervention in alcohol-induced pancreatitis in Ireland: a single-center experience.
Beagon, C and Bhatt, N R and Donnelly, S M and Egan, M and McKay, A P and Mehigan, B and Conlon, K C and Ridgway, P F (2015) The impact of social work intervention in alcohol-induced pancreatitis in Ireland: a single-center experience. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Early online .

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Depression and alcohol withdrawal syndrome: is antidepressant therapy associated with lower rates of hospital readmission?
Schoonover, K and Burton, MC and Larson, SA and Cha, SS and Lapid, MI (2015) Depression and alcohol withdrawal syndrome: is antidepressant therapy associated with lower rates of hospital readmission? Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes.
TNS Opinion & Social. (2015) Special Eurobarometer 429. Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes. ,European Commission.

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Alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide: a meta-analysis.
Darvishi, Nahid and Farhadi, Mehran and Haghtalab, Tahereh and Poorolajal, Jalal (2015) Alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and completed suicide: a meta-analysis. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE,10 (5) e01268.

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Effectiveness of bystander naloxone administration and overdose education programs: a meta-analysis.
Giglio, Rebecca E and Li, Guohua and DiMaggio, Charles J (2015) Effectiveness of bystander naloxone administration and overdose education programs: a meta-analysis. Injury Epidemiology, 2 (10).

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