
This is the February 2017 edition of the library newsletter – our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol & tobacco publications, news and Dail debates, with key international research evidence.

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Prevalence of drug use and gambling in Ireland and drug use in Northern Ireland 2014/15: regional drug and alcohol task force (Ireland) and health and social care trust (Northern Ireland) results. Bulletin 2.
National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol. (2017) Prevalence of drug use and gambling in Ireland and drug use in Northern Ireland 2014/15: regional drug and alcohol task force (Ireland) and health and social care trust (Northern Ireland) results. Bulletin 2. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol.
Scoping review of case management in the treatment of drug and alcohol misuse, 2003–2013.
Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse and D'Eath, M and Keane, Martin and Sixsmith, Jane (2016) Scoping review of case management in the treatment of drug and alcohol misuse, 2003–2013. Dublin: Health Research Board.
Cannabis for medical use- a scientific review.
Health Products Regulatory Authority. (2017) Cannabis for medical use- a scientific review. Dublin: Department of Health.
EMCDDA Programming document 2017–19.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) EMCDDA Programming document 2017–19. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
Final report to the Department of Justice & Equality. Developments in the gambling area.
Fulton, Crystal (2017) Final report to the Department of Justice & Equality. Developments in the gambling area. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
J-shaped relationship between supervised methadone consumption and retention in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in primary care: national cohort study.
Cousins, Grainne and Boland, Fiona and Barry, Joseph and Lyons, Suzi and Keenan, Eamon and O'Driscoll, Denis and Bennett, Kathleen and Fahey, Tom (2017) J-shaped relationship between supervised methadone consumption and retention in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in primary care: national cohort study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 173 , pp. 126-131.
"Creating a brighter future ". An outline plan for the social and economic regeneration of Dublin's North East Inner City.
Mulvey, Kieran (2017) "Creating a brighter future ". An outline plan for the social and economic regeneration of Dublin's North East Inner City. Dublin: Government Publications.
Out on the Inside: The rights, experiences and needs of LGBT people in prison.
Carr, Nicola and McAlister, Siobhan and Serisier, Tanya (2016) Out on the Inside: The rights, experiences and needs of LGBT people in prison. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
Evaluation of the pilot stage of the pharmacy needle exchange programme in Ireland.
Bates, Geoff and Van Hout, Marie Claire and Hearne, Evelyn and Mackridge, Adam and McVeigh, Jim (2015) Evaluation of the pilot stage of the pharmacy needle exchange programme in Ireland. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
EMCDDA–Europol Joint Report on a new psychoactive substance: N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylacrylamide (acryloylfentanyl).
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) EMCDDA–Europol Joint Report on a new psychoactive substance: N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylacrylamide (acryloylfentanyl). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Community detoxification protocols: benzodiazepines.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2016) Community detoxification protocols: benzodiazepines. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
Community detoxification protocols: methadone.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2016) Community detoxification protocols: methadone. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
Healthcare in Irish prisons.
Reilly, Judge Michael (2016) Healthcare in Irish prisons. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
Children's Rights Alliance report card 2017.
Children's Rights Alliance. (2017) Children's Rights Alliance report card 2017. Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance.
Lifting the lid on Greentown. – Why we should be concerned about the influence criminal networks have on children’s offending behaviour in Ireland.
Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2016) Lifting the lid on Greentown. – Why we should be concerned about the influence criminal networks have on children’s offending behaviour in Ireland. Dublin: Government Publications.
Promoting college students to seek help for mental health difficulties: a social normative approach.
Murphy, Donnchadh and Hennessy, Ellis (2017) Promoting college students to seek help for mental health difficulties: a social normative approach. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion , Early online .
Five year trends in maternal smoking behaviour reported at the first prenatal appointment.
Reynolds, CME and Egan, B and McKeating, A and Daly, N and Sheehan, SR and Turner, MJ (2017) Five year trends in maternal smoking behaviour reported at the first prenatal appointment. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
Citywide. Submission on the National Drugs Strategy 2017.
Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign. (2017) Citywide. Submission on the National Drugs Strategy 2017. Dublin: Citywide.
Experiences of codeine use, misuse and dependence: application of Liese and Franz's cognitive developmental model of substance abuse.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Norman, Ian and Rich, Eileen and Bergin, Michael (2017) Experiences of codeine use, misuse and dependence: application of Liese and Franz's cognitive developmental model of substance abuse. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy , Early online , pp. 1-15.
Citywide - Attitude to drugs and drug users.
Red C. (2016) Citywide - Attitude to drugs and drug users. Dublin: Citywide.
Concern increasing over the emergence of pregabalin as a drug of abuse.
Corrigan, Desmond (2016) Concern increasing over the emergence of pregabalin as a drug of abuse. Irish Pharmacist , 3 , (18) , 20 p..
Use of prescription medication by individuals who died by suicide in Northern Ireland.
Benson, Tony and Corry, Colette and O'Neill, Siobhan and Murphy, Sam and Bunting, Brendan (2017) Use of prescription medication by individuals who died by suicide in Northern Ireland. Archives of Suicide Research , Early online .
Experience of drug overdose at an urban addiction clinic in Ireland.
Barry, T and Crowley, D and Benton, A and Barron, E and O'Reilly, F (2017) Experience of drug overdose at an urban addiction clinic in Ireland. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems , Early online .
Evidence Resources
Communities That Care (CTC): a comprehensive prevention approach for communities.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2017) Communities That Care (CTC): a comprehensive prevention approach for communities. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 28 p. DOI:10.2810/972747
Promoting good health from childhood. Reducing the impact of alcohol marketing on children in Scotland.
The Virtual Expert Network on Alcohol Marketing. (2017) Promoting good health from childhood. Reducing the impact of alcohol marketing on children in Scotland. Glasgow: Alcohol Focus Scotland. 48 p.
Drug misuse prevention: targeted interventions.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2017) Drug misuse prevention: targeted interventions. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. 50 p. NICE guideline [NG64]
It’s magic: prevent substance use problems without mentioning drugs.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) It’s magic: prevent substance use problems without mentioning drugs. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and alcohol Findings Hot Topic (January–March 2017)
Should dependent drinkers always try for abstinence?
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Should dependent drinkers always try for abstinence? London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and alcohol Findings Hot Topic (January–March 2017)
Residential rehabilitation: the high road to recovery?
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Residential rehabilitation: the high road to recovery? London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and alcohol Findings Hot Topic (January–March 2017)
Collaborative care proceedings help keep London families together.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Collaborative care proceedings help keep London families together. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin, 27 February 2017
Childhood academic ability in relation to cigarette, alcohol and cannabis use from adolescence into early adulthood: Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE).
Williams, James and Hagger-Johnson, Gareth . (2017) Childhood academic ability in relation to cigarette, alcohol and cannabis use from adolescence into early adulthood: Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE). BMJ Publishing. BMJ Open, 7 (2) e01298. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012989.
Alcohol use in opioid agonist treatment.
Nolan, Seonaid and Klimas, Jan and Wood, Evan . (2016) Alcohol use in opioid agonist treatment. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 11 (1)
Self-reported youth and adult exposure to alcohol marketing in traditional and digital media: results of a pilot survey.
Jernigan, David H and Padon, Alisa and Ross, Craig and Borzekowski, Dina . (2017) Self-reported youth and adult exposure to alcohol marketing in traditional and digital media: results of a pilot survey. Wiley. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online DOI: 10.1111/acer.13331
Evaluation of a complex healthcare intervention to increase smoking cessation in pregnant women: interrupted time series analysis with economic evaluation.
Bell, Ruth and Glinianaia, Svetlana V and Waal, Zelda van der and Close, Andrew and Moloney, Eoin and Jones, Susan and Araújo-Soares, Vera and Hamilton, Sharon and Milne, Eugene Mg and Shucksmith, Janet and Vale, Luke and Willmore, Martyn and White, Martin and Rushton, Steven [BMJ] . (2017) Evaluation of a complex healthcare intervention to increase smoking cessation in pregnant women: interrupted time series analysis with economic evaluation. BMJ Publishing. Tobacco Control, Early online
Qualitative exploration of why people repeatedly attend emergency departments for alcohol-related reasons.
Parkman, Tom and Neale, Joanne and Day, Ed and Drummond, Colin [Biomed Central] . (2017) Qualitative exploration of why people repeatedly attend emergency departments for alcohol-related reasons. BioMed Central. BMC Health Services Research, 17 (140) DOI: 10.1186/s12913-017-2091-9
12-step programs for reducing illicit drug use: a systematic review.
Bog, Martin and Filges, Trine and Brännström, Lars and Klint Jørgensen, Anne Marie and Karrman Fredrikksson, Maja . (2017) 12-step programs for reducing illicit drug use: a systematic review. The Campbell Collaboration. Campbell Systematic Reviews (2) 149 p. DOI 10.4073/csr.2017.2
Alcohol and society. Theme 2016/2017: alcohol and cancer.
Andresasson, Sven and Chikritzhs, Tanya and Dangardt, Frida and Holder, Harold D and Naimi, Timothy and Stockwell, Tim . (2017) Alcohol and society. Theme 2016/2017: alcohol and cancer. Stockholm: IOGT-NTO & Swedish Society of Medicine & CERA. 46 p.
Kinship care: children cared for by family and friends.
Mentor. (2017) Kinship care: children cared for by family and friends. Edinburgh: Mentor. 140 p.
Public attitudes towards alcohol control policies in Scotland and England: Results from a mixed-methods study.
Li, Jessica and Lovatt, Melanie and Eadie, Douglas and Dobbie, Fiona and Meier, Petra and Holmes, John and Hastings, Gerard and Mackintosh, Anne Marie . (2017) Public attitudes towards alcohol control policies in Scotland and England: Results from a mixed-methods study. Elsevier. Social Science & Medicine, 177 177-89. /10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.01.037
Hard to avoid but difficult to sustain: Scotland's innovative health tax on large retailers selling tobacco and alcohol.
Hellowell, Mark and Smith, Katherine E and Wright, Alexandra . (2017) Hard to avoid but difficult to sustain: Scotland's innovative health tax on large retailers selling tobacco and alcohol. Wiley. Millbank Quarterly, 94 (4) 800 -. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12200
Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases.
Goodchild, Mark and Nargis, Nigar and Tursan d'Espaignet, Edouard . (2017) Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases. BMJ Publishing. Tobacco Control, Online first 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2016-053305
Novel psychoactive substances: types, mechanisms of action, and effects.
Tracy, Derek K and Wood, David M and Baumeister, David [BMJ] . (2017) Novel psychoactive substances: types, mechanisms of action, and effects. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. BMJ, 356: i6848 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.i6848
System change interventions for smoking cessation.
Thomas, Dennis and Abramson, Michael J and Bonevski, Billie and George, Johnson [The Cochrane Library] . (2017) System change interventions for smoking cessation. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2) DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010742.pub2
Buprenorphine for managing opioid withdrawal
Gowing, Linda and Ali, Robert and White, Jason M [The Cochrane Library] (2017) Buprenorphine for managing opioid withdrawal.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2) DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002025.pub5
Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy
Chamberlain, Catherine and O'Meara-Eaves, Alison and Porter, Jessie and Coleman, Tim and Perlen, Susan M and Thomas, James and McKenzie, Joanne (2017) Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2)  DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001055.pub5
Personal drug allowance would help injecting centre succeed.
[Irish Times] , Byrne, Derek (27 Feb 2017)
MDMB-CHMICA to be placed under control across the EU.
[European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction]  (27 Feb 2017)
Inmates in Irish prisons will soon have access to e-cigarettes.
[thejournal.ie] , Hennessy, Michelle (26 Feb 2017)
Sharp rise in ecstasy and cannabis use as alcohol sales increase.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (26 Feb 2017)
Drink-drive cases fail on missing paperwork, says judge.
[Irish Examiner], Maguire, Stephen (26 Feb 2017)
Stopping the harm: when cuts cost.
[Irish Times], O'Morain, Padraig (26 Feb 2017)
Call for local drugs task forces to be ‘adequately’ funded.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (24 Feb 2017)
No location chosen for drug user injection centre, Dáil told.
[Irish Times], O'Regan, Michael (24 Feb 2017)
Garda accused of ‘inflating or carelessness’ in alcohol breath test data.
[Irish Times], Lally, Conor (24 Feb 2017)
Minister Byrne welcomes the release of the Regional results of the 2014/15 drugs survey.
[Department of Health] (24 Feb 2017)
Ireland’s per capita alcohol consumption increased in 2016.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (24 Feb 2017)
16th European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC) conference, Dublin, September 2017.
[Coolmine] (23 Feb 2017)
Shane Ross to seek a free vote on new drink-driving law.
[thejournal.ie] (22 Feb 2017)
Development of an Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for Sligo City.
[HSE Website] (22 Feb 2017)
Scaring young people about substance use won’t work.
[Irish Times], Jones, Jacky (21 Feb 2017)
Dealers using Irish courier firms to safely ferry drugs to customers.
[thejournal.ie], MacNamee, Garreth (21 Feb 2017)
Speech by Minister Catherine Byrne at the launch of Monaghan drugs and alcohol strategy 2017-2021.
[Department of Health] (21 Feb 2017)
Over 12,400 drug users infected with Hep C, study finds.
[Irish Examiner], McCarthaigh, Sean (20 Feb 2017)
FactCheck: Do supervised injection centres reduce drug-related crime?
[thejournal.ie], MacGuill, Dan (20 Feb 2017)
Homegrown – The Cannabis Market in Ireland.
[University Observer], Park, Mary Meadbh (20 Feb 2017)
Call for senior gardaí to be at checkpoints for alcohol.
[Irish Times], Hilliard, Mark (20 Feb 2017)
FactCheck: Do supervised injection centres reduce drug-related deaths?
[thejournal.ie], MacGuill, Dan (20 Feb 2017)
Could your bottle of beer soon carry scary, cigarette-style warning labels?
[thejournal.ie], Murray, Sean (19 Feb 2017)
Caught: how online dealers are stopped from funneling drugs through our postal system.
[thejournal.ie], MacNamee, Garreth (19 Feb 2017)
FactCheck: How many detox beds are there in Ireland?
[thejournal.ie], MacGuill, Dan (19 Feb 2017)
Government responds comprehensively to Mulvey report recommendations for north east inner city.
[Merrionstreet.ie] (16 Feb 2017)
Cabinet approves legislation brought forward by Minister Shane Ross to ensure that all drivers detected drink driving receive a disqualification.
[Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport] (15 Feb 2017)
Alcohol is having a devastating impact on our young people’s mental health – Minister McEntee.
[Department of Health] (15 Feb 2017)
Open cocaine use "normalised" in Irish pubs - councilor.
[newstalk.com] (15 Feb 2017)
Three out of five people think those convicted of drink driving should get automatic ban.
[thejournal.ie], Russell, Cliodhna (14 Feb 2017)
GP warns of Xanax and prescription drugs for sale on Cork streets.
[breakingnews.ie], Murphy, Ann (14 Feb 2017)
Irish gangs recruit children as young as 11 into serious crime.
[Irish Times], O'Brien, Carl (13 Feb 2017)
Facebook page threatens vigilante strikes on drug dealers.
[Irish Examiner], English, Eoin (12 Feb 2017)
12 cans of Heineken for €20? This is how minimum pricing could affect your pocket.
[thejournal.ie], Murray, Sean (12 Feb 2017)
LISTEN: Is it time to rethink Ireland's drug policies?
[Irish Examiner] (10 Feb 2017)
Minister Harris publishes ‘milestone’ report on cannabis for medical use.
[Department of Health] (10 Feb 2017)
Killer designer drugs have arrived in Ireland: state of the nation report.
[Hot Press], Clark, Stuart (10 Feb 2017)
Ease of access 'leads to student gambling increase'.
[Irish Times], Bowers, Shauna (10 Feb 2017)
Drink drivers to get automatic ban instead of penalty points.
[Independent.ie], Bray, Allison (08 Feb 2017)
15% jump in Irish men who self-harm.
[Irish Examiner], Ó Fátharta, Conall (07 Feb 2017)
Ireland’s first Supervised Injecting Facility to provide safe harbour and medical help for chronic drug users.
[Department of Health] (07 Feb 2017)
Injecting centre reports ‘off the mark’ says senior gardaí.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (06 Feb 2017)
Monday Interview: 'Do we let them die on the streets?' - minister backs new centre to help addicts.
[Independent.ie], O'Regan, Eilish (06 Feb 2017)
Just four detox beds for addicts aged 15 to 21.
[Independent.ie], O'Regan, Eilish (06 Feb 2017)
Three out of four inmates have drug problems.
[Irish Examiner], O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (03 Feb 2017)
Gardaí: No evidence drug linked to teen death is in circulation.
[Irish Examiner], English, Eoin (02 Feb 2017)
International Narcotics Control Board recommends international control of two fentanyl precursors.
[United Nations Information Service] (02 Feb 2017)
NAGP support Government bid to put health before profit.
[National Association of General Practitioners] (01 Feb 2017)
Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
TOC of Journals
Journal table of contents alerts

Click on the link below to see the latest articles from these journals.

  • Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • International Journal of Drugs Policy
  • Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
  • Addiction

[Due to copyright you will not be able to access the full texts through these links. If you would like to obtain the full text of an article, please email the library staff on drugslibrary@hrb.ie with details.]

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