This is the October 2019 issue of the library newsletter.
Reminder: We have introduced a new Irish alcohol research page on our website to provide easier access to alcohol-specific evidence.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie, Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, 2017.
Crowley, Desmond and Lambert, John S and Betts-Symonds, Graham and Cullen, Walter and Keevans, Mary and Kelly, Enda and Laird, Eamon and McHugh, Tina and McKiernan, Susan and Miggin, Sarah Jayne and Murphy, Carol and Murtagh, Ross and O'Reilly, Deirdre and Tobin, Ciara and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2019) The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, 2017. Euro Surveillance , 24 , (14) .
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Smoking beliefs across genders, a comparative analysis of seven European countries.
Grard, Adeline and Schreuders, Michael and Alves, Joana and Kinnunen, Jaana M and Richter, Matthias and Federico, Bruno and Kunst, Anton and Clancy, Luke and Lorant, Vincent (2019) Smoking beliefs across genders, a comparative analysis of seven European countries. BMC Public Health , 19 , (1) , p. 1321.
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Quay Times.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2019) Quay Times. Autumn 2019 , 4 p.. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland.
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Online drug monitoring.
Trimbos Instituut. van der Gouwe, Daan and Blankers, Matthijs and van Laar, Margriet . (2019) Online drug monitoring. Utrecht: Trimbos-instituut. 16 p.
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Pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding, and alcohol consumption: an analysis of framing and completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry–funded organizations.
Lim, Audrey WY and van Schalkwyk, May CI and Hessari, Nason Maani and Petticrew, Mark P . (2019) Pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding, and alcohol consumption: an analysis of framing and completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry–funded organizations. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80 (5) 524-33.
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A comparison of two biological markers of recent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: implications for the monitoring of interventions and strategies to reduce HCV transmission among people who inject drugs.
Hope, Vivian D and Harris, Ross J and Vickerman, Peter and Platt, Lucy and Shute, Justin and Cullen, Katelyn J and Ijaz, Samreen and Mandal, Sema and Ncube, Fortune and Desai, Monica and Parry, John V . (2018) A comparison of two biological markers of recent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: implications for the monitoring of interventions and strategies to reduce HCV transmission among people who inject drugs. Euro Surveillance. Euro Surveillance, 23 (47)
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