Welcome to the April 2015 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This is our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail debates

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30 Apr, 15
Revenue Commissioners annual report 2014.
Revenue Commissioners. (2015) Revenue Commissioners annual report 2014. Revenue Commissioners, Limerick .

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29 Apr, 15
Rates of self-reported burnout amongst urologists in Ireland and the United Kingdom-a comparative cohort study.
O'Kelly, F. and Manecksha, RP and O'Flynn, K and Quinlan, DM and Speakman, M and Thornhill, JA (2015) Rates of self-reported burnout amongst urologists in Ireland and the United Kingdom-a comparative cohort study. European Urology, 14 (2).

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29 Apr, 15
Psychosocial complexity in multimorbidity: the legacy of adverse childhood experiences.
Sinnott, Carol and McHugh, Sheena and Fitzgerald, Anthony P and Bradley, Colin and Kearney, Patricia M (2015) Psychosocial complexity in multimorbidity: the legacy of adverse childhood experiences. Family Practice, Early online .

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28 Apr, 15
South East Traveller Health Unit strategic plan 2015 - 2020.
South East Traveller Health Unit. (2015) South East Traveller Health Unit strategic plan 2015 - 2020. Health Service Executive .

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23 Apr, 15
Does consideration of future consequences moderate the relationship between aggression and alcohol use in adolescents? Results from the United Kingdom.
McKay, Michael T. and Dempster, Martin and Mello, Zena (2015) Does consideration of future consequences moderate the relationship between aggression and alcohol use in adolescents? Results from the United Kingdom. Addiction Research and Theory, Early online .

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23 Apr, 15
RCPI Policy Group on Alcohol submission on Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015.
Royal College of Physicians Policy Group on Alcohol. (2015) RCPI Policy Group on Alcohol submission on Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015. Royal College of Physicians, Dublin .

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22 Apr, 15
Meitheal toolkit.
Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2015) Meitheal toolkit. Tusla .

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22 Apr, 15
Alcohol-related brain injury a guide for professionals.
McMonagle, Helen and Hogan, Mark and Morrissey, Anne Marie and Mills, Fiona and McMonagle, Caroline and Tolan, Sinead and O Domhnaill, Sean and Butler, Mary (2015) Alcohol-related brain injury a guide for professionals. Alcohol forum, Letterkenny .

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22 Apr, 15
Alcohol-related brain injury a guide for families.
McMonagle, Helen (2015) Alcohol-related brain injury a guide for families. Alcohol Forum, Letterkenny .

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21 Apr, 15
Educational interventions: equipping general practice for youth mental health and substance abuse. A discussion paper.
O'Regan, A and Schaffalitzky, E and Cullen, W (2015) Educational interventions: equipping general practice for youth mental health and substance abuse. A discussion paper. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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21 Apr, 15
Ireland’s Public Health (Alcohol) Bill: policy window or political sop?
Butler, Shane (2015) Ireland’s Public Health (Alcohol) Bill: policy window or political sop? Contemporary Drug Problems, Early online .

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20 Apr, 15
The gender dimension of non-medical use of prescription drugs(NMUPD)in Europe and the Mediterranean Region.
Clark, Marilyn Pompidou Group expert Working Group on the Gender Dimension of NMUPD. (2015) The gender dimension of non-medical use of prescription drugs(NMUPD)in Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Council of Europe, Strasbourg .

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20 Apr, 15
Fianna Fail drugs action plan.
Fianna Fail. (2015) Fianna Fail drugs action plan. , Dublin

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20 Apr, 15
The rainbow report. LGBTI health needs and experiences and health sector responses.
Crowley, Niall (2015) The rainbow report. LGBTI health needs and experiences and health sector responses. Child and Family Agency, Dublin .

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17 Apr, 15
Increasing the potential for diversion in the Irish Criminal Justice System: the role of the Garda Síochána adult cautioning scheme.
Tolan, Graham and Seymour, Mairead (2014) Increasing the potential for diversion in the Irish Criminal Justice System: the role of the Garda Síochána adult cautioning scheme. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 14 (1).

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17 Apr, 15
Being young in Europe today.
Eurostat. (2015) Being young in Europe today. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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17 Apr, 15
Position paper on electronic cigarettes.
Irish Cancer society. (2014) Position paper on electronic cigarettes. Irish Cancer Society, Dublin .

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17 Apr, 15
Report of the Working Group on Regulating Sponsorship by Alcohol Companies of Major Sporting Events.
Working Group on Regulating Sponsorship by Alcohol Companies of Major Sporting Events. (2014) Report of the Working Group on Regulating Sponsorship by Alcohol Companies of Major Sporting Events. Department of the Taoiseach, Dublin .

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17 Apr, 15
How to conduct research for service improvement: a guidebook for health and social care professionals
Byrne, Michael, ed. (2015)  How to conduct research for service improvement: a guidebook for health and social care professionals. Health Service Executive, Tullamore.

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16 Apr, 15
Associations of cannabis and cigarette use with depression and anxiety at age 18: findings from the Avon longitudinal study of parents and children.
Gage, Suzanne H and Hickman, Matthew and Heron, Jon and Munafo, Marcus R. and Lewis, Glyn and Macleod, John and Zammit, Stanley (2015) Associations of cannabis and cigarette use with depression and anxiety at age 18: findings from the Avon longitudinal study of parents and children. PLoS ONE, 10 (4).

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14 Apr, 15
Close practice encounters of the teenage kind.
Wallace, Vivienne and Doorley, Ethne and Wallace, Donal and Hollywood, Brid (2015) Close practice encounters of the teenage kind. Forum, 32 (4). pp. 12-14.

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13 Apr, 15
High-policy statement on supporting parents and families.
Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015) High-policy statement on supporting parents and families. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin .

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13 Apr, 15
Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital annual clinical report 2013.
Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital. (2015) Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital annual clinical report 2013. Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital, Dublin .

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13 Apr, 15
European Drug Prevention Quality Standards conference talk.
Brotherhood, Angelina (2014) European Drug Prevention Quality Standards conference talk. In: International Symposium on Drug Policy and Public Health, September 29 – October 1 2014, Istanbul.

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09 Apr, 15
Binge drinking and alcohol prices: a systematic review of age-related results from econometric studies, natural experiments and field studies.
Nelson, Jon P (2015) Binge drinking and alcohol prices: a systematic review of age-related results from econometric studies, natural experiments and field studies. Health Economics Review, 5 (6).

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09 Apr, 15
Polypharmacy among anabolic-androgenic steroid users: a descriptive metasynthesis.
Sagoe, Dominic and McVeigh, Jim and Bjørnebekk, Astrid and Essilfie, Marie-Stella and Schou Andreassen, Cecilie and Pallesen, Ståle (2015) Polypharmacy among anabolic-androgenic steroid users: a descriptive metasynthesis. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 10 (12).

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09 Apr, 15
Health service performance report January 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Health service performance report January 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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08 Apr, 15
Benzodiazepine use in a methadone maintained opiate dependent cohort in Ireland.
Gilroy, D and O'Brien, S and Barry, Joseph and Ivers, Jo-Hanna H. and Whiston, Lucy and Keenan, Eamon and Darker, Catherine D (2014) Benzodiazepine use in a methadone maintained opiate dependent cohort in Ireland. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 16 (2). pp. 23-30.

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08 Apr, 15
A survey of patients on methadone programmes in Wheatfield Prison, Dublin, Ireland.
Galander, T and Rosalim, J and Betts-Symonds, G and Scully, M. (2014) A survey of patients on methadone programmes in Wheatfield Prison, Dublin, Ireland. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 16 (2). pp. 17-22.

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08 Apr, 15
The prevalence of common mental and substance use disorders in general practice: a literature review and discussion paper.
Klimas, Jan and Neary, Anna and McNicholas, Claire and Meagher, David and Cullen, Walter (2014) The prevalence of common mental and substance use disorders in general practice: a literature review and discussion paper. Mental Health and Substance Use, 7 (4). pp. 497-508.

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08 Apr, 15
Pregabalin for detoxification from opioids: a single case study.
Scanlon, Adrian (2014) Pregabalin for detoxification from opioids: a single case study. Mental Health and Substance Use, 7 (4). pp. 263-285.

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07 Apr, 15
Psychological distress and lifestyle of students: implications for health promotion.
Deasy, Christine and Coughlan, Barry and Pironom, Julie and Jourdan, Didier and Mcnamara, Patricia Mannix (2015) Psychological distress and lifestyle of students: implications for health promotion. Health Promotion International, 30 (1). pp. 77-87.

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02 Apr, 15
Steroids, psychosis and poly-substance abuse.
Duffy, RM and Kelly, BD (2015) Steroids, psychosis and poly-substance abuse. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 32 (2). 227 -230.

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02 Apr, 15
"Word of mouse": indigenous harm reduction and online consumerism of the synthetic compound methoxphenidine.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Hearne, Evelyn (2015) "Word of mouse": indigenous harm reduction and online consumerism of the synthetic compound methoxphenidine. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 47 (1). pp. 30-41.

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01 Apr, 15
Neuropsychosocial profiles of current and future adolescent alcohol misusers.
Whelan, Robert et al (2014) Neuropsychosocial profiles of current and future adolescent alcohol misusers. Nature, 512 (7513). pp. 185-9.

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01 Apr, 15
Child Care Law Reporting Project: case histories 2015 volume 1.
Child Care Law Reporting Project. (2015) Child Care Law Reporting Project: case histories 2015 volume 1. Child Care Law Reporting Project, Dublin .

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[Press release] Alcoholic drinks should state calorie content, say MEPs.
[European Parliament] [Press release] Alcoholic drinks should state calorie content, say MEPs. (29 Apr 2015)

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What the new roadside drug tests will mean for us drivers.
[] What the new roadside drug tests will mean for us drivers. (29 Apr 2015)

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Coalition criticised for lack of alcohol action.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac  Coalition criticised for lack of alcohol action. (28 Apr 2015)

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Alcohol is the number one 'date rape' drug in Ireland - experts.
[] , O'Regan, Mark Alcohol is the number one 'date rape' drug in Ireland - experts. (28 Apr 2015)

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TDs who brag about past drug use need to back law reform.
[] , Browne, Collette TDs who brag about past drug use need to back law reform. (28 Apr 2015)

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State wants to have legal challenge brought against its plan to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes referred to EU court.
[] , O'Faolain, Aodhan State wants to have legal challenge brought against its plan to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes referred to EU court. (27 Apr 2015)

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Alcohol: the risks of excessive consumption.
[European Parliament] Alcohol: the risks of excessive consumption. (27 Apr 2015)

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[Opinion] In drink, things are never as they seem.
[] , Lynch, Declan [Opinion] In drink, things are never as they seem. (26 Apr 2015)

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Three men tell High Court they should be let out of jail because of the ecstasy loophole.
[] , O'Faolain, Aodhan Three men tell High Court they should be let out of jail because of the ecstasy loophole. (25 Apr 2015)

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The new drugs minister describes his trip to Amsterdam as a young student.
[] The new drugs minister describes his trip to Amsterdam as a young student. (24 Apr 2015)

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Cheap booze will still be on sale for two more years.
[] , O'Regan, Eilish Cheap booze will still be on sale for two more years. (24 Apr 2015)

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Minister: Treat addicts as patients, not criminals.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Minister: Treat addicts as patients, not criminals. (24 Apr 2015)

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Public health information must be evidence-based and not connected to the alcohol industry to be credible.
[Health Service Executive] Public health information must be evidence-based and not connected to the alcohol industry to be credible. (23 Apr 2015)

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Varadkar welcomes appointment of Ó Ríordáin as Minister of State with Responsibility for Drugs.
[Department of Health] Varadkar welcomes appointment of Ó Ríordáin as Minister of State with Responsibility for Drugs. (23 Apr 2015)

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Speech by Minister Varadkar – 3rd Alcohol Forum National Alcohol Conference.
[Department of Health] Speech by Minister Varadkar – 3rd Alcohol Forum National Alcohol Conference. (22 Apr 2015)

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Expert slams drinks industry health campaigns.
[] , Heffernan, Breda Expert slams drinks industry health campaigns. (22 Apr 2015)

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Time to weigh up your drinking habits.
[] Time to weigh up your drinking habits. (22 Apr 2015)

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Lethal dieting pills for sale online.
[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn Lethal dieting pills for sale online. (22 Apr 2015)

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Health MEPs call for mandatory labelling for calories in alcohol.
[European Parliament] Health MEPs call for mandatory labelling for calories in alcohol. (22 Apr 2015)

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Irish teens are starting to drink at age 13.
[] , Fegan, Joyce Irish teens are starting to drink at age 13. (21 Apr 2015)

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Two glasses of wine daily raise the risk of liver disease by 13pc.
[] , O'Regan, Eilish Two glasses of wine daily raise the risk of liver disease by 13pc. (21 Apr 2015)

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Potential effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
[] Potential effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. (21 Apr 2015)

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Persistent drink drivers to get 'alco-locks' on their cars.
[] , Melia, Paul Persistent drink drivers to get 'alco-locks' on their cars. (21 Apr 2015)

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Anti-alcohol group fails to back new minimum price plan.
[] , Griffin, Sam Anti-alcohol group fails to back new minimum price plan. (20 Apr 2015)

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Ireland has a cultural problem with drink, says addiction expert.
[] , Anderson, Nicola Ireland has a cultural problem with drink, says addiction expert. (20 Apr 2015)

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Emergency staff 'lack resources to treat intoxicated patients'.
[] , Crawford, Caroline Emergency staff 'lack resources to treat intoxicated patients'. (20 Apr 2015)

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Discounted wine to cause surge in liver disease among women.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Doherty, Caroline Discounted wine to cause surge in liver disease among women. (18 Apr 2015)

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New treatments to curb alcohol dependence.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd New treatments to curb alcohol dependence. (18 Apr 2015)

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DCU academics attack Diageo's €1m funding for drinking campaign.
[] , Hade, Emma Jane DCU academics attack Diageo's €1m funding for drinking campaign. (18 Apr 2015)

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Fianna Fáil: Emphasis must be on becoming drug-free.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Fianna Fáil: Emphasis must be on becoming drug-free. (17 Apr 2015)

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E-cigarettes may 'increase smokers' dependency'.
[] E-cigarettes may 'increase smokers' dependency'. (17 Apr 2015)

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FF proposes radical new approach to tackling drugs crisis.
[Fianna Fail] FF proposes radical new approach to tackling drugs crisis. (16 Apr 2015)

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‘Public health’ initiatives by the drinks industry do not work and should not be allowed.
[] , Anderson, Rolande ‘Public health’ initiatives by the drinks industry do not work and should not be allowed. (15 Apr 2015)

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Laughing gas: How dangerous is 'hippie crack', why is it legal and what are the effects?
[Independent UK] , Troup Buchanan, Rose Laughing gas: How dangerous is 'hippie crack', why is it legal and what are the effects? (15 Apr 2015)

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Roísín Shortall to press Leo Varadkar over delays to drug laws.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Roísín Shortall to press Leo Varadkar over delays to drug laws. (14 Apr 2015)

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Tobacco distributor fights plain packaging change.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Loughlin, Ann Tobacco distributor fights plain packaging change. (14 Apr 2015)

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Personalised online video feedback on drug use is now available 24 x 7.
[] Personalised online video feedback on drug use is now available 24 x 7. (14 Apr 2015)

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Does Sydney have the solution to Dublin’s public drug-taking problem?
[] , Duffin, Tony Does Sydney have the solution to Dublin’s public drug-taking problem? (13 Apr 2015)

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‘Heads in sand’ at surge in drug abuse.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac ‘Heads in sand’ at surge in drug abuse. (13 Apr 2015)

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812 homeless people sleep on cafe floor in two months.
[Irish Examiner] , Baker, Noel 812 homeless people sleep on cafe floor in two months. (13 Apr 2015)

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DrinkAware wants to educate young people about drinking but it’s facing criticism.
[] , Ryan, Orla DrinkAware wants to educate young people about drinking but it’s facing criticism. (12 Apr 2015)

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‘Drugs on offer to curb alcohol abuse’
[Irish Examiner] , Baker, Noel ‘Drugs on offer to curb alcohol abuse’. (10 Apr 2015)

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Service for marginalised reaches 500 consultations.
[Irish Medical Times] , Shannon, June Service for marginalised reaches 500 consultations. (09 Apr 2015)

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Negative impact of prescribed medications highlighted at traffic medicine meeting.
[Irish Medical Times] , Shannon, June Negative impact of prescribed medications highlighted at traffic medicine meeting. (09 Apr 2015)

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One glass of wine 'stops foetus from moving'.
[] , O'Regan, Eilish One glass of wine 'stops foetus from moving'. (09 Apr 2015)

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Figures show two babies a week born addicted to drugs in Ireland.
[] , Kelleher, Lynne Figures show two babies a week born addicted to drugs in Ireland. (08 Apr 2015)

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Irish parents warned not to give kids under 12 medicines containing codeine.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Irish parents warned not to give kids under 12 medicines containing codeine. (08 Apr 2015)

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TD’s call for supervised drug centres welcomed.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac TD’s call for supervised drug centres welcomed. (07 Apr 2015)

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High time for cannabis cures.
[] , Monaghan, Gabrielle High time for cannabis cures. (05 Apr 2015)

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40pc of Irish women among 1.35m of us drinking harmfully.
[] , O'Keeffe, Alan 40pc of Irish women among 1.35m of us drinking harmfully. (03 Apr 2015)

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First drug in Europe to reduce alcohol consumption hits the shelves here.
[] , Barry, Aoife First drug in Europe to reduce alcohol consumption hits the shelves here. (02 Apr 2015)

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Brain medication being used to ‘gain an edge’ at school and work.
[Irish Examiner] Brain medication being used to ‘gain an edge’ at school and work. (01 Apr 2015)

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POLL: Should cannabis ever be legalised?
[Irish Examiner] , Heffernan, James and Luke, Chris POLL: Should cannabis ever be legalised? (01 Apr 2015)

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Oireachtas debates


Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 418 - Drugs in prisons [15657/15]. (21 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 407 - Sentencing policy [15431/15]. (21 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Priority Question 10 - Drug treatment programmes funding [14631/15]. (16 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Priority Question 2 - Drug treatment programmes [14806/15]. (16 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 377 - Prisoner data [absconded prisoners][14627/15]. (15 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 422 - Youth services provision [14082/15]. (15 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 475 - National drugs strategy implementation [14026/15]. (15 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 99 - Community employment schemes operation [14578/15]. (15 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 190 - Drug treatment programmes [13761/15]. (02 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 38 - Community Employment drug rehabilitation projects. [13759/15]. (02 Apr 2015)



Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 208-Alcohol sales [16315/15]. (28 Apr 2015)

Joint Committee on Health and Children. General Scheme of Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015: discussion (Resumed). (23 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 500 - Public health policy [15547/15]. (21 Apr 2015)

Seanad Eireann debate. Alcohol sales legislation. (21 Apr 2015)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 378 - Alcohol sales legislation [home delivery] [14675/15]. (15 Apr 2015)



Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 332-Tobacco control measures [16315/15]. (28 Apr 2015)

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