
Tusla Child and Family Agency corporate plan 2015-2017.
Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2015) Tusla Child and Family Agency corporate plan 2015-2017. Tusla, Dublin .

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Cluster of Botulism in intravenous drug users: Norway and Scotland.
(2015) Cluster of Botulism in intravenous drug users: Norway and Scotland. Epi-Insight, 16 (3).

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Health-care professionals' attitudes across different hospital departments regarding alcohol-related presentations.
Iqbal, Nauman and McCambridge, Orlagh and Edgar, Lauren and Young, Ciara and Shorter, Gillian W (2015) Health-care professionals' attitudes across different hospital departments regarding alcohol-related presentations. Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online .

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Children’s Rights Alliance Report card 2015.
Children's Rights Alliance. (2015) Children’s Rights Alliance Report card 2015. Children's Rights Alliance, Dublin .

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Health services performance assurance report December 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Health services performance assurance report December 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Smoking in Ireland 2014: synopsis of key patterns.
Hickey, Paul and Evans, David S. National Tobacco Control Office. (2015) Smoking in Ireland 2014: synopsis of key patterns. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with emphysema: evidence of synergy among emphysema and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in smokers.
Mitchell, Patrick D and Das, Jeeban P and Murphy, David J and Keane, Michael P and Donnelly, Seamas C and Dodd, Jonathan D and Butler, Marcus W (2015) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with emphysema: evidence of synergy among emphysema and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in smokers. Respiratory care, 60 (2). pp. 259-68.

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Wound botulism in people who inject heroin in Norway and the United Kingdom.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. (2015) Wound botulism in people who inject heroin in Norway and the United Kingdom. ECDC, Stockholm .

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Health at a glance 2014.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2014) Health at a glance 2014. OECD Publishing .

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Internal statistics code of practice.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Internal statistics code of practice. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon .

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Drug & alcohol family support needs analysis report.
McDonagh, Debbie and Reddy, John (2015) Drug & alcohol family support needs analysis report. Western Region Drugs Task Force, Galway .

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New hazards in paediatric poisoning presentations
Moore, C and Crowley, E and Doyle, J and Okafor, I and McNamara, R and Deiratany, S and Nicholson, AJ (2015) New hazards in paediatric poisoning presentations. Irish Medical Journal, 108 (2).

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'A chronic care service that actually works'
Hunter, Niall (2015) 'A chronic care service that actually works'. Forum, 32 (2). pp. 10-15.

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Quay Times, Winter 2015.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2015) Quay Times, Winter 2015. .

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Children’s recognition of alcohol marketing. Alcohol marketing briefing.
Alcohol Concern. (2015) Children’s recognition of alcohol marketing. Alcohol marketing briefing. Alcohol Concern, London .

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General scheme of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) General scheme of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015. Department of Health, Dublin .

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“Alcohol – starting the conversation & finding solutions!”.
D12 Local Drugs Task Force. (2015) “Alcohol – starting the conversation & finding solutions!”. In: D12 Alcohol Consultation Seminar, 11 December 2014, Red Cow Inn, Dublin.

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Response inhibition and elevated parietal-cerebellar correlations in chronic adolescent cannabis users.
Behan, B and Connolly, CG and Datwani, S and Doucet, M and Ivanovic, J and Morioka, R and Stone, A and Watts, R and Smyth, Bobby P. and Garavan, Hugh (2014) Response inhibition and elevated parietal-cerebellar correlations in chronic adolescent cannabis users. Neuropharmacology, 84 . pp. 131-7.

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Report on the implementation of ‘A strategy for cancer control in Ireland 2006’.
National Cancer Control Programme. (2015) Report on the implementation of ‘A strategy for cancer control in Ireland 2006’. National Cancer Control Programme, Dublin .

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RECOUVEU newsletter
RECOUVEU. (2015) RECOUVEU newsletter. .

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