In this issue
Factsheet: Cannabis - the Irish situation.
HRB National Drugs Library (2016) Factsheet: Cannabis - the Irish situation.
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Factsheet: Alcohol - the Irish situation
HRB National Drugs Library.(2016) Factsheet: Alcohol - the Irish situation
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The effect of alcohol consumption on household income in Ireland.
Ormond, Gillian and Murphy, R (2016) The effect of alcohol consumption on household income in Ireland. Alcohol , pp. 39-49.
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Prevalence of drug use and gambling in Ireland & drug use in Northern Ireland. Bulletin 1.
National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol. (2016) Prevalence of drug use and gambling in Ireland & drug use in Northern Ireland. Bulletin 1. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol.
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A review of a GP registrar-run mobile health clinic for homeless people.
O'Carroll, Austin and Irving, N and O'Neill, J and Flanagan, E (2016) A review of a GP registrar-run mobile health clinic for homeless people. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2015.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control/WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2016) HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2015. Stockholm: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
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UNODC Annual Report 2015.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2016) UNODC Annual Report 2015. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
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National Suicide Research Foundation annual report 2015.
O’Callaghan, Emer (2016) National Suicide Research Foundation annual report 2015. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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Mastery matters: consumer choice, psychiatric symptoms and problematic substance use among adults with histories of homelessness.
Greenwood, Ronni Michelle and Manning, Rachel M (2016) Mastery matters: consumer choice, psychiatric symptoms and problematic substance use among adults with histories of homelessness. Health and Social Care in the Community , Early online .
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Dual Diagnosis: a report on prevalence, policy and management.
Garbare, Danguole (2015) Dual Diagnosis: a report on prevalence, policy and management. Letterkenny: Alcohol Forum.
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Health at a glance: Europe 2016: state of health in the EU cycle.
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, European Union. (2016) Health at a glance: Europe 2016: state of health in the EU cycle. Paris: OECD Publishing.
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Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2016) Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network. Lisbon: Publications Office of the European Union.
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Depressive symptoms, college adjustment and peer support among undergraduate nursing and midwifery students.
Horgan, Aine and Sweeney, John and Behan, Laura and McCarthy, Geraldine (2016) Depressive symptoms, college adjustment and peer support among undergraduate nursing and midwifery students. Journal of Advanced Nursing , 72 , (12) , pp. 3081-3092.
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Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2015.
Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd. (2016) Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2015. Dublin: Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd.
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Irish Penal Reform Trust annual report 2014-2015.
Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2016) Irish Penal Reform Trust annual report 2014-2015. Dubiln: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
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Alcohol and cancer trends: intervention studies.
Angus, Colin and Holmes, John and Pryce, Robert and Meier, Petra and Brennan, Alan (2016) Alcohol and cancer trends: intervention studies. Sheffield: University of Sheffield and Cancer Research UK.
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General practice-A key route for distribution of naloxone in the community.
Klimas, Jan and Tobin, Helen and Egan, Mairead and Tomas, Barry and Bury, Gerard (2016) General practice-A key route for distribution of naloxone in the community. International Journal of Drug Policy , 38 , pp. 1-3.
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Irish health survey 2015.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Irish health survey 2015. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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New psychoactive substances in Europe: legislation and prosecution — current challenges and solutions.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and Eurojust. (2016) New psychoactive substances in Europe: legislation and prosecution — current challenges and solutions. Luxembourg: EMCDDA–Eurojust joint publication, Publications Office of the European Union.
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Quality assurance in drug demand reduction in European countries: an overview.
Ferri, Marica and Dias, Sonia and Bo, Alessandra and Ballotta, Danilo and Simon, Roland and Carra, Giuseppe (2016) Quality assurance in drug demand reduction in European countries: an overview. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , Early online , pp. 1-7.
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Epidemiology of Hepatitis C in Ireland, 2015.
Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2016) Epidemiology of Hepatitis C in Ireland, 2015. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
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Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention with homeless adults: a pilot study.
Maddock, Alan and Hevey, David and Eidenmueller, Katharina (2016) Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention with homeless adults: a pilot study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction , Early online , pp. 1-16.
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Probation recidivism 2010.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Probation recidivism 2010. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Tailoring a brief intervention for illicit drug use and alcohol use in Irish methadone maintained opiate dependent patients: a qualitative process.
Darker, Catherine D and Sweeney, Brion and Keenan, Eamon and Whiston, Lucy and Anderson, Rolande and Barry, Joseph (2016) Tailoring a brief intervention for illicit drug use and alcohol use in Irish methadone maintained opiate dependent patients: a qualitative process. BMC Psychiatry , 16 , (373) .
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How can we investigate the role of topiramate in the treatment of cocaine use disorder more thoroughly?
Klimas, Jan and Wood, Evan and Werb, Dan (2016) How can we investigate the role of topiramate in the treatment of cocaine use disorder more thoroughly? Addiction , Early view .
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Feasibility of alcohol screening among patients receiving opioid treatment in primary care.
Henihan, Anne Marie and McCombe, Geoff and Klimas, Jan and Swan, Davina and Leahy, Dorothy and Anderson, Rolande and Bury, Gerard and Dunne, Colum and Keenan, Eamon and Lambert, John and Maher, David and O'Gorman, Clodagh SM and O'Toole, Thomas P and Saunders, Jean and Shorter, Gillian W and Smyth, Bobby P and Kaner, Eileen and Cullen, Walter (2016) Feasibility of alcohol screening among patients receiving opioid treatment in primary care. BMC Family Practice , 17 , (153) .
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Positive ageing 2016 – National indicators report.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2016) Positive ageing 2016 – National indicators report. Department of Health.
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Evaluation report. Assertive case management team pilot.
Dolphin, Emer (2016) Evaluation report. Assertive case management team pilot. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Association between victimization by bullying and direct self injurious behavior among adolescence in Europe: a ten-country study.
Brunstein Klomek, Anat et al (2016) Association between victimization by bullying and direct self injurious behavior among adolescence in Europe: a ten-country study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , 25 , (11) , pp. 1183-1193.
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Potential impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Ireland: evidence from the National Alcohol Diary Survey.
Cousins, Gráinne and Mongan, Deirdre and Barry, Joe and Smyth, Bobby and Rackard, Marion and Long, Jean (2016) Potential impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Ireland: evidence from the National Alcohol Diary Survey. Alcohol and Alcoholism , 51 , (6) , pp. 734-740.
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Patterns of smoking behaviour in low-income pregnant women: a cohort study of differential effects on infant birth weight.
Hayes, Catherine and Kearney, Morgan and O'Carroll, Helen and Zgaga, Lina and Geary, Michael and Kelleher, Cecily (2016) Patterns of smoking behaviour in low-income pregnant women: a cohort study of differential effects on infant birth weight. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 13 , (11) , E1060.
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Growing up in Ireland. Key findings: child cohort at 17/18 years. No. 4: risky health behaviours and sexual activity.
Economic and Social Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin. (2016) Growing up in Ireland. Key findings: child cohort at 17/18 years. No. 4: risky health behaviours and sexual activity. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute.
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National Poisons Information Centre annual report 2015.
National Poisons Information Centre. (2016) National Poisons Information Centre annual report 2015. Cork: National Poisons Information Centre.
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Misuse of non-prescription codeine containing products: Recommendations for detection and reduction of risk in community pharmacies.
Van Hout, Marie-Claire and Norman, Ian (2016) Misuse of non-prescription codeine containing products: Recommendations for detection and reduction of risk in community pharmacies. International Journal of Drug Policy , 27 , pp. 17-22.
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Tusla annual report 2015.
Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2016) Tusla annual report 2015. Dublin: Tusla.
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