
Flexible emotion-based decision-making behavior varies in current and former smokers.
Briggs, Zoe and O'Connor, Martin and Jollans, Emily K and O'Hallorhan, Laura and Dymond, Simon and Whelan, Robert (2015) Flexible emotion-based decision-making behavior varies in current and former smokers. Addictive Behaviors, 45 . pp. 269-275.

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Young people's perceptions of tobacco packaging: a comparison of EU Tobacco Products Directive & Ireland's Standardisation of Tobacco Act.
Babineau, Kate and Clancy, Luke (2015) Young people's perceptions of tobacco packaging: a comparison of EU Tobacco Products Directive & Ireland's Standardisation of Tobacco Act. BMJ Open, 5 (6). e007352.

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Patients accessing ambulatory care for HIV-infection: epidemiology and prevalence assessment.
Tuite, Helen and Horgan, M and Mallom, PWG and McConkey, SJ and Mooka, B and Mulcahy, F and Walsh, C and O'Hora, Aidan and O'Flanagan, D and Bergin, C and Fleming, C Patients accessing ambulatory care for HIV-infection: epidemiology and prevalence assessment. Irish Medical Journal, 108 (7).

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Healthcare performance report May 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Healthcare performance report May 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Youth engagement with an emerging Irish mental health early intervention programme (Jigsaw): participant characteristics and implications for service delivery.
O'Reilly, Aileen and Illback, Robert and Peiper, Nicholas and O'Keeffe, Lynsey and Clayton, Richard (2015) Youth engagement with an emerging Irish mental health early intervention programme (Jigsaw): participant characteristics and implications for service delivery. Journal of Mental Health, Early online . pp. 1-6.

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Sixth compliance report. In accordance with the Code of Practice on the Display and Sale of Alcohol-Products in Mixed Trading Premises for the year to end of September 2014.
White, Padraic (2015) Sixth compliance report. In accordance with the Code of Practice on the Display and Sale of Alcohol-Products in Mixed Trading Premises for the year to end of September 2014. Responsible Retailing of Alcohol in Ireland, Dublin .

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Toward the development of a participation strategy on children and young people. National guidance & local implementation.
Kennan, Danielle and Redmond, Sue and Devaney, Carmel and Landy, Fergal and Canavan, John and Gillen, Aisling Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2015) Toward the development of a participation strategy on children and young people. National guidance & local implementation. Tusla, Dublin .

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Alternatives to punishment for drug-using offenders.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Alternatives to punishment for drug-using offenders. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Implementing a harm reduction approach to substance use in an intimate partner violence agency: practice issues in an Irish setting.
Morton, Sarah and Hohman, Melinda and Middleton, Amanda (2015) Implementing a harm reduction approach to substance use in an intimate partner violence agency: practice issues in an Irish setting. Partner Abuse, 6 (3). pp. 337-350.

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Draft Council conclusions on the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Drugs 2013-2016 regarding minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the European Union.
Council of the European Union. (2015) Draft Council conclusions on the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Drugs 2013-2016 regarding minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the European Union. Council of the European Union, Brussels .

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An Garda Siochana: annual report 2014.
An Garda Siochana. (2015) An Garda Siochana: annual report 2014. An Garda Siochana, Dublin .

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Public health plan for the pharmaceutical treatment of Hepatitis C.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) Public health plan for the pharmaceutical treatment of Hepatitis C. Department of Health, Dublin .

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Coolmine Therapeutic Community 2014 annual report.
Coolmine Therapeutic Community. (2015) Coolmine Therapeutic Community 2014 annual report. , Dublin

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Understanding and improving employment pathways in youth justice in Northern Ireland.
Kenny, Julia and Conway, Pat , eds. (2015) Understanding and improving employment pathways in youth justice in Northern Ireland. NIACRO and The Bytes Project, Belfast .

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Attitudes and perceived risk of cannabis use in Irish adolescents.
Barrett, P and Bradley, C (2015) Attitudes and perceived risk of cannabis use in Irish adolescents. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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Playing social roulette: the impact of gambling on individuals and society in Ireland.
Fulton, Crystal (2015) Playing social roulette: the impact of gambling on individuals and society in Ireland. Department of Social Protection, Dublin .

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What are reasons for the large gender differences in the lethality of suicidal acts? An epidemiological analysis in four European countries.
Mergl, Roland and Koburger, Nicole et al (2015) What are reasons for the large gender differences in the lethality of suicidal acts? An epidemiological analysis in four European countries. PloS one, 10 (7). e0129062.

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Courts Service annual report 2014.
Ireland. Courts Service. (2015) Courts Service annual report 2014. Courts Service, Dublin .

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EMCDDA general population survey presentations.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) EMCDDA general population survey presentations. In: General population surveys annual expert meeting, 17–18 June 2015, Lisbon.

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Evaluation of the contribution of the child protection public health nurse to inter-professional working in child protection. An integrated health and social care model of child protection.
O'Dwyer, Patricia and Cahalane, Sheila and Pelican-Kelly, Susanne (2015) Evaluation of the contribution of the child protection public health nurse to inter-professional working in child protection. An integrated health and social care model of child protection. Child and Family Agency South Lee Cork, Cork .

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The voice of the child in social work assessments: age-appropriate communication with children.
O'Reilly, Lisa and Dolan, Pat (2015) The voice of the child in social work assessments: age-appropriate communication with children. British Journal of Social Work, Early online .

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Increase in diagnoses of recently acquired HIV in people who inject drugs.
Glynn, Ronan and Giese, Coralie and Ennis, Orla and Gibbons, Zorina and O'Donnell, Kate and Hurley, Caroline and Ward, Mary and Igoe, Derval and Fitzgerald, Margaret (2015) Increase in diagnoses of recently acquired HIV in people who inject drugs. EPI-Insight, 16 (7).

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Addiction to transmucosal fentanyl: is it a cause for concern in cancer pain management?
Cahill, Kathleen and Shehab, Ruqaya Mohsen and Lowney, Aoife and McQuillan, Regina (2015) Addiction to transmucosal fentanyl: is it a cause for concern in cancer pain management? Palliative medicine, Early online .

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Linking learning to National Standards. How recommendations from previous HIQA investigation, statutory inquiry and review reports (2009–2015) relate to specific National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2015) Linking learning to National Standards. How recommendations from previous HIQA investigation, statutory inquiry and review reports (2009–2015) relate to specific National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare. Health Information and Quality Authority, Dublin .

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Report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015: raising taxes on tobacco.
World Health Organization. (2015) Report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015: raising taxes on tobacco. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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Inchicore Bluebell Community annual review 2014.
Inchicore Bluebell Community Addiction Team. (2015) Inchicore Bluebell Community annual review 2014. Inchicore Bluebell Community Addiction Team, Dublin .

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Prevalence and predictors of alcohol use during pregnancy: findings from international multicentre cohort studies.
O'Keefe, Linda M. and Kearney, Patricia M and McCarthy, Fergus P. and Khasan, Ali S and Greene, Richard A and North, Robyn A and Poston, Lucilla and McCowan, Lesley ME and Baker, Philip N. and Dekker, Gus A. and Walker, James J and Taylor, Rennae S and Kenny, Louise C (2015) Prevalence and predictors of alcohol use during pregnancy: findings from international multicentre cohort studies. BMJ Open, 5 (7). e006323.

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Drugnet Ireland. Issue 54, Summer 2015.
Health Research Board. (2015) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 54, Summer 2015. . 28 p..

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Northern Ireland Registry of Self-Harm Western Area. Six year summary report 2007–2012. Incorporating Supplement 1: Repetition of self-harm in the Western Area of Northern Ireland.
Western Health and Social Care Trust, National Suicide Research Foundation. (2015) Northern Ireland Registry of Self-Harm Western Area. Six year summary report 2007–2012. Incorporating Supplement 1: Repetition of self-harm in the Western Area of Northern Ireland. Public Health Agency, Belfast .

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Alcohol prices and mortality due to liver cirrhosis: robust-regression results for the European Union, 2000-2010.
Nelson, Jon P (2015) Alcohol prices and mortality due to liver cirrhosis: robust-regression results for the European Union, 2000-2010. Sage Open . pp. 1-11.

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Report of visit by a Committee delegation to examine the impact of Portuguese approach to the possession of certain drugs.
Ireland. Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality. (2015) Report of visit by a Committee delegation to examine the impact of Portuguese approach to the possession of certain drugs. Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality, Dublin .

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EMCDDA-Europol 2014 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) EMCDDA-Europol 2014 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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A 7 year follow-up study (2008-2014) with graduates of the Ballymun Strengthening Families Programme (SFP 12-16 years).
Roe, Sandra (2015) A 7 year follow-up study (2008-2014) with graduates of the Ballymun Strengthening Families Programme (SFP 12-16 years). Ballymun Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Dublin .

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The relationship between alcohol and gambling behaviours. A literature review commissioned by Alcohol Concern, Cymru.

Bohane, Guy and Guerrier, Yvonne and Sakhuja, Raman and Vamvakar, Tzou (2015) The relationship between alcohol and gambling behaviours. A literature review commissioned by Alcohol Concern, Cymru. ,University of Roehampton Business School.

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Naloxone – preliminary advice from the working group updating Drug misuse and dependence
Strang, John (2015) Naloxone – preliminary advice from the working group updating Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management. Public Health England.

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Socioeconomic determinants of risk of harmful alcohol drinking among people aged 50 or over in England

Iparraguirre, Jose (2015) Socioeconomic determinants of risk of harmful alcohol drinking among people aged 50 or over in England. BMJ Open.

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Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies

Kwan, Matthew and Bobko, Sarah and Faulkner, Guy and Donnelly, Peter and Cairney, John (2014) Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Addictive Behaviors, 39 (3) 497-06.

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Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services.
World Health Organization.(2015) Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. World Health Organization.

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An adult social care compendium of approaches and tools for organisational change.

Miller, Robin and Freeman, Tim and Davidson, Deborah and Glasby, Jon (2015) An adult social care compendium of approaches and tools for organisational change. ,Social Care Institute for Excellence.

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Guidance on the clinical management of acute and chronic harms of club drugs and novel psychoactive substances.

Abdulrahim, D and Bowden-Jones, O Novel Psychoactive Treatment UK Network. (2015) Guidance on the clinical management of acute and chronic harms of club drugs and novel psychoactive substances. ,NEPTUNE.

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Alcohol's harm to others.

Gell, Lucy and Ally, Abdallah and Buykx, Penny and Hope, Ann (2015) Alcohol's harm to others.Institute of Alcohol Studies.

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Alcohol: a toolkit for improving care.
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (2015) Alcohol: a toolkit for improving care. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

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Heroin on trial: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials of diamorphine-prescribing as treatment for refractory heroin addiction.
Strang, John and Groshkova, Teodora, et al (2015) Heroin on trial: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials of diamorphine-prescribing as treatment for refractory heroin addiction. Royal College of Psychiatry.The British Journal of Psychiatry, 207(1) 5-14.

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The international evidence on the prevention of drug and alcohol use. Summary and examples of implementation in England.
Public Health England (2015) The international evidence on the prevention of drug and alcohol use. Summary and examples of implementation in England. Public Health England.

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