
Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2012.

Daly, Antoinette and Walsh, Dermot (2013) Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2012. Health Research Board, Dublin

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Who is responsible for the public's health? The role of the alcohol industry in the WHO global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.
Babor, Thomas and Hall, Wayne and Humphreys, Keith and Miller, Peter and Petry, Nancy M. and West, Robert (2013) Who is responsible for the public's health? The role of the alcohol industry in the WHO global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. Addiction, Early online .

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The efficacy of minimum unit pricing, fiscal and other pricing public policies for alcohol.
Power, Jim and Johns, Chris (2013) The efficacy of minimum unit pricing, fiscal and other pricing public policies for alcohol. Deartment of Health.

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Regional action plan for homeless services 2013 -2018 in the South West Region.
Health Service Executive. (2013) Regional action plan for homeless services 2013 -2018 in the South West Region. Health Service Executive.

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Early leavers - What next?
Tickner, Nicola (2013) Early leavers - What next? Department of Education, Dublin.

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An analysis of current licit and illicit drug use patterns in the Finglas-Cabra local drugs task force area.
O'Gorman, Aileen and Piggott, Kevin and Napier, Kristina and Driscoll, Alan and Emerson, Darren and Mooney, Robert and Fennelly, Cara and Gately, Pamela and Foley, Mary (2013) An analysis of current licit and illicit drug use patterns in the Finglas-Cabra local drugs task force area. Finglas/Cabra Local Drugs Task Force, Dublin.

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Coolmine Therapeutic Community annual report 2012. From dependence to independence.
Coolmine Therapeutic Community. (2013) Coolmine Therapeutic Community annual report 2012. From dependence to independence. Coolmine Therapeutic Community, Dublin.

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Decriminalisation: A new direction for drugs policy?
Citywide. (2013) Decriminalisation: A new direction for drugs policy? Citywide, Dublin.

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Health Service Executive: July 2013 performance report, National Service Plan 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2013) Health Service Executive: July 2013 performance report, National Service Plan 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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Alcohol and breastfeeding: reviewing the evidence.
Cassidy, Tanya (2013) Alcohol and breastfeeding: reviewing the evidence. Health Matters, 9 (3). pp. 96-97.

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Characteristics of patients admitted to the intensive care unit following self-poisoning and their impact on resource utilisation.
McMahon, A and Brohan, J and Donnelly, M and Fitzpatrick, GJ (2013) Characteristics of patients admitted to the intensive care unit following self-poisoning and their impact on resource utilisation. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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The mental health of young people in Ireland: a report of the Psychiatric Epidemiology Research across the Lifespan (PERL) Group Dublin.
Cannon, Mary and Coughlan, Helen and Clarke, Mary and Harley, M and Kelleher, Ian (2013) The mental health of young people in Ireland: a report of the Psychiatric Epidemiology Research across the Lifespan (PERL) Group Dublin. Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Dublin.

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Elder abuse and neglect: The role of Irish doctors.
O'Brien, J and Cooney, C and Bartley, M and O'Neill, D (2013) Elder abuse and neglect: The role of Irish doctors. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 162 (supplement 6). p. 295.

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Hearing child survivors of sexual violence:Towards a national response.
Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2013) Hearing child survivors of sexual violence:Towards a national response. Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Dublin.

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The recovery ethos: towards a shared understanding.
McDaid, S. (2013) The recovery ethos: towards a shared understanding. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, early online .

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How did I get here?
O'Reilly, Owen (2013) How did I get here? Cork Simon Community, Cork.

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Tobacco free Ireland.
Tobacco Policy Review Group. (2013) Tobacco free Ireland. Department of Health, Dublin.

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The temporal relationship between drug supply indicators: an audit of international government surveillance systems.
Werb, Dan and Kerr, Thomas and Nosyk, Bohdan and Strathdee, Steffanie A and Montaner, Julio and Wood, Evan (2013) The temporal relationship between drug supply indicators: an audit of international government surveillance systems. BMJ Open, 3 (e003077).

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