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Welcome to the January 2013 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This newsletter is a monthly electronic digest of Irish drug and alcohol news, publications and Dail debates. For the latest news and research, visit the NDC website, Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research repository, or follow us on Twitter


Well-being in post primary schools. Guidelines for mental health promotion and suicide prevention.
Department of Education and Skills; Health Service Executive;Department of Health interdepartmental sub-group. (2013) Well-being in post primary schools. Guidelines for mental health promotion and suicide prevention. Department of Education and Skills; Health Service Executive & Department of Health, Dublin.

EU drug markets report: a strategic analysis.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Europol. (2013) EU drug markets report: a strategic analysis. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Action plan on bullying. Report of the Anti-Bullying Working Group to the Minister for Education and Skills.
Anti-Bullying Working Group. (2013) Action plan on bullying. Report of the Anti-Bullying Working Group to the Minister for Education and Skills. Department of Education and Skills, Dublin.

Behavioural change in relation to alcohol exposure in early pregnancy and impact on perinatal outcomes - a prospective cohort study.
Murphy, Deidre J. and Mullaly, Aoife and Cleary, Brian J. and Fahey, Tom and Barry, Joseph (2013) Behavioural change in relation to alcohol exposure in early pregnancy and impact on perinatal outcomes - a prospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13 (8).

Health Service Executive October 2012 performance report. National Service Plan 2012.
Health Service Executive. (2012) Health Service Executive October 2012 performance report. National Service Plan 2012. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

Towards a future without cancer. Irish Cancer Society's strategy 2013-2017.
Irish Cancer Society. (2013) Towards a future without cancer. Irish Cancer Society's strategy 2013-2017. Irish Cancer Society, Dublin.

Dental health of Irish alcohol/drug abuse treatment centre residents.
O'Sullivan, EM (2012) Dental health of Irish alcohol/drug abuse treatment centre residents. Community Dental Health, 29 (4). pp. 263-7.

Fetal brain function in response to maternal alcohol consumption: early evidence of damage.
Hepper, Peter J. and Dorman, James C. and Lynch, Catherine (2012) Fetal brain function in response to maternal alcohol consumption: early evidence of damage. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 36 (12). pp. 2168-75.

Department of Health annual report 2011.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2013) Department of Health annual report 2011. Department of Health, Dublin.

A report on the all-Ireland young men and suicide project.
Richardson, Noel and Clarke, Nicholas and Fowler, Colin (2013) A report on the all-Ireland young men and suicide project. Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, Carlow.

An alcohol and other drugs library: building capacity and adding value.
Dunne, Mary (2013) An alcohol and other drugs library: building capacity and adding value. Addiction, 108 (2). pp. 431-432.

Subjective sleep complaints in patients attending a substance use disorder clinic.
Nkire, Nnamdi and Ekwegbalu, UO and O'Connor, John J (2013) Subjective sleep complaints in patients attending a substance use disorder clinic. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (1).

National-level drug policy and young people's illicit drug use: A multilevel analysis of the European Union.
Vuolo, Mike (2013) National-level drug policy and young people's illicit drug use: A multilevel analysis of the European Union. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, early online .

The journey into injecting heroin use.
Barry, David and Syed, Hussain and Smyth, Bobby P. (2012) The journey into injecting heroin use. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 14 (3). pp. 89-100.

Health Service Executive national service plan 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2013) Health Service Executive national service plan 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

Comparing alcohol affordability in 65 cities worldwide.
Kan, Ming-Yue and Lau, Maggie (2013) Comparing alcohol affordability in 65 cities worldwide. Drug and Alcohol Review, 32 (1). pp. 19-26.

The second European conference on drug supply indicators: conclusions of the Chairs.
European Commission, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2013) The second European conference on drug supply indicators: conclusions of the Chairs. Council of the European Union, Bruxelles.

Spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C infection after liver transplantation from IL28B rs12979860 CC donors.
Chin, JL and Nicholas, RM and Russell, J and Carr, M and Connell, J. and Stewart, S and McCormick, PA (2012) Spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C infection after liver transplantation from IL28B rs12979860 CC donors. European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology, 24 (9). pp. 1110-1112.

Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2011.
Kidd, Martina (2012) Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2011. Health Service Executive South, Waterford.

Avoiding action: Ireland, alcohol, intoxication and workplace safety.
Houghton, Frank (2012) Avoiding action: Ireland, alcohol, intoxication and workplace safety. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Online first .

Health Protection Surveillance Centre annual report 2011.
Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2013) Health Protection Surveillance Centre annual report 2011. Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin.


Ireland tops legal high user charts.
[Irish Independent] Ireland tops legal high user charts. (31 Jan 2013)

Grow Houses: Do you know what your tenants are doing?
[] Grow Houses: Do you know what your tenants are doing? (31 Jan 2013)

[Smoking] Replacement therapies increase quitting rate.
[Irish Medical Times] , Culliton, Gary [Smoking] Replacement therapies increase quitting rate. (28 Jan 2013)

Landmark case as drink driver found guilty.
[Irish Independent] , Hayes, Kathryn Landmark case as drink driver found guilty. (26 Jan 2013)

Sobering message about suicide few in Ireland want to hear.
[Irish Times] , O'Brien, Breda Sobering message about suicide few in Ireland want to hear. (26 Jan 2013)

Prisoners left to fend for themselves when faced with life on the outside.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor Prisoners left to fend for themselves when faced with life on the outside. (25 Jan 2013)

Shatter rejects drink-driving proposal.
[Irish Times] , O'Brien, Tim and Lucey, Anne Shatter rejects drink-driving proposal. (24 Jan 2013)

Shifting from punishment towards care.
[Irish Times] , Griffin, Dan Shifting from punishment towards care. (24 Jan 2013)

Suicide - alcohol abuse must be tackled.
[] , Condon, Deborah Suicide - alcohol abuse must be tackled. (24 Jan 2013)

Notorious no more? Mountjoy project template for humane, safe jail system.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor  Notorious no more? Mountjoy project template for humane, safe jail system. (21 Jan 2013)

Any amount of alcohol increases the risk of involvement in a fatal crash.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Any amount of alcohol increases the risk of involvement in a fatal crash. (22 Jan 2013)

Smugglers combine new and traditional methods.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor Smugglers combine new and traditional methods. (21 Jan 2013)

Heroin haul second biggest in State’s history, say gardaí.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keefe, Cormac Heroin haul second biggest in State’s history, say gardaí. (19 Jan 2013)

GAA urged to tackle scourge of binge drinking.
[Irish Examiner] , Fogarty, John GAA urged to tackle scourge of binge drinking. (17 Jan 2013)

Smoking greatest danger to public health, says Reilly.
[Irish Times] , O'Regan, Michael Smoking greatest danger to public health, says Reilly. (17 Jan 2013)

Ban on smoking in cars carrying children.
[Irish Examiner] , McEnroe, Juno Ban on smoking in cars carrying children. (12 Jan 2013)

Ready to roll: all change at alcohol-free club.
[Irish Times] , Ingle, Roisin Ready to roll: all change at alcohol-free club. (12 Jan 2013)

East Coast Regional Drugs Task Force small grant scheme 2013.
[Activelink] East Coast Regional Drugs Task Force small grant scheme 2013. (10 Jan 2013)

Alcohol treatment surges in south-east region.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keefe, Cormac Alcohol treatment surges in south-east region. (08 Jan 2013)

Lessons for Ireland in changing US attitudes to marijuana?
[Irish Examiner] , Riordan, John  Lessons for Ireland in changing US attitudes to marijuana? (04 Jan 2013)

Drugs worth over €49m seized by Revenue's Customs services in 2012.
[] Drugs worth over €49m seized by Revenue's Customs services in 2012. (05 Jan 2013)

Women run day-to-day criminal business of leading drugs gangs.
[Irish Independent] Women run day-to-day criminal business of leading drugs gangs. (06 Jan 2013)

Customs stop record amount of head shop drug imports.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keefe, Cormac Customs stop record amount of head shop drug imports. (05 Jan 2013)

Coroner highlights methadone link to heart failure after man's death.
[Irish Times] , Gartland, Fiona Coroner highlights methadone link to heart failure after man's death. (05 Jan 2013)

Even a tipple a day is one too many – warning from doctors.
[Irish Independent] , Adams, Stephen Even a tipple a day is one too many – warning from doctors. (02 Jan 2013)

7 things to know about teenage drinking (and how to deal with it).
[] , O'Malley, Sheila  7 things to know about teenage drinking (and how to deal with it). (01 Jan 2013)

HSE app aims to help smokers beat the habit.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Sullivan, Claire HSE app aims to help smokers beat the habit. (02 Jan 2013)

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