In this issue
Evidence Resources
Drug squads: units specialised in drug law enforcement in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) Drug squads: units specialised in drug law enforcement in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 14 p.
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National workforce report 2017: strategies for recruitment, retention, and development of the substance use disorder treatment and recovery services workforce: A national qualitative report.
Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network. Alagoz, Esra and Hartje, Joyce and Fitzgerald, Maureen [ATTC Network] . (2017) National workforce report 2017: strategies for recruitment, retention, and development of the substance use disorder treatment and recovery services workforce: A national qualitative report. Kansas: Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network.
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Developing drug supply monitoring in Europe: current concepts.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2017) Developing drug supply monitoring in Europe: current concepts. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 11 p.
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A cross-national examination of differences in classification of lifetime alcohol use disorder between DSM-IV and DSM-5: findings from the World Mental Health Survey.

Slade, Tim et al (2016) A cross-national examination of differences in classification of lifetime alcohol use disorder between DSM-IV and DSM-5: findings from the World Mental Health Survey. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 40 (8)

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Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of fentanyl and its analogues in biological specimens. Manual for use by national drug analysis laboratories.
Laboratory and Scientific Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. [UNODC] (2017) Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of fentanyl and its analogues in biological specimens. Manual for use by national drug analysis laboratories. Vienna: United Nations. 72 p.
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The diverse reasons for using Novel Psychoactive Substances - A qualitative study of the users' own perspectives.
Soussan, Christophe and Andersson, Martin and Kjellgren, Anette . (2018) The diverse reasons for using Novel Psychoactive Substances - A qualitative study of the users' own perspectives. Elsevier. International Journal of Drug Policy, 52 71–78. /10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.11.003
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How illegal drugs sustain organised crime in the EU.
Europol. (2017) How illegal drugs sustain organised crime in the EU. The Hague: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation. 16 p.
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39th Expert Committee on Drug Dependence: technical documents.
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. [WHO] (2017) 39th Expert Committee on Drug Dependence: technical documents. Geneva: World Health Organization. Thirty-ninth meeting, Geneva, 6-10 November 2017
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Cannabidiol (CBD) pre-review report. Agenda item 5.2.
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. [WHO] (2017) Cannabidiol (CBD) pre-review report. Agenda item 5.2. Geneva: World Health Organization. 27 p. Thirty-ninth meeting, Geneva, 6-10 November 2017
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A global picture of injecting drug use, HIV and anti-HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs, and coverage of harm reduction interventions.
Larney, Sarah [NDARC] . (2017) A global picture of injecting drug use, HIV and anti-HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs, and coverage of harm reduction interventions. NDARC, NDRI, NCETA. Drug and Alcohol Research Connections, December 2017
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Changing behaviour: electronic cigarettes.
Dawkins, Lynne and McRobbie, Hayden . (2017) Changing behaviour: electronic cigarettes. London: British Psychological Society. 7 p.
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Alcohol misuse and injury outcomes in young people aged 10–24.
Lester, Louise and Baker, Ruth and Coupland, Carol and Orton, Elizabeth . (2017) Alcohol misuse and injury outcomes in young people aged 10–24. Elsevier. Journal of Adolescent Health, Early online
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Assessing the impact and cost-effectiveness of needle/syringe provision and opiate substitution therapy on hepatitis C transmission among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: analysis of pooled datasets and economic modeling.

Platt, Lucy et al. (2017) Assessing the impact and cost-effectiveness of needle/syringe provision and opiate substitution therapy on hepatitis C transmission among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: analysis of pooled datasets and economic modeling. National Institute for Health Research. Public Health Research, 5 (5) 150 p.

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Report on the risk assessment of N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]furan-2-carboxamide (furanylfentanyl) in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2017) Report on the risk assessment of N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-yl]furan-2-carboxamide (furanylfentanyl) in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 49 p.
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Report on the risk assessment of N-(1‑phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylacrylamide (acryloylfentanyl) in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2017) Report on the risk assessment of N-(1‑phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylacrylamide (acryloylfentanyl) in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 50 p.
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Distinct effects of childhood ADHD and cannabis use on brain functional architecture in young adults.
Kelly, Clare and Castellanos, F Xavier and Tomaselli, Olivia and Lisdahl, Krista and Tamm, Leanne and Jernigan, Terry and Newman, Erik and Epstein, Jeffery N and Molina, Brooke S G and Greenhill, Laurence L and Potkin, Steven G and Hinshaw, Stephen and Swanson, James M [Biomed Central] . (2017) Distinct effects of childhood ADHD and cannabis use on brain functional architecture in young adults. Elsevier. NeuroImage. Clinical, 13
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The effects of sentencing policy on re-offending: a summary of evidence from 12 Campbell systematic reviews.
White, Howard [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2017) The effects of sentencing policy on re-offending: a summary of evidence from 12 Campbell systematic reviews. Campbell Collaboration. 4 p.
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Model-based appraisal of the comparative impact of Minimum Unit Pricing and taxation policies in Wales: Interim report An update to the 50p MUP example.
Angus, Colin and Holmes, John and Brennan, Alan and Meier, Petra . (2017) Model-based appraisal of the comparative impact of Minimum Unit Pricing and taxation policies in Wales: Interim report An update to the 50p MUP example. Cardiff: Welsh Government. 29 p.
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Public involvement in alcohol research.
Alcohol Research UK. (2017) Public involvement in alcohol research. London: Alcohol Research UK. 27 p.
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Drug Matrix cell B2: practitioners: generic and cross-cutting issues.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2017) Drug Matrix cell B2: practitioners: generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 5 p.

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Drug Treatment Matrix cell C2: Management/supervision; Generic and cross-cutting issues. London.

Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2017) Drug Treatment Matrix cell C2: Management/supervision; Generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 8 p

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