
Impact of new UK paracetamol overdose guidelines on patients presenting to the emergency department.
Nfila, G and Lee, S and Binchy, J (2014) Impact of new UK paracetamol overdose guidelines on patients presenting to the emergency department. Irish Medical Journal, 107 (2). p. 47.

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Online drug markets and novel psychoactive drugs.
Bingham, Tim (2014) Online drug markets and novel psychoactive drugs. In: Web Science Institute and the Doctoral Training Centre, 15 February 2014, University of Southampton.

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Promoting the participation of seldom heard young people: a review of the literature on best practice principles.
Kelleher, Cathy and Seymour, Mairead and Halpenny, Ann Marie (2014) Promoting the participation of seldom heard young people: a review of the literature on best practice principles. Centre for Social & Educational Research, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin.

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Emergence of opiate-induced neonatal abstinence syndrome.
Healy, D and English, F and Daniels, A and Ryan, CA (2014) Emergence of opiate-induced neonatal abstinence syndrome. Irish Medical Journal, 107 (2). p. 46.

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Health-related quality of life of HIV-infected intravenous drug users.
Surah, S and Adams, R and Townsend, L and Reynolds, I and Kinahan, J C and Keating, Shay and Mulcahy, Fiona and Keenan, Eamon and Barry, M and Lyons, F (2013) Health-related quality of life of HIV-infected intravenous drug users. International journal of STD & AIDS, 24 (11). pp. 867-74.

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‘Lead us not into temptation’: adolescence and alcohol policy in Europe.
Hope, Ann (2014) ‘Lead us not into temptation’: adolescence and alcohol policy in Europe. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 49 (2). pp. 126-127.

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Report card 2014.
Children's Rights Alliance. (2014) Report card 2014. Children's Rights Alliance, Dublin.

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Two cases of methaemoglobinaemia secondary to amyl nitrate use.
Nees, F and Fitzgerald, M (2014) Two cases of methaemoglobinaemia secondary to amyl nitrate use. Irish Medical Journal, 107 (2).

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Awareness of sexually transmitted infection and protection methods among university students in Ireland.
Lally, K and Nathan-V, Y and Dunne, S and McGrath, D and Cullen, Walter and Meagher, D and Coffey, J C and Dunne, C (2014) Awareness of sexually transmitted infection and protection methods among university students in Ireland. Irish journal of medical science, Early online .

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Towards a Framework for implementing evidence based alcohol interventions.
Armstrong, Ruth and Barry, Joseph (2014) Towards a Framework for implementing evidence based alcohol interventions. Irish Medical Journal, 107 (2).

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Estimating public expenditure on drug-law offenders in prison in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) Estimating public expenditure on drug-law offenders in prison in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Drug use in prison: assessment report.
Royuela, Luis and Montanari, Linda and Rosa, Miriam and Vicente, Julian (2014) Drug use in prison: assessment report. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Steps towards effective teamworking in community mental health teams.
Twomey, C and Byrne, M and Leahy, T (2014) Steps towards effective teamworking in community mental health teams. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 31 (1). pp. 51-59.

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Use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to determine the prevalence of alcohol misuse among HIV-infected individuals.
Surah, S and Kieran, J. and O'Dea, S and Shiel, C and Raffee, S and Mulcahy, Fiona and Keenan, Eamon and Lyons, F (2013) Use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to determine the prevalence of alcohol misuse among HIV-infected individuals. International journal of STD & AIDS, 24 (7). pp. 517-521.

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Health care quality indicators in the Irish health system. Examining the potential of hospital discharge data using the Hospital Inpatient Enquiry System.
Ireland. Office of the Chief Medical Officer. (2013) Health care quality indicators in the Irish health system. Examining the potential of hospital discharge data using the Hospital Inpatient Enquiry System. Department of Health, Dublin.

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Systematic review and meta-analysis of the economic impact of smoking bans in restaurants and bars.
Cornelsen, Laura and McGowan, Yvonne and Currie-Murphy, Laura M. and Normand, Charles (2014) Systematic review and meta-analysis of the economic impact of smoking bans in restaurants and bars. Addiction, early online .

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Smoking outside: the effect of the Irish workplace smoking ban on smoking prevalence among the employed.
Savage, Michael (2014) Smoking outside: the effect of the Irish workplace smoking ban on smoking prevalence among the employed. Health Economics, Policy and Law, early online .

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Results of the Department of Education and Skills ‘lifeskills’ survey, 2012.
Ireland. Department of Education and Skills. (2014) Results of the Department of Education and Skills ‘lifeskills’ survey, 2012. Department of Education and Skills, Dublin.

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Fifth annual child & adolescent mental health service report 2012 - 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Fifth annual child & adolescent mental health service report 2012 - 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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Risk factors for repetition of self-harm: a systematic review of prospective hospital-based studies.
Larkin, Celine and Di Blasi, Zelda and Arensman, Ella (2014) Risk factors for repetition of self-harm: a systematic review of prospective hospital-based studies. PLoS ONE, 9 (1).

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Alcohol Action Ireland’s submission to the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland on the review of the Code of Standards for advertising.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2014) Alcohol Action Ireland’s submission to the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland on the review of the Code of Standards for advertising. Alcohol Action Ireland.

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Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on different income and socioeconomic groups: a modelling study.
Holmes, John and Meng, Yang and Meier, Petra and Brennan, Alan and Angus, Collin and Campbell-Burton, Alexia and Guo, Yelan and Hill-McManus, Daniel and Purshouse, Robin C (2014) Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on different income and socioeconomic groups: a modelling study. The Lancet, Accepted proof .

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Open drug scenes and drug-related public nuisance: A visual rapid assessment research study in Dublin, Ireland.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Bingham, Tim (2013) Open drug scenes and drug-related public nuisance: A visual rapid assessment research study in Dublin, Ireland. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 12 (2).

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Tallaght Drugs Task Force annual review 2013.
Tallaght Drugs Task Force. (2014) Tallaght Drugs Task Force annual review 2013. Tallaght Drugs Task Force, Dublin.

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Tackling youth crime – youth justice action plan, 2014-2018.
Irish Youth Justice Service. (2014) Tackling youth crime – youth justice action plan, 2014-2018. Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin.

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Drug and alcohol misuse among young offenders on probation supervision in Ireland: findings from the Drugs and Alcohol Survey 2012.
Horgan, John J. (2013) Drug and alcohol misuse among young offenders on probation supervision in Ireland: findings from the Drugs and Alcohol Survey 2012. Probation Service, Dublin.

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