Home > Engagement insight: Ballyfermot Star.

Quality Matters. (2021) Engagement insight: Ballyfermot Star. Dublin: Ballyfermot STAR.

PDF (Engagement insight: Ballyfermot Star)

The Engagement Insight tool is a 34-item tool designed to measure specific values and behaviours related to staff engagement. It has been developed specifically for use by non-profit and charitable organisations in Ireland. This report contains your results and compares these with a benchmark score from all community and voluntary organisations who have completed the Engagement Insight tool. The report is separated into three sections. The first section explores literature related to employee engagement, why it matters, and what drives it. The second section explains the process used to develop and validate the Engagement Insight tool. The third and final section contains results for your organisation. This section also shows whether your organisation’s score was higher or lower compared to other organisations and contains a breakdown of responses within your organisation. 

Ten organisations were involved in the pilot and testing of the Engagement Insight tool, including Ballyfermot Star (chapter 4).

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