
The drug situation in Europe: an overview of data available on illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances from European monitoring in 2015.
Mounteney, Jane and Griffiths, Paul and Sedefov, Roumen and Noor, Andre and Vicente, Julián and Simon, Roland (2015) The drug situation in Europe: an overview of data available on illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances from European monitoring in 2015. Addiction, Early online .

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Recorded crime: quarter 2 2015.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Recorded crime: quarter 2 2015. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

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IASIO biennial report 2013 / 2014.
Irish Association for the Social Integration of Offenders. (2015) IASIO biennial report 2013 / 2014. Irish Association for the Social Integration of Offenders, Dublin .

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Alcohol and drug deaths registered in Northern Ireland, 2004-2014.
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2015) Alcohol and drug deaths registered in Northern Ireland, 2004-2014. Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Belfast .

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Homelessness: an unhealthy state. Health status, risk behaviours and service utilisation among homeless people in two Irish cities.
O'Reilly, Fiona and Barror, Suzanne and Hannigan, Ailish and Scriver, Stacey and Ruane, Lynn and McFarlane, Anne and O'Carroll, Austin (2015) Homelessness: an unhealthy state. Health status, risk behaviours and service utilisation among homeless people in two Irish cities. The Partnership for Health Equality, Dublin .

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Consultation on the development of an obesity policy and action plan for Ireland. A report developed for the Department of Health by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland.
Institute of Public Health in Ireland. (2015) Consultation on the development of an obesity policy and action plan for Ireland. A report developed for the Department of Health by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland. Stationery Office, Dublin .

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Caring - at what cost. Rebuilding and refinancing the community and voluntary sector.
McInerney, Chris and Finn, Cian (2015) Caring - at what cost. Rebuilding and refinancing the community and voluntary sector. IMPACT, Dublin .

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About last night. A call to action on harmful drinking.
Stop Out-Of-Control Drinking. (2015) About last night. A call to action on harmful drinking. Stop Out-Of-Control Drinking, Dublin .

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Dublin Simon Community annual report 2014.
Dublin Simon Community. (2015) Dublin Simon Community annual report 2014. Dublin Simon Community, Dublin .

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Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon .

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Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, admission to hospital, and mortality: a prospective cohort study.
Smyth, Andrew et al (2015) Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, admission to hospital, and mortality: a prospective cohort study. Lancet .

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Code of standards for advertising and marketing communications in Ireland.
Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland. (2015) Code of standards for advertising and marketing communications in Ireland. Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland, Dublin .

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Coolmine Therapeutic Community, Dublin: a forty-year history of Ireland's first voluntary drug treatment service.
Butler, Shane (2015) Coolmine Therapeutic Community, Dublin: a forty-year history of Ireland's first voluntary drug treatment service. Addiction, Early online .

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Merchants Quay Ireland. Annual review 2014.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2015) Merchants Quay Ireland. Annual review 2014. Merchants Quay Ireland, Dublin .

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Alcohol: minimum pricing.
Woodhouse, John and Ward, Philip (2015) Alcohol: minimum pricing. House of Commons Library, London .

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Perceptions of segregation and substance use behaviors in adolescence.
McAloney, Kareena (2015) Perceptions of segregation and substance use behaviors in adolescence. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 24 (5). pp. 295-301.

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Alcohol use, socioeconomic deprivation and ethnicity in older people.
Rao, Rahul and Schofield, Peter and Ashworth, Mark (2015) Alcohol use, socioeconomic deprivation and ethnicity in older people. BMJ Open, 5 (8). e007525.

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Health Products Regulatory Authority annual report 2014.
Health Products Regulatory Authority. (2015) Health Products Regulatory Authority annual report 2014. Health Products Regulatory Authority, Dublin .

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EMCDDA–Europol joint report on a new psychoactive substance: 1-phenyl-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-pentanone (α-PVP).
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Europol. (2015) EMCDDA–Europol joint report on a new psychoactive substance: 1-phenyl-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-pentanone (α-PVP). Publications Office of the European Union.

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The European health report 2015. Targets and beyond – reaching new frontiers in evidence.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2015) The European health report 2015. Targets and beyond – reaching new frontiers in evidence. WHO.

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Prevention of addictive behaviours.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Prevention of addictive behaviours. Publications Office of the European Union. EMCDDA Insights Series no. 18.

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UNODC youth initiative
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2015) UNODC youth initiative.

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A practical guide to including seldom-heard children and young people in decision making
McEvoy, Olivia (2015) A practical guide to including seldom-heard children and young people in decision making. Government Publications.

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