
Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in Europe: a systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention.
EMCDDA DRID group. Wiessing, Lucas and Ferri, Marica and Grady, Bart and Kantzanou, Maria and Sperle, Ide and Cullen, Katelyn J and Hatzakis, Angelos and Prins, Maria and Vickerman, Peter and Lazarus, Jeffrey V and Hope, Vivian D and Matheï, Catharina (2014) Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in Europe: a systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention. PLoS ONE, 9 (7). e103345.

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Report on hearings in relations to community courts.
Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality.. (2014) Report on hearings in relations to community courts. Houses of the Oireachtas, Dublin .

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Courts service annual report 2013.
Ireland. Courts Service. (2014) Courts service annual report 2013. Courts Service, Dublin .

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Smoking impedes executive function and related prospective memory.
Heffernan, T.M. and Carling, A. and O'Neill, T.S. and Hamilton, C. (2014) Smoking impedes executive function and related prospective memory. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 31 (3). pp. 159-165.

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Hidden harm stakeholder consultation.
Health Service Executive, Child and Family Services. (2014) Hidden harm stakeholder consultation. In: Hidden Harm Stakeholder Consultation, 28th January 2014, Radisson Hotel Sligo.

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An Garda Síochana: annual report 2013.
An Garda Siochana. (2014) An Garda Síochana: annual report 2013. An Garda Siochana, Dublin .

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Drinks-related employment in Dáil constituencies 2013.
Foley, Anthony (2014) Drinks-related employment in Dáil constituencies 2013. Drinks Industry Group of Ireland, Dublin .

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Psychological characteristics of heroin-dependent and non-opioid-substance-dependent adolescents in community drug treatment services.
Keane, Lisa and Ducray, Kevin and Smyth, Bobby P. (2014) Psychological characteristics of heroin-dependent and non-opioid-substance-dependent adolescents in community drug treatment services. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23 (4). p. 205.

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Placing the promotion of health and well being on the Irish prison agenda - The complexity of health promotion in Irish prisons.
McNamara, Catherine and Mannix McNamara, Patricia (2014) Placing the promotion of health and well being on the Irish prison agenda - The complexity of health promotion in Irish prisons. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 14 (1).

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EMCDDA–Europol joint report on a new psychoactive substance: 4,4′-DMAR (4-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-4,5-dihydrooxazol-2-amine.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) EMCDDA–Europol joint report on a new psychoactive substance: 4,4′-DMAR (4-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-4,5-dihydrooxazol-2-amine. Joint Reports, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Addiction recovery: a contagious paradigm! A case for the re-orientation of drug treatment services and rehabilitation services in Ireland.
Keane, Martin and McAleenan, Gerry and Barry, Joseph (2014) Addiction recovery: a contagious paradigm! A case for the re-orientation of drug treatment services and rehabilitation services in Ireland. Soilse, Dublin .

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Residential treatment for drug use in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) Residential treatment for drug use in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Report on the conference on the National Drugs Strategy.
Department of Health. (2014) Report on the conference on the National Drugs Strategy. In: National Drugs Strategy, 16 January 2014, Dublin Castle.

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EMCDDA-Europol 2013 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) EMCDDA-Europol 2013 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Community awareness of Drugs (CAD) annual report 2013.
Community Awareness of Drugs. (2014) Community awareness of Drugs (CAD) annual report 2013. Community Awareness of Drugs, Dublin .

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Report of the Working Group on educational materials for use in SPHE in post-primary schools and centres for education with particular reference to substance use education in the context of SPHE.
Working Group on educational materials for use in SPHE in post-primary schools and centres for education. (2014) Report of the Working Group on educational materials for use in SPHE in post-primary schools and centres for education with particular reference to substance use education in the context of SPHE. Department of Education and Skills, Dublin .

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Dormant accounts action plan 2014.
Ireland. Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. (2014) Dormant accounts action plan 2014. Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, Dublin .

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Effectiveness of community facilitator training in improving knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in relation to depression and suicidal behaviour.
Coppens, Evelian and Van Audenhove, Chantal and Iddi, Samuel and Arensman, Ella and Gottlebe, Katrin and Koburger, Nicole and Coffey, Claire and Gusmao, Ricardo and Quintao, Sonia and Costa, Susana and Szekely, Andras and Hegerl, Ulrich (2014) Effectiveness of community facilitator training in improving knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in relation to depression and suicidal behaviour. Journal of Affective disorders, 165 . pp. 142-150.

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The effectiveness of a brief intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in pregnancy: a controlled trial.
Sheehan, John and Gill, Aileen and Kelly, BD (2014) The effectiveness of a brief intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in pregnancy: a controlled trial. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 31 (3). pp. 175-189.

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Alcohol misuse and the family.
Latham, Linda (2014) Alcohol misuse and the family. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 22 (5). pp. 55-56.

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'Telling their stories' on a dual diagnosis training course: forensic mental health service users' perspective on their challenges, benefits and future strategies.
Rani, Shobha and Byrne, Hanora (2014) 'Telling their stories' on a dual diagnosis training course: forensic mental health service users' perspective on their challenges, benefits and future strategies. Nurse education in practice, 14 (2). pp. 200-207.

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Trends in hepatitis C notifications in Ireland, 2004-2013.
Murphy, Niamh and Thornton, Lelia (2014) Trends in hepatitis C notifications in Ireland, 2004-2013. EPI-Insight, 15 (7).

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The 2012 ESPAD impact survey.
Hibell, Bjorn (2014) The 2012 ESPAD impact survey. EMCDDA; ESPAD and Pompidou Group, Lisbon .

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Dublin 12 alcohol programme evaluation.
Dermody, Aoife and Gardner, Caroline (2014) Dublin 12 alcohol programme evaluation. Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force and Addiction Response Crumlin, Dublin .

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OECD health statistics 2014. How does Ireland compare?
OECD. (2014) OECD health statistics 2014. How does Ireland compare? OECD, Paris .

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The EU justice and home affairs agencies.
European Union. (2014) The EU justice and home affairs agencies. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Comparison of risk factors for prevalent sexually transmitted infections based on attendees at two genitourinary medicine clinics in Ireland.
Shiely, Frances and Hayes, Kevin and Horgan, Mary (2014) Comparison of risk factors for prevalent sexually transmitted infections based on attendees at two genitourinary medicine clinics in Ireland. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 25 (1). pp. 29-39.

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Recorded crime quarter 1 2014.
Central Statistics Office. (2014) Recorded crime quarter 1 2014. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

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New psychoactive substances legislation in Ireland – Perspectives from academia.
avanagh, Pierce  and Power, John D. (2014) New psychoactive substances legislation in Ireland – Perspectives from academia. Drug testing and analysis, 6 . pp. 884-891.

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