Welcome to the June 2015 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This is our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail debates

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30 Jun, 15
"So prohibition can work?" Changes in use of novel psychoactive substances among adolescents attending a drug and alcohol treatment service following a legislative ban.
Smyth, Bobby P. and James, Philip and Cullen, Walter and Darker, Catherine D (2015) "So prohibition can work?" Changes in use of novel psychoactive substances among adolescents attending a drug and alcohol treatment service following a legislative ban. International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online .

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26 Jun, 15
Report on the pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015.
Joint Committee on Health and Children. (2015) Report on the pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015. Houses of the Oireachtas, Dublin .

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26 Jun, 15
World drug report 2015.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2015) World drug report 2015. United Nations, Vienna .

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26 Jun, 15
New psychoactive substances in Europe: Innovative legal responses.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) New psychoactive substances in Europe: Innovative legal responses.Publications Office of the European Union,

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25 Jun, 15
Child and adolescent mental health services standard operating procedure.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Child and adolescent mental health services standard operating procedure. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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25 Jun, 15
Estimating trends in injecting drug use in Europe using national data on drug treatment admissions.

Sarasa-Renedo, Ana and Barrio, Gregorio et al (2015) Estimating trends in injecting drug use in Europe using national data on drug treatment admissions. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

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24 Jun, 15
Connecting for life. Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015-2020.
Department of Health, Health Service Executive, National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2015) Connecting for life. Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015-2020. Department of Health, Dublin .

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24 Jun, 15
Research evidence to prevent alcohol-related harm: what communities can do in Ireland.
Hope, Ann (2015) Research evidence to prevent alcohol-related harm: what communities can do in Ireland. Galway Healthy Cities: Galway City Alcohol Strategy to Prevent and Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm (2013-2017)., Galway .

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24 Jun, 15
Ranking EU progress on road safety. 9th road safety performance index report.
Adminaite, Dovile and Allsop, Richard and Jost, Graziella (2015) Ranking EU progress on road safety. 9th road safety performance index report. European Transport Safety Council, Brussels .

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24 Jun, 15
Suicide prevention: an evidence review 2015.
Dillon, Lucy and Guiney, Ciara and Farragher, Louise and McCarthy, Anne and Long, Jean [HRB] (2015) Suicide prevention: an evidence review 2015. Health Research Board.

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23 Jun, 15
Drugs policy and the city in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Drugs policy and the city in Europe. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

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20 Jun, 15
Video: What is the commonest cause of death related to alcohol?
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. (2015) What is the commonest cause of death related to alcohol?
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19 Jun, 15
Consumer price levels in 2014.
Eurostat. (2015) Consumer price levels in 2014. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg .

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17 Jun, 15
Ana Liffey drug project position paper on the provision of low threshold residential stabilisation service (LTRSS)in Ireland.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2015) Ana Liffey drug project position paper on the provision of low threshold residential stabilisation service (LTRSS)in Ireland. Ana Liffey Drug Project, Dublin .

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16 Jun, 15
Adolescent ecstasy use and depression: cause and effect, or two outcomes of home environment?
McCann, Mark and Higgins, Kathryn and Perra, Oliver and McCartan, Claire and McLaughlin, Aisling (2014) Adolescent ecstasy use and depression: cause and effect, or two outcomes of home environment? European Journal of Public Health, 24 (5). pp. 845-850.

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15 Jun, 15
Adolescent alcohol use patterns from 25 European countries.
Bräker, Astrid-Britta and Gobel, Kristin and Scheithauer, Herbert and Soellner, Renate (2015) Adolescent alcohol use patterns from 25 European countries. Journal of Drug Issues, Early online . pp. 1-15.

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15 Jun, 15
Benzodiazepine prescribing in children under 15 years of age receiving free medical care on the General Medical Services scheme in Ireland.
O'Sullivan, K and Reulbach, U and Boland, F and Motterlini, N and Kelly, D and Bennett, K and Fahey, T (2015) Benzodiazepine prescribing in children under 15 years of age receiving free medical care on the General Medical Services scheme in Ireland. BMJ Open, 5 (6). e007070.

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12 Jun, 15
Ana Liffey drug project position paper on the provision of a medically supervised injecting centre in Dublin.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2015) Ana Liffey drug project position paper on the provision of a medically supervised injecting centre in Dublin. Ana Liffey Drug Project, Dublin .

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12 Jun, 15
2015 global reference list of 100 core health indicators.
World Health Organization. (2015) 2015 global reference list of 100 core health indicators. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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12 Jun, 15
IMO position paper on addiction and dependency.
Irish Medical Organisation. (2015) IMO position paper on addiction and dependency. Irish Medical Organisation, Dublin .

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12 Jun, 15
HIV in Ireland: 2014 report.
HSE-Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2015) HIV in Ireland: 2014 report. Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin .

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11 Jun, 15
Health service performance report March 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Health service performance report March 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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11 Jun, 15
Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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10 Jun, 15
National rape crisis statistics 2014.
Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2015) National rape crisis statistics 2014. Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Dublin .

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09 Jun, 15
Factors associated with recently acquired hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: new findings from an unlinked anonymous monitoring survey.
Cullen, KJ and Hope, VD and Croxford, S and Shute, J and Ncube, F and Parry, JV (2015) Factors associated with recently acquired hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: new findings from an unlinked anonymous monitoring survey. Epidemiology and infection, 143 (7). pp. 1398-407.

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09 Jun, 15
Gender differences in psychotropic use across Europe: results from a large cross-sectional, population-based study.
Boyd, A and Van de Velde, S and Pivette, M and Ten Have, M and Florescu, S and O'Neill, S and Caldas-de-Almeida, J-M and Vilagut, G and Haro, J M and Alonso, J and Kovess-Masféty, V (2015) Gender differences in psychotropic use across Europe: results from a large cross-sectional, population-based study. European psychiatry, epub ahead of print .

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09 Jun, 15
Smoke-free spaces: progress in reducing exposure to second-hand smoke in Northern Ireland incorporating the five year review of smoke-free legislation.
Purdy, Joanna and McAvoy, Helen and Mitchell, Elizabeth (2015) Smoke-free spaces: progress in reducing exposure to second-hand smoke in Northern Ireland incorporating the five year review of smoke-free legislation. Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Dublin .

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09 Jun, 15
Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland: figures for 2013 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System.
Health Research Board. (2015) Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland: figures for 2013 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System. Health Research Board, Dublin .

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05 Jun, 15
Benzodiazepine prescribing guideline adherence and misuse potential in Irish minors.
Murphy, Kevin D and Sahm, Laura J and McCarthy, Suzanne and Byrne, Stephen (2015) Benzodiazepine prescribing guideline adherence and misuse potential in Irish minors. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, Early online .

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05 Jun, 15
Perspectives on drugs: opioid trafficking routes from Asia to Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.(2015) Perspectives on drugs: opioid trafficking routes from Asia to Europe. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

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04 Jun, 15
A vision for change nine years on: a coalition analysis of progress.
Mental Health Reform. (2015) A vision for change nine years on: a coalition analysis of progress. Mental Health Reform, Dublin .

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04 Jun, 15
European drug report 2015: trends and developments.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) European drug report 2015: trends and developments. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg .

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04 Jun, 15
Cork Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force strategic plan for 2015-2017.
Cork Local Drugs Task Force. (2015) Cork Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force strategic plan for 2015-2017. Cork Local Drugs Task Force, Cork .

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02 Jun, 15
Smoking, attitudes to smoking and provision of smoking cessation advice in two teaching hospitals in Ireland: do smoke-free policies matter?
Ohakim, Adanna and Mellon, Lisa and Jafar, Bedour and O'Byrne, Caroline and McElvaney, Noel G and Cormican, Liam and McDonnell, Ronan and Doyle, Frank (2015) Smoking, attitudes to smoking and provision of smoking cessation advice in two teaching hospitals in Ireland: do smoke-free policies matter? Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 3 (1). pp. 142-153.

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02 Jun, 15
Electronic cigarette use among Irish youth: a cross sectional study of prevalence and associated factors.
Babineau, Kate and Taylor, Keishia and Clancy, Luke (2015) Electronic cigarette use among Irish youth: a cross sectional study of prevalence and associated factors. PLoS ONE, 10 (5). e0126419.

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02 Jun, 15
Demographic and clinical factors predicting retention in methadone maintenance: results from an Irish cohort.
Darker, Catherine D and Ho, J and Kelly, G and Whiston, L and Barry, Joseph (2015) Demographic and clinical factors predicting retention in methadone maintenance: results from an Irish cohort. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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02 Jun, 15
Effect of integrating HIV and addiction care for non-engaging HIV-infected opiate-dependent patients.
Kinahan, J C and Surah, S and Keating, S and Bergin, C and Mulcahy, F and Lyons, F and Keenan, Eamon (2015) Effect of integrating HIV and addiction care for non-engaging HIV-infected opiate-dependent patients. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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Fifteen drug users infected with HIV.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Fifteen drug users infected with HIV. (30 Jun 2015)

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Headshop drugs ban curbs problem usage.
[Irish Examiner] , Shanahan, Catherine Headshop drugs ban curbs problem usage. (30 Jun 2015)

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Half of students have used cannabis.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Half of students have used cannabis. (29 Jun 2015)

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Umbrella support behind Oireachtas report on alcohol bill.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Umbrella support behind Oireachtas report on alcohol bill. (29 Jun 2015)

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Irish alcoholics are travelling to UK for €1,000 'pellet' to help beat addiction.
[Irish Independent] , O'Regan, Mark Irish alcoholics are travelling to UK for €1,000 'pellet' to help beat addiction. (29 Jun 2015)

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Rise in recently acquired HIV in persons who inject drugs in Dublin.
[Health Protection Surveillance Centre] Rise in recently acquired HIV in persons who inject drugs in Dublin. (26 Jun 2015)

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Diet pill death ‘a first for Ireland’.
[Irish Examiner] Diet pill death ‘a first for Ireland’. (26 Jun 2015)

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Steroid abuse prevalent in Irish society – Irish Sports Council.
[Irish Times] , Cumiskey, Gavin Steroid abuse prevalent in Irish society – Irish Sports Council. (26 Jun 2015)

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Groups appeal for additional funding for Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
[The ECHO] , Dennehy, Mary Groups appeal for additional funding for Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. (25 Jun 2015)

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The price of alcohol [letters].
[Irish Times] The price of alcohol [letters]. (25 Jun 2015)

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Tackling the scourge of addictions.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd Tackling the scourge of addictions. (24 Jun 2015)

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Bottles of wine look likely to be set at a minimum of €8, cans of beer at €2.
[] Bottles of wine look likely to be set at a minimum of €8, cans of beer at €2. (23 Jun 2015)

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TDs want graphic warning labels on alcohol products.
[] , Cullen, Adam TDs want graphic warning labels on alcohol products. (23 Jun 2015)

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RCPI calls for Oireachtas commitment on alcohol sport sponsorship.
[] RCPI calls for Oireachtas commitment on alcohol sport sponsorship. (23 Jun 2015)

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Boots and College of Surgeons roll out alcohol detox programme.
[Irish Examiner] Boots and College of Surgeons roll out alcohol detox programme. (23 Jun 2015)

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Doctors welcome Health Committee Report on alcohol legislation.
[Royal College of Physicians of Ireland] Doctors welcome Health Committee Report on alcohol legislation. (22 Jun 2015)

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Revenue destroyed a whopping €90m-worth of drugs last year.
[] Revenue destroyed a whopping €90m-worth of drugs last year. (22 Jun 2015)

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Drinks companies could soon be hit with a ‘social responsibility levy’.
[] Drinks companies could soon be hit with a ‘social responsibility levy’. (22 Jun 2015)

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Almost 10,000 people are in methadone programmes in Ireland – and the number is rising.
[] Almost 10,000 people are in methadone programmes in Ireland – and the number is rising. (21 Jun 2015)

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Gardaí bid to tackle illicit sale of steroids.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Gardaí bid to tackle illicit sale of steroids. (19 Jun 2015)

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Alcohol warning labels sought by Department of Health.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd Alcohol warning labels sought by Department of Health. (19 Jun 2015)

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Of 23,000 who say they took MDMA, 202 ended up in hospital.
[] Of 23,000 who say they took MDMA, 202 ended up in hospital. (18 Jun 2015)

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[Sport] Education key to preventing more failed drug tests.
[] , Boyle, Donnchadh and Donoghue, James [Sport] Education key to preventing more failed drug tests. (18 Jun 2015)

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Still blinkered on Vision for Change.
[Irish Medical Times] , Shannon, June Still blinkered on Vision for Change. (16 Jun 2015)

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Heroin dealing in Cork to be targeted.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean Heroin dealing in Cork to be targeted. (16 Jun 2015)

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Breda O’Brien: sex, alcohol and consent – what the research tells us.
[Irish Times] Breda O’Brien: sex, alcohol and consent – what the research tells us. (15 Jun 2015)

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Legal highs: Irish ban 'wiped out' headshop industry.
[BBC News Online] Legal highs: Irish ban 'wiped out' headshop industry. (15 Jun 2015)

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Ketamine use is on the rise in Ireland – who’s using it and where does it come from?
[] Ketamine use is on the rise in Ireland – who’s using it and where does it come from? (13 Jun 2015)

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Ireland a ‘great place for smugglers to operate’.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Ireland a ‘great place for smugglers to operate’. (12 Jun 2015)

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European opioid users are ‘ageing cohort’.
[Irish Medical Times] European opioid users are ‘ageing cohort’. (11 Jun 2015)

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Heroin swoop impact on supply ‘will be significant’.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Heroin swoop impact on supply ‘will be significant’. (11 Jun 2015)

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Irish Medical Organisation launches major policy paper on Addiction and Dependency.
[Irish Medical Organisation] Irish Medical Organisation launches major policy paper on Addiction and Dependency. (11 Jun 2015)

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These counties have the highest numbers of people treated for alcohol abuse.
[] , Russell, Cliodhna These counties have the highest numbers of people treated for alcohol abuse. (10 Jun 2015)

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EU Public Health Programme 2014-2020: alcohol research.
[European Commission] EU Public Health Programme 2014-2020: alcohol research. (10 Jun 2015)

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This is how Irish alcohol taxes compare to the rest of the EU.
[] , Healy, Catherine This is how Irish alcohol taxes compare to the rest of the EU. (10 Jun 2015)

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Health Research Board publishes latest figures for treated problem alcohol use in Ireland.
[Health Research Board] Health Research Board publishes latest figures for treated problem alcohol use in Ireland. (09 Jun 2015)

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How often do people use drugs while working? Most often around exam time anyway.
[] , Duffy, Ronan How often do people use drugs while working? Most often around exam time anyway. (09 Jun 2015)

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Crackdown on drugs thugs and debt collectors.
[Connaught Tribune] , Online, CT Crackdown on drugs thugs and debt collectors. (09 Jun 2015)

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The global drug survey 2015 findings.
[Global Drug Survey] , Winstock, Adam The global drug survey 2015 findings. (08 Jun 2015)

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Medical Matters: Is laughing gas harmless fun or a serious drug problem?
[Irish Times] , Houston, Muiris Medical Matters: Is laughing gas harmless fun or a serious drug problem? (08 Jun 2015)

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Ireland has the highest percentage of people who need medical help after drinking too much.
[] , Ryan, Orla Ireland has the highest percentage of people who need medical help after drinking too much. (08 Jun 2015)

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Irish recreational drug users reveal cocaine and MDMA use – and talk ‘mystery white powders’.
[] , Ryan, Orla Irish recreational drug users reveal cocaine and MDMA use – and talk ‘mystery white powders’. (08 Jun 2015)

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€2.7m from Dormant Accounts Fund for substance abuse prevention initiatives and to support people with disabilities.
[Department of Health] €2.7m from Dormant Accounts Fund for substance abuse prevention initiatives and to support people with disabilities. (08 Jun 2015)

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133 drivers in fatal crashes were not breathalysed last year.
[] , Sheils McNamee, Michael 133 drivers in fatal crashes were not breathalysed last year. (07 Jun 2015)

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DRUGS CRISIS: rising drug potency poses greater danger.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac DRUGS CRISIS: rising drug potency poses greater danger. (05 Jun 2015)

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Hotlines for dirty needle collections to be established.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean Hotlines for dirty needle collections to be established. (05 Jun 2015)

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Drug consumption centres reduce risk of overdose.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Drug consumption centres reduce risk of overdose. (05 Jun 2015)

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Alcohol initiative to tackle abuse.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Riordan, Sean Alcohol initiative to tackle abuse. (05 Jun 2015)

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Two new legal highs are being discovered for sale per week.
[] Two new legal highs are being discovered for sale per week. (05 Jun 2015)

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HRB plans evidence review on responses to misuse of drugs.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd HRB plans evidence review on responses to misuse of drugs. (05 Jun 2015)

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Second phase of Growing Up study launched.
[] Second phase of Growing Up study launched. (04 Jun 2015)

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More than 10pc of women students sexually assaulted 'when drunk or drugged'.
[] , Nugent, Ryan More than 10pc of women students sexually assaulted 'when drunk or drugged'. (04 Jun 2015)

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[Press Release] NGOs resign from alcohol and health Forum as Commission ignores member state and European Parliament calls for alcohol strategy.
[European Public Health Alliance] [Press Release] NGOs resign from alcohol and health Forum as Commission ignores member state and European Parliament calls for alcohol strategy. (03 Jun 2015)

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What can Ireland learn from a country that decriminalised drugs?
[] What can Ireland learn from a country that decriminalised drugs? (03 Jun 2015)

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UNGASS 2016:civil society survey.
[Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs] UNGASS 2016:civil society survey. (02 Jun 2015)

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A new test can tell from your fingerprint if you’ve taken drugs.
[] , Hosford, Paul A new test can tell from your fingerprint if you’ve taken drugs. (01 Jun 2015)

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Alcohol price controls 'vital in tackling rising abuse'.
[] , Riegal, Ralph Alcohol price controls 'vital in tackling rising abuse'. (01 Jun 2015)

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