
Trafficking for forced labour in cannabis production.
Migrant Rights Centre Ireland. (2014) Trafficking for forced labour in cannabis production. Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, Dublin.

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Emotional labour in harm-reduction practice in Ireland: An exploratory study.
Fabianowska, Joanna and Hanlon, Niall (2014) Emotional labour in harm-reduction practice in Ireland: An exploratory study. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 13 (1). pp. 53-65.

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Garda recorded crime statistics 2008-2012.
Central Statistics Office. (2014) Garda recorded crime statistics 2008-2012. Central Statistics Office, Cork.

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Presentation: Minimum alcohol price policies in action: a report from Canada.
Stockwell, Tim (2014) Presentation: Minimum alcohol price policies in action: a report from Canada. In: Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality debate - Public order offences from alcohol misuse perspective: discussion, 25 March 2014, Houses of the Oireachtas, Dublin.

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Understanding the development of minimum unit pricing of alcohol in Scotland: a qualitative study of the policy process.
Vittal Katikireddi, Srinivasa and Hilton, Shona and Bonell, Chris and Bond, Lyndal (2014) Understanding the development of minimum unit pricing of alcohol in Scotland: a qualitative study of the policy process. PLoS ONE, 9 (3).

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At home in prison? Women and the homelessness– incarceration nexus.
Mayock, Paula and Sheridan, Sarah (2014) At home in prison? Women and the homelessness– incarceration nexus. Irish Social Worker, 10 .

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Psychology and the penal system.
O'Mahony, Paul (2014) Psychology and the penal system. Working Notes, Issue 73: The Rights of Workers – Then and Now .

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National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016: progress report to end 2013.
Department of Health . (2014) National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016: progress report to end 2013. Department of Health, Dublin.

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Health Service management data report December 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health Service management data report December 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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What's the deal? Trends in Irish street-level heroin and cocaine 2010-2012.
Boyle, Michelle and Carroll, Lynn and Clarke, Karen and Clarke, Paula and Coyle, Hugh J and English, Henry and Goff, Miriam and Kane, Eugene and Killoran, Sarah and O'Connor, Kristen (2014) What's the deal? Trends in Irish street-level heroin and cocaine 2010-2012. Drug testing and analysis, early online .

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Thirty years of the Talbot Centre.
Roe, Liam and Cotter, Mary and Allison, Jackie and McCann, John and Tuite, Gillian and Carrick, Abigail (2014) Thirty years of the Talbot Centre. The Talbot Centre, Dublin.

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Evaluation report of the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework pilot.
Barry, Joseph and Ivers, Jo-Hanna H. (2014) Evaluation report of the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework pilot. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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The illicit drug trade through South-Eastern Europe.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2014) The illicit drug trade through South-Eastern Europe. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna.

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The ebb and flow of attitudes and policies on alcohol in Ireland 2002-2010.
Hope, Ann (2014) The ebb and flow of attitudes and policies on alcohol in Ireland 2002-2010. Drug and alcohol review, early online .

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10th anniversary of the introduction of the workplace smoking ban is celebrated.
(2014) 10th anniversary of the introduction of the workplace smoking ban is celebrated. In: Celebrating 10 years of the Workplace Smoking Ban in Ireland, 24 March 2014, Royal College of Physicians, Dublin 2.

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Alcohol’s harm to others in Ireland.
Hope, Ann (2014) Alcohol’s harm to others in Ireland. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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National action to address child intentional injury - 2014. Europe summary.
Mackay, M and Vincenten, J (2014) National action to address child intentional injury - 2014. Europe summary. European Child Safety Alliance, Birmingham.

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Library value and impact: taking the step from knowing it to showing it.
Dunne, Mary and Nelson, Mairea and Dillon, Lucy and Galvin, Brian (2013) Library value and impact: taking the step from knowing it to showing it. Library and Information Research, 37 (116).

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Health survey Northern Ireland – 2012/13.
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency . (2014) Health survey Northern Ireland – 2012/13. Public Health Information & Research Branch, Belfast.

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Down in the wards: point prevalence of antidepressant and benzodiazepine use.
Keenan, Rosemarie and O'Hare, James (2014) Down in the wards: point prevalence of antidepressant and benzodiazepine use. Irish Medical Journal .

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A prospective cohort study of alcohol exposure in early and late pregnancy within an urban population in Ireland.
Murphy, Deirdre J and Dunney, Clare and Mullally, Aoife and Adnan, Nita and Fahey, Tom and Barry, Joe (2014) A prospective cohort study of alcohol exposure in early and late pregnancy within an urban population in Ireland. International journal of environmental research and public health, 11 (2). pp. 2049-2063.

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Regional drug strategies across the world.
Ballotta, Danilo (2014) Regional drug strategies across the world. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Mephedrone-induced uvulitis.
Murphy, A and Haughey, R (2014) Mephedrone-induced uvulitis. Anaesthesia, 69 (2). pp. 189-190.

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Poly-tobacco use among adults in 44 countries during 2008-2012: evidence for an integrative and comprehensive approach in tobacco control.
Agaku, Israel T and Filippidis, Fillipos T and Vardavas, Constantine I and Odukoya, Oluwakemi O and Awopegba, Ayodeji J and Ayo-Yusuf, Olalekan A and Connolly, Gregory N. (2014) Poly-tobacco use among adults in 44 countries during 2008-2012: evidence for an integrative and comprehensive approach in tobacco control. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Early online .

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Genetic pre-determinants of concurrent alcohol and opioid dependence: A critical review.
Martin, Marissa and Klimas, Jan and Dunne, Colum and O'Connor, William T and O'Dwyer, Patrick and Smyth, Bobby P. and Cullen, Walter (2013) Genetic pre-determinants of concurrent alcohol and opioid dependence: A critical review. OA alcohol, 1 (2). 18p..

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Barriers or bridges? Drug rehabilitation projects – the road to recovery.
Citywide. (2014) Barriers or bridges? Drug rehabilitation projects – the road to recovery. Citywide, Dublin.

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Socioeconomic and country variations in cross-border cigarette purchasing as tobacco tax avoidance strategy. Findings from the ITC Europe surveys.
Nagelhout, Gera E,.and Allwright, Shane, and Mons, Ute, and McNeill, Ann et al. (2014) Socioeconomic and country variations in cross-border cigarette purchasing as tobacco tax avoidance strategy. Findings from the ITC Europe surveys. Tobacco Control, 23 (Supplement 1). i30-i39.

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Novel approach to tackle alcohol problems.
Meagan, Geraldine (2014) Novel approach to tackle alcohol problems. Forum, 31 (3). p. 23.

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The Probation Service annual report 2013.
Probation Service. (2014) The Probation Service annual report 2013. Probation Service, Dublin.

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Alcohol Action Ireland seminar videos.
Campbell, Alastair and Bedford, Declan and White, Minister Alex (2014) Alcohol Action Ireland seminar videos. In: Campaigning for Change – Evidence-based solutions for alcohol harm., 3 March 2014, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.

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Catalogue of national health and social care data collections.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2014) Catalogue of national health and social care data collections. Health Information and Quality Authority, Cork.

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Demographic trends in suicide in the UK and Ireland 1980–2010.
Murphy, O C and Kelleher, Cecily and Malone, Kevin (2014) Demographic trends in suicide in the UK and Ireland 1980–2010. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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Irish prison service annual report 2013.
Irish Prison Service. (2014) Irish prison service annual report 2013. Irish Prison Service, Longford.

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Joint Probation Service – Irish Prison Service strategy 2014 - 2016: an effective response to women who offend.
Probation Service, Irish Prison Service. (2014) Joint Probation Service – Irish Prison Service strategy 2014 - 2016: an effective response to women who offend. Probation Service and Irish Prison Service.

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Results of data gathered at a smoking cessation counselling stand in the Dublin Dental University Hospital on mouth cancer awareness Day 2012.
Waldron, C and Cronin, O and Guray, A and Hynes, A and McGovern, C and Ryan, M (2014) Results of data gathered at a smoking cessation counselling stand in the Dublin Dental University Hospital on mouth cancer awareness Day 2012. Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 59 (6). pp. 308-10.

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European questionnaire on drug use among prisoners (EQDP).
Montanari, Linda and Royuela, Luis and Rosa, Miriam and Vicente, Julian (2014) European questionnaire on drug use among prisoners (EQDP). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Experience of crime: findings from the 2012/13 Northern Ireland crime survey.
Campbell, P. and Cadogan, G (2013) Experience of crime: findings from the 2012/13 Northern Ireland crime survey. Analytical Services Group, Department of Justice, Belfast.

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