
Characteristics of hospital-treated intentional drug overdose in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Griffin, Eve and Corcoran, Paul and Cassidy, Linda and O'Carroll, Amanda and Perry, Ivan J and Bonner, Brendan (2014) Characteristics of hospital-treated intentional drug overdose in Ireland and Northern Ireland. BMJ open, 4 (7). e005557.

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Health Service performance assurance report July 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health Service performance assurance report July 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Department of Justice and Equality annual report 2013.
Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality. (2014) Department of Justice and Equality annual report 2013. Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin .

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Standardised packaging of tobacco products evidence review.
Hammond, David (2014) Standardised packaging of tobacco products evidence review. Department of Health, Dublin .

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An examination of childhood trauma in individuals attending an adult mental health service.
Wota, AP and Byrne, C and Murray, I and Ofuafor, T and Nisar, Z and Neuner, F and Hallahan, BP (2014) An examination of childhood trauma in individuals attending an adult mental health service. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Early online .

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Recorded crime quarter 2 2014.
Central Statistics Office. (2014) Recorded crime quarter 2 2014. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

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Every contact counts: Improving access to treatment for alcohol misuse in Northern Ireland.
Gilbert, Laura (2014) Every contact counts: Improving access to treatment for alcohol misuse in Northern Ireland. Addiction NI and FASA, Belfast .

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Peer, professional, and public: An analysis of the drugs policy advocacy community in Europe.
O'Gorman, Aileen and Quigley, Eoghan and Zobel, Frank and Moore, Kerri (2014) Peer, professional, and public: An analysis of the drugs policy advocacy community in Europe. The International journal on drug policy, Early online .

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Strategic review of penal policy.
Strategic Review Group on Penal Policy. (2014) Strategic review of penal policy. Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin .

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Perinatal mortality in Ireland annual report 2012.
Manning, E and Corcoran, Paul and Meaney, S and Greene, Richard A (2014) Perinatal mortality in Ireland annual report 2012. National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre, Cork .

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Long-term survey of a syringe-dispensing machine needle exchange program: answering public concerns.
Duplessy, Catherine and Reynaud, Emmanuel G (2014) Long-term survey of a syringe-dispensing machine needle exchange program: answering public concerns. Harm reduction journal, 11 . p. 16.

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Prisons and health.
Enggist, Stefan and Moller, Lars and Galea, Gauden and Udesen, Caroline , eds. (2014) Prisons and health. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen .

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An exploration into the prevalence of alcohol use and the values, beliefs and needs of adolescents who engage in regular alcohol use within the Limerick and North Tipperary regions.
O’Cinneide Cullen, C and Mannix McNamara, Patricia (2014) An exploration into the prevalence of alcohol use and the values, beliefs and needs of adolescents who engage in regular alcohol use within the Limerick and North Tipperary regions. NIHS Research Bulletin, 7 (1). 40 p..

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Increasing incidence of hepatitis C among intravenous drug users in HSE Mid-West.
Ryan, H and Ryan, S (2014) Increasing incidence of hepatitis C among intravenous drug users in HSE Mid-West. NIHS Research Bulletin, 7 (1). p. 32.

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Imaging of gunshot injuries in a west Dublin teaching hospital – A ten year review.
Murphy, Ian and Lavelle, Lisa and Ni Mhurchu, Elaine and McCarthy, R and Heffernan, E (2014) Imaging of gunshot injuries in a west Dublin teaching hospital – A ten year review. Irish Medical Journal, 107 (8).

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Merchants Quay Ireland. Annual review 2013.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2014) Merchant Quay Ireland. Annual review 2013. Merchants Quay Ireland, Dublin .

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Quenching the thirst: spirituality and addiction.
Diarmuid, Martin (2014) Quenching the thirst: spirituality and addiction. In: Irish Bishops’ Drugs Initiative National Conference, 1 February 2014, Church of the Holy Child, Whitehall.

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Programme for government: annual report 2014.
Government for National Recovery 2011 – 2016. (2014) Programme for government: annual report 2014. Department of the Taoiseach, Dublin .

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The Parole Board annual report 2013.
Parole Board. (2014) The Parole Board annual report 2013. Parole Board, Dublin .

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National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System (NPIRS) national bulletin Ireland 2013.
Daly, Antoinette and Walsh, Dermot (2014) National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System (NPIRS) national bulletin Ireland 2013. Health Research Board, Dublin .

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Psychiatric and psycho-social characteristics of suicide completers: a comprehensive evaluation of psychiatric case records and postmortem findings.
Kielty, J and van Laar, A and Davoren, M. and Conlon, L and Hillick, A and McDonald, C. and Hallahan, B (2014) Psychiatric and psycho-social characteristics of suicide completers: a comprehensive evaluation of psychiatric case records and postmortem findings. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online .

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Taking control: Pathways to drug policies that work.
Global Commission on Drug Policy. (2014) Taking control: Pathways to drug policies that work. Global Commission on Drug Policy, Rio de Janeiro .

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Briefing material provided to Minister Varadkar upon his appointment.
Department of Health. (2014) Briefing material provided to Minister Varadkar upon his appointment. Department of Health, Dublin .

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An internet study of user's experiences of the synthetic cathinone 4-methylethcathinone (4-MEC).
Van Hout, Marie Claire (2014) An internet study of user's experiences of the synthetic cathinone 4-methylethcathinone (4-MEC). Journal of psychoactive drugs, 46 (4). pp. 273-286.

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Youth mental health in deprived urban areas: a Delphi study on the role of the GP in early intervention.
Schaffalitzky, Elisabeth and Leahy, D and Cullen, Walter and Gavin, B and Latham, Linda and O'Connor, R. and Smyth, Bobby P. and O'Dea, Ellen and Ryan, S (2014) Youth mental health in deprived urban areas: a Delphi study on the role of the GP in early intervention. Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online .

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Preventing suicide: a global imperative.
World Health Organization. (2014) Preventing suicide: a global imperative. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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Quay Times: The newsletter for supporters of Merchants Quay Ireland.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2014) Quay Times: The newsletter for supporters of Merchants Quay Ireland. Quay Times, Summer .

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The effect of moderate gestational alcohol consumption during pregnancy on speech and language outcomes in children: a systematic review.
O'Keeffe, Linda M and Greene, Richard A and Kearney, Patricia M (2014) The effect of moderate gestational alcohol consumption during pregnancy on speech and language outcomes in children: a systematic review. Systematic reviews, 3 . p. 1.

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Health service: social inclusion KPI metadata 2014 based on division operational plan NSP 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health service: social inclusion KPI metadata 2014 based on division operational plan NSP 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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DePaul Ireland annual report 2013. Homelessness has no place.
Depaul Ireland. (2014) DePaul Ireland annual report 2013. Homelessness has no place. Depaul Ireland, Dublin .

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Open your eyes. HSE elder abuse services 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Open your eyes. HSE elder abuse services 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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What is needed in future drug treatment research? A systematic approach to identify gaps on effectiveness of drug treatment from the EMCDDA.
Ferri, Marica and Bo, Alessandra and Amato, Laura and Correia Guedes, Ines and Sofia Esteves, Carla and Wiessing, Lucas and Oliver, Sandy and Hickman, Matthew and Davoli, Marina (2014) What is needed in future drug treatment research? A systematic approach to identify gaps on effectiveness of drug treatment from the EMCDDA. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, Early online .

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