Welcome to the April 2014 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This is our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail debates.

To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit the NDC website, Ireland's comprehensive alcohol and other drug research library, or follow us on Twitter
30 Apr, 14
Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census 2013.
Daly, Antoinette and Walsh, Dermot and Moran, Rosalyn (2014) Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census 2013. Health Research Board, Dublin.
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30 Apr, 14
ICGP annual report 2013.
Irish College of General Practitioners. (2014) ICGP annual report 2013 (Jan-Dec). Irish College of General Practitioners, Dublin.
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29 Apr, 14
Factors associated with self-cutting as a method of self-harm: findings from the Irish National Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm.
Arensman, Ella and Larkin, Celine and Corcoran, Paul and Reulbach, Udo and Perry, Ivan J (2014) Factors associated with self-cutting as a method of self-harm: findings from the Irish National Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm. European journal of public health, 24 (2). pp. 292-297.
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28 Apr, 14
Drinking motives and links to alcohol use in 13 European countries.
Kuntsche, Emmanuel and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse et al (2014) Drinking motives and links to alcohol use in 13 European countries. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 75 (3). pp. 428-437.
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25 Apr, 14
Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, Big Influence – Westminster videos
Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, Big Influence – Westminster videos. In: Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, Big Influence: New vectors for global disease, 1 April 2014, The Palace of Westminster, London.
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22 Apr, 14
Steps towards a fairer future. Securing economic development, social equity and sustainability.
Healy, Sean and Leahy, Ann and Mallon, Sandra and Murphy, Michelle and Reynolds, Brigid (2014) Steps towards a fairer future. Securing economic development, social equity and sustainability. Social Justice Ireland, Dublin
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17 Apr, 14
Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe. A review of the monitoring of drug-related acute emergencies in 30 European countries

Giraudon, Isabelle and Mena, Guillermo and Matias, Joao and Vicente, Julian (2014) Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe. A review of the monitoring of drug-related acute emergencies in 30 European countries. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon.

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16 Apr, 14
Better outcomes brighter futures. The national policy framework for children & young people 2014 - 2020

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2014) Better outcomes brighter futures. The national policy framework for children & young people 2014 - 2020. Stationery Office, Dublin.

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15 Apr, 14
Factsheet: Cocaine - the Irish situation

National Documentation Centre on Drug Use (2014) Factsheet: Cocaine - the Irish situation (updated version)

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11 Apr, 14
Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland: figures for 2012 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System
Health Research Board. (2014) Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland: figures for 2012 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System. Health Research Board, Dublin.
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10 Apr, 14
Study on the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use, and blood-borne viruses among the Irish prisoner population

Drummond, Anne and Codd, Mary and Donnelly, N and McCausland, D and Mehegan, J and Daly, L and Kelleher, Cecily (2014) Study on the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use, and blood-borne viruses among the Irish prisoner population. National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol, Dublin

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09 Apr, 14
Health service performance assurance report. January 2014.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Health service performance assurance report. January 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin

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08 Apr, 14
Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/11 drug prevalence survey: cocaine results. Bulletin 4.

National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol. (2014) Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/11 drug prevalence survey: cocaine results. Bulletin 4. National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol, Dublin.

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07 Apr, 14
Community-based interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2014) Community-based interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. NICE public health intervention guidance 4
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07 Apr, 14
Needle and syringe programmes overview.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2014) Needle and syringe programmes overview. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. NICE pathways
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Scotland: Minimum alcohol policy referred to European court.
[BBC News] Scotland: Minimum alcohol policy referred to European court. (30 Apr 2014)

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Drug debt intimidation- towards a collective local response.
[Safer Blanchardstown] Drug debt intimidation- towards a collective local response. (30 Apr 2014)

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Interim Garda Commissioner O'Sullivan vows fresh drugs crackdown after €11m haul.
[] Interim Garda Commissioner O'Sullivan vows fresh drugs crackdown after €11m haul. (30 Apr 2014)

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Gardaí to debate law on holding drunk prisoners until they sober up.
[] Gardaí to debate law on holding drunk prisoners until they sober up. (30 Apr 2014)

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Drinks industry urges excises rethink.
[Irish Examiner] Drinks industry urges excises rethink. (29 Apr 2014)

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Cannabis not as harmful as alcohol.
[Irish Examiner] Cannabis not as harmful as alcohol. (26 Apr 2014)

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Fears that “hugely irresponsible” powdered alcohol could be used to spike drinks.
[] Fears that “hugely irresponsible” powdered alcohol could be used to spike drinks. (26 Apr 2014)

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Survey for Irish drug services – Impact of the Psychoactive Substance Act in Ireland.
[Irish Needle Exchange Forum] Survey for Irish drug services – Impact of the Psychoactive Substance Act in Ireland. (25 Apr 2014)

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Doctors not equipped to help patients quit smoking.
[] Doctors not equipped to help patients quit smoking. (25 Apr 2014)

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E-cigarettes banned in health service facilities.
[] E-cigarettes banned in health service facilities. (24 Apr 2014)

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Smoking cannabis can cause lethal damage to heart.
[] Smoking cannabis can cause lethal damage to heart. (23 Apr 2014)

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Former UK drugs advisor to speak at ”dream drug” heroin treatment centre.
[] Former UK drugs advisor to speak at ”dream drug” heroin treatment centre. (23 Apr 2014)

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Profits of tobacco smugglers are higher than court imposed fines.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Profits of tobacco smugglers are higher than court imposed fines. (23 Apr 2014)

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Ireland has 9,615 methadone users but care plans needed to get them drug-free.
[] Ireland has 9,615 methadone users but care plans needed to get them drug-free. (22 Apr 2014)

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Almost 2,000 drivers arrested for drink driving so far this year.
[] Almost 2,000 drivers arrested for drink driving so far this year. (19 Apr 2014)

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Seanad passes Bill outlawing smoking in cars carrying children.
[Irish Examiner] Seanad passes Bill outlawing smoking in cars carrying children. (17 Apr 2014)

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Gambling data sought in drugs prevalence poll.
[Irish Medical Times] Gambling data sought in drugs prevalence poll. (16 Apr 2014)

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Northern Ireland needle exchange scheme numbers rise 50% in four years.
[BBC News Northern Ireland] , Fitzpatrick, Michael Northern Ireland needle exchange scheme numbers rise 50% in four years. (16 Apr 2014)

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Call to expand drug treatment in prison.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Call to expand drug treatment in prison. (12 Apr 2014)

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New study on drug use in Irish prisons shows improvement in treatment provision and support services for prisoners.
[National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol] New study on drug use in Irish prisons shows improvement in treatment provision and support services for prisoners. (10 Apr 2014)

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GAA teams still top list for missed drug tests.
[Irish Times] , O'Riordan, Ian GAA teams still top list for missed drug tests. (10 Apr 2014)

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Government must resist lobbying over tobacco branding.
[Irish Times] Government must resist lobbying over tobacco branding. (09 Apr 2014)

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Coroner warns against ‘deadly poison’ ecstasy after fatalities.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Halloran, Georgina Coroner warns against ‘deadly poison’ ecstasy after fatalities. (09 Apr 2014)

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Moves to enhance drug treatment services.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd Moves to enhance drug treatment services. (09 Apr 2014)

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Irish women ignoring health consequences with excessive drinking at home.
[] Irish women ignoring health consequences with excessive drinking at home. (08 Apr 2014)

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The Young: 83% of teenagers alarmed over binge drinking - Bingeing culture biggest worry of teens.
[Belfast Telegraph] , Kilpatrick, Chris The Young: 83% of teenagers alarmed over binge drinking - Bingeing culture biggest worry of teens. (08 Apr 2014)

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Cork treatment centre trains addicts in resuscitation skills in effort to prevent overdose deaths.
[Irish Times] , McDonagh, Michelle Cork treatment centre trains addicts in resuscitation skills in effort to prevent overdose deaths. (08 Apr 2014)

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Tackling drug abuse one generation at a time.
[Irish Times] , Wayman, Shiela Tackling drug abuse one generation at a time. (08 Apr 2014)

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Irish people using cocaine less frequently, finds new research.
[] Irish people using cocaine less frequently, finds new research. (08 Apr 2014)

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Standardised packaging – UK moves closer.
[BMJ] Standardised packaging – UK moves closer. (07 Apr 2014)

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Minimum alcohol pricing can bring our long-suffering pubs back to life.
[] , Harkin, Greg Minimum alcohol pricing can bring our long-suffering pubs back to life. (07 Apr 2014)

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Why drug users should be decriminalised.
[Irish Times] , Mullally, Una Why drug users should be decriminalised. (07 Apr 2014)

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US business lobbies urge Kenny to rethink tobacco packaging.
[Irish Times] , Beasley, Arthur US business lobbies urge Kenny to rethink tobacco packaging. (05 Apr 2014)

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Scientists want to figure out the best way to use codeine – without getting addicted to it.
[] Scientists want to figure out the best way to use codeine – without getting addicted to it. (05 Apr 2014)

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The voice of a child living with parental alcoholism: 'I couldn't sleep last night with their fighting and roaring'.
[] The voice of a child living with parental alcoholism: 'I couldn't sleep last night with their fighting and roaring'. (04 Apr 2014)

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40% rise in methadone clients over the decade.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd 40% rise in methadone clients over the decade. (04 Apr 2014)

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Doctors urge new attitude to drink.
[Irish Examiner] , Kane, Conor Doctors urge new attitude to drink. (04 Apr 2014)

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Coroner warns of dangers of contaminated alcoholic drinks.
[Irish Examiner] , Maguire, Stephen Coroner warns of dangers of contaminated alcoholic drinks. (04 Apr 2014)

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‘Safe’ alcohol: too good to be true?
[Medical Independent] , Reilly, Catherine  ‘Safe’ alcohol: too good to be true? (03 Apr 2014)

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Health Committee publishes report on tobacco plain packaging Bill.
[Oireachtas] Health Committee publishes report on tobacco plain packaging Bill. (03 Apr 2014)

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The treatment and rehabilitation pillars of the Drugs Strategy.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd The treatment and rehabilitation pillars of the Drugs Strategy. (02 Apr 2014)

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Excluding key stakeholders from the campaign to tackle alcohol abuse is “misguided, counter-productive and contradictory”.
[MEAS] Excluding key stakeholders from the campaign to tackle alcohol abuse is “misguided, counter-productive and contradictory”. (02 Apr 2014)

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Drinks industry puts profit before public health.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Drinks industry puts profit before public health. (02 Apr 2014)

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Opening address at the alcohol forum conference by Alex White TD.
[Alex White TD [blog]] Opening address at the alcohol forum conference by Alex White TD. (02 Apr 2014)

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Half of young drivers admit to driving when drunk.
[Irish Times] , Briscoe, Neil Half of young drivers admit to driving when drunk. (02 Apr 2014)

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The county with the most people seeking treatment for alcohol abuse? Waterford.
[] The county with the most people seeking treatment for alcohol abuse? Waterford. (02 Apr 2014)

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How glass of wine at home can turn teens into problem drinkers.
[] , Riegal, Ralph How glass of wine at home can turn teens into problem drinkers. (01 Apr 2014)

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Irish people consumed 38 million litres of pure alcohol last year.
[] Irish people consumed 38 million litres of pure alcohol last year. (01 Apr 2014)

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Recent Oireachtas debates


Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 187 - Drugs task forces [17112/14]. (10 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 201 - Substance misuse [17164/14. (10 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 185 & 186 - Drug treatment programmes policy [17012/14]. (09 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 458 - Human Trafficking [16539/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 599 - Departmental expenditure [16258/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 635 - Medicinal products availability [16438/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 654 - Local Drugs Task Forces remit [16558/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 104 - Employment support services [15821/14]. (03 Apr 2014)

Joint Committee on Health and Children debate. Quarterly update on health issues: Minister for Health (continued). (03 Apr 2014)

Written answer 492 and 572 - Medicinal products availability [15510/14]. (01 Apr 2014)



Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 227 - Alcohol pricing [18287/14]. (17 Apr 2014)

Competition and Consumer Protection Bill 2014: Second stage. (16 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 426 - Garda Operations [16261/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 165 - Liquor licensing laws [15751/14]. (03 Apr 2014)



Seanad Éireann debate. Protection of Children's Health from Tobacco Smoke Bill 2012: Report and Final Stages. (17 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 138- Tobacco industry lobbying [17447/14]. (15 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 560 - Tobacco control measures [17447/14]. (15 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 581- Tobacco control measures [17445/14]. (15 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 582- Tobacco control measures [17446/14]. (15 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 12 - Tobacco seizures [16173/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 37 - Black economy issues [16184/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 619 - Electronic cigarettes [16362/14]. (08 Apr 2014)

Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 230 - Tobacco control measures [15899/14]. (03 Apr 2014)

Click here for all Oireachtas alcohol, drug and tobacco debates

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  • Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • International Journal of Drugs Policy
  • Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
  • Addiction

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