In this issue
Drugnet Europe 94.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2016) Drugnet Europe 94. .
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Alcohol and its impact on anxiety (2016) Alcohol and its impact on anxiety. Spunout Know Anxiety Campaign .
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A scoping review of home-produced heroin and amphetamine-type stimulant substitutes: implications for prevention, treatment, and policy.
Hearne, Evelyn and Grund, Jean-Paul Cornelius and Van Hout, Marie Claire and McVeigh, Jim (2016) A scoping review of home-produced heroin and amphetamine-type stimulant substitutes: implications for prevention, treatment, and policy. Harm Reduction Journal, 13 (14).
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Prices and e-cigarette demand: evidence from the European Union.
Stoklosa, Michal and Drope, Jeffrey and Chaloupka, Frank J (2016) Prices and e-cigarette demand: evidence from the European Union. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Early online .
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HIV, HCV, TB and harm reduction in prisons.
Sander, Gen (2016) HIV, HCV, TB and harm reduction in prisons. Harm Reduction International, London .
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Alcohol and driving.
National Driver Licence Service. (2016) Alcohol and driving. Road Safety Authority and the National Programme Office for Traffic Medicine, Dublin .
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Governmental standard drink definitions and low-risk alcohol consumption guidelines in 37 countries.
Kalinowski, Agnieszka and Humphreys, Keith (2016) Governmental standard drink definitions and low-risk alcohol consumption guidelines in 37 countries. Addiction, Early online .
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Health & wellbeing division operational plan 2016.
Health & wellbeing division. (2016) Health & wellbeing division operational plan 2016. Health Service Executive, Dublin .
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Maternal smoking - an opportunity to intervene.
Reynolds, Ciara and Egan, Brendan and Daly, Niamh (2016) Maternal smoking - an opportunity to intervene. Forum, 33 (4). pp. 55-57.
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Profile of frequent attenders to a Dublin inner city emergency department.
Ramasubbu, B and Donnelly, A and Moughty, A (2016) Profile of frequent attenders to a Dublin inner city emergency department. Irish Medical Journal, 109 (4).
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Smoking behaviour among people Living with HIV and AIDS: a sub-group comparison.
Babineau, Kate and O Dea, S and Courtney, G and Clancy, Luke (2016) Smoking behaviour among people Living with HIV and AIDS: a sub-group comparison. Irish Medical Journal, 109 (4).
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Department of Health annual report 2015. Progress on the first year of our three-year statement of strategy 2015 – 2017. .
Ireland. Department of Health. (2016) Department of Health annual report 2015. Progress on the first year of our three-year statement of strategy 2015 – 2017. . Department of Health, Dublin .
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Community based drug education. An evaluation of the CAD family focused drug education programme and tutor training programme.
Lecky, Yvonne and Casey, Martina (2016) Community based drug education. An evaluation of the CAD family focused drug education programme and tutor training programme. Community Awareness of Drugs and North East Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Dubin .
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National drugs strategy 2009-2016: progress report 2015.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2016) National drugs strategy 2009-2016: progress report 2015. Department of Health, Dublin .
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Using client's routine urinalysis records from multiple treatment systems to model five-year opioid substitution treatment outcomes.
Comiskey, Catherine M and Snel, Anne (2016) Using client's routine urinalysis records from multiple treatment systems to model five-year opioid substitution treatment outcomes. Substance Use & Misuse, 51 (4). pp. 498-507.
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EU drug markets report: in-depth analysis.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and Europol. (2016) EU drug markets report: in-depth analysis. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .
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Boxing clever: utilizing education and fitness to build recovery capital in a substance use rehabilitation program.
Morton, Sarah and O'Reilly, Laura and O'Brien, Karl (2016) Boxing clever: utilizing education and fitness to build recovery capital in a substance use rehabilitation program. Journal of Substance Use, Early online .
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Service review: Take home Naloxone programme in NI. Consultation with service users and service providers.
Shorter, Gillian W and Bingham, Tim (2016) Service review: Take home Naloxone programme in NI. Consultation with service users and service providers. Public Health Agency, Belfast .
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