In this issue
Evidence Resources
Preventing drug related deaths.
United Kingdom. Local Government Association. (2017) Preventing drug related deaths. London: Local Government Association. 27 p.
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Improving clinical responses to drug-related deaths. A summary of best practice and innovations from drug treatment providers.
Collective Voice, NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance. (2017) Improving clinical responses to drug-related deaths. A summary of best practice and innovations from drug treatment providers. London: Collective Voice and the NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance.
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Drug and Alcohol Findings collection: couples therapies.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Drug and Alcohol Findings collection: couples therapies. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings.
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The use of digital technology in substance misuse recovery.
Dugdale, Stephanie and Elison, Sarah and Davies, Glyn and Ward, Jonathan and Jones, Michaela . (2016) The use of digital technology in substance misuse recovery. Masaryk University. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 10 (4) /10.5817/CP2016-4-5
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The effect of female sex on hepatitis C incidence among people who inject drugs: results from the international multi-cohort InC3 Collaborative.
Esmaeili, Aryan et al. (2017) The effect of female sex on hepatitis C incidence among people who inject drugs: results from the international multi-cohort InC3 Collaborative. Oxford University Press. Clinical Infectious Diseases, cix768
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When parents take drugs.
Adfam. (2017) When parents take drugs. London: Adfam. 23 p.
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Young people’s use of e-cigarettes across the United Kingdom: findings from five surveys 2015–2017.
Bauld, Linda and Mackintosh, Anne Marie and Eastwood, Brian and Ford, Allison and Moore, Graham and Dockrell, Martin and Arnott, Deborah and Cheeseman, Hazel and McNeill, Ann . (2017) Young people’s use of e-cigarettes across the United Kingdom: findings from five surveys 2015–2017. MDPI. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (9) 973. 10.3390/ijerph14090973
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Do electronic cigarettes increase cigarette smoking in UK adolescents? Evidence from a 12-month prospective study.
Conner, Mark and Grogan, Sarah and Simms-Ellis, Ruth and Flett, Keira and Sykes-Muskett, Bianca and Cowap, Lisa and Lawton, Rebecca and Armitage, Christopher J and Meads, David and Torgerson, Carole and West, Robert and Siddiqi, Kamran [BMJ] . (2017) Do electronic cigarettes increase cigarette smoking in UK adolescents? Evidence from a 12-month prospective study. BMJ Publishing. Tobacco Control, Early online
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Perceptions of health risks of cigarette smoking: A new measure reveals widespread misunderstanding.
Krosnick, Jon A and Malhotra, Neil and Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung and Bruera, Eduardo F and Chang, LinChiat and Pasek, Josh and Thomas, Randall K [PLOS One] . (2017) Perceptions of health risks of cigarette smoking: A new measure reveals widespread misunderstanding. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE, 12 (8)
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Frequently asked questions on opioid agonist treatment for pharmaceutical opioid dependence: An evidence summary.
Nielsen, Suzanne [NDARC] . (2017) Frequently asked questions on opioid agonist treatment for pharmaceutical opioid dependence: An evidence summary. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. 16 p.
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Adolescent alcohol use and parental and adolescent socioeconomic position in six European cities.
Bosque-Prous, Marina and Kuipers, Mirte AG and Espelt, Albert and Richter, Matthias and Rimpelä, Arja and Perelman, Julian and Federico, Bruno and Brugal, M Teresa and Lorant, Vincent and Kunst, Anton E [Biomed Central] . (2017) Adolescent alcohol use and parental and adolescent socioeconomic position in six European cities. BioMed Central. BMC Public Health, 17 (646)
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An overview of forensic drug testing methods and their suitability for harm reduction point-of-care services.
Harper, Lane and Powell, Jeff and Pijl, Em M [Biomed Central] . (2017) An overview of forensic drug testing methods and their suitability for harm reduction point-of-care services. BioMed Central. Harm Reduction Journal, 14 (1)
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Multimorbidity: quality standard.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. [NICE] (2017) Multimorbidity: quality standard. London: NICE. 21 p. QS153
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