Pharmacists warn of dangers of using internet for buying medicines.
Crackdown on cough bottles over meth fear.
Big cuts to addiction services ‘will cause havoc’.
Prescribing Task Force due.
Launch of research findings on the use of sedatives, tranquilisers and anti-depressants.
Analysis: legal challenge to Scotland’s minimum alcohol price plan.
Vulnerability of teenagers to sexual violence in a binge drinking culture must be addressed.
Varadkar remains uneasy about banning alcohol sponsorship of sport.
Alcohol awareness week set for Ireland next year.
Ban on head shop drugs did not end trade, it simply pushed it underground.
Customs reports rise in ecstasy seizures.
Law may target abuse of legally prescribed drugs, conference hears.
More drivers caught using drugs as roadside tests to rise.
Over 120,000 illegal tablets and capsules seized by authorities.
Minister to introduce test for drug driving.
Over 65s at increased risk of developing dementia with benzodiazepines.
Drug deaths - Scourge on streets must be tackled.
Departments lobbied against plans to end sport sponsorship by drink firms.
‘We had no choice but to submit a minority report’.
Dail debate: Addiction services: Motion [Private Members].
More women than ever addicted to heroin, says HSE official.
Alex White promises action on alcohol plan.
Preventing opioid overdoses in Europe: a critical assessment of known risk factors and preventative measures.
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Thirty-fifth report.
Tackling the black market and retail crime.
Manganese toxicity with ephedrone abuse manifesting as parkinsonism: a case report.
Reform of remission, temporary release and parole.
Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland. 2010/11 drug prevalence survey: sedatives or tranquillisers and anti-depressants results. Bulletin 6.
Alcohol policy in Europe: evidence from AMPHORA.
Retrospective study of outcomes, for patients admitted to a Drug Treatment Centre Board.
Report on roadside drug testing and equipment and related matters.
Prison visiting committee annual reports 2011.
Report on an inspection of St. Patrick’s Institution by the Inspector of Prisons Judge Michael Reilly.
How we see it. Report of a survey on young people's body image.
HSE July 2012 performance report. National service plan 2012.
Environmental tobacco smoke in designated smoking areas in the hospitality industry: exposure measurement, exposure modelling & policy assessment.
Prehospital medication administration: a randomised study comparing intranasal and intravenous routes.
Prognostic factors of 2-year outcomes of patients with comorbid bipolar disorder or depression with alcohol dependence: importance of early abstinence.
Working it out- a report on the barriers to employment faced by people who are homeless.
Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Misuse Database: 1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012.
Coolmine Therapeutic Community annual report 2011.
Male IDUs who have sex with men in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: are they at greater risk of bloodborne virus infection and harm than those who only have sex with women?
National hepatitis C database: for infection acquired through blood and blood products. 2012 report.
Dail Debates
Recent Dail debates
Significant debates in October

Dail Debates

Recent Dail debates
This link provides access to relevant discussions from the Dail, Seanad, and Committees Drug and alcohol Oireachtas debates

Significant debates in October
Addiction services: Motion [Private Members]. - 02 October 2012:

Addiction services: Motion (resumed) [Private Members] - 03 October 2012:

Topical issue debate - misuse of drugs - 18 October 2012:
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