In this issue
Evidence Resources
Harm reduction investment in the European Union. Current spending, challenges and successes.
Cook, Catherine [Harm Reduction International] . (2017) Harm reduction investment in the European Union. Current spending, challenges and successes. London: Harm Reduction International. 56 p.
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Supervised dosing with a long acting opioid medication in the management of opioid dependence

Saulle, Rosella and Vecchi, Simona and Gowing, Linda [The Cochrane Library]. (2015) Supervised dosing with a long acting opioid medication in the management of opioid dependence. London: Wiley. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (12)

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Tobacco packaging design for reducing tobacco use.
McNeill, Ann and Gravely, Shannon and Hitchman, Sarah C and Bauld, Linda and Hammond, David and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie [The Cochrane Library] . (2017) Tobacco packaging design for reducing tobacco use. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4) DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011244.pub2
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The effects of psychoactive prescription drugs on driving.
Beirness, DJ . (2017) The effects of psychoactive prescription drugs on driving. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. 48 p.
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Pharmacy guidance on smoking and mental disorder.
Campion, Jonathan and Hewitt, Jed and Shiers, David and Taylor, David . (2017) Pharmacy guidance on smoking and mental disorder. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists, National Pharmacy Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society. 4 p.
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United Kingdom drug situation. Focal Point annual report 2016.
Crawford, Catherine and Gohel, Rhia and Heneghan, Miranda and Thomson, Fay and Wright, Craig [UK Focal Point] . (2017) United Kingdom drug situation. Focal Point annual report 2016. London: United Kingdom Focal Point at Public Health England. 180 p.
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Effect of early, brief computerized interventions on risky alcohol and cannabis use among young people.
Smedslund, Geir and Wollscheid, Sabine and Fang, Lin and Nilsen, Wendy and Steiro, Asbjørn and Larun, Lillebeth [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2017) Effect of early, brief computerized interventions on risky alcohol and cannabis use among young people. London: The Campbell Collaboration. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13 (6) 216 p. DOI: 10.4073/csr.2017.6
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Identifying substance misuse in primary care: TAPS Tool compared to the WHO ASSIST.
Schwartz, R P and McNeely, J and Wu, L T and Sharma, G and Wahle, A and Cushing, C and Nordeck, C D and Sharma, A and O'Grady, K E and Gryczynski, J and Mitchell, S G and Ali, R L and Marsden, J and Subramaniam, G A . (2017) Identifying substance misuse in primary care: TAPS Tool compared to the WHO ASSIST. Elsevier. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 76 69-76.
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Improving lives: helping workless families.
United Kingdom. Department for Work and Pensions. [Public Health England] (2017) Improving lives: helping workless families. London: Department of Work and Pensions. 32 p.
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Estimates of alcohol dependence in England, including estimates of children living in a household with an adult with alcohol dependence. Prevalence, trends, and amenability to treatment.
Pryce, Robert and Buykx, Penny and Gray, Laura and Stone, Tony and Drummond, Colin and Brennan, Alan . (2017) Estimates of alcohol dependence in England, including estimates of children living in a household with an adult with alcohol dependence. Prevalence, trends, and amenability to treatment. London: Public Health England. 63 p.
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Overdose deaths, naloxone and controlling alcohol-related nuisance and disorder.
Drug and Alcohol Findings.(2017) Overdose deaths, naloxone and controlling alcohol-related nuisance and disorder.London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Hot Topic (April - June 2017) 
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Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol Recommendations for further action.

Alcohol Advocacy Coalition.  (2017 Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol  Recommendations for further action. Glasgow: Alcohol Focus Scotland.

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New issues and age-old challenges: a review of young people’s relationship with tobacco.
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. (2017) New issues and age-old challenges: a review of young people’s relationship with tobacco. Liverpool: Roy Castle Lung Cancer
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