In this issue
The “Let’s Talk About Drugs” National Youth Media Awards 2017 overall winner has been announced.
[] (27 Apr 2017)
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Roadside drug testing kits may not work in cold weather.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] (27 Apr 2017)
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Half of all drink-driving cases struck out as Garda summonses not served.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor (27 Apr 2017)
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Headshop drug treatments fell 50% after ban in 2010.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (26 Apr 2017)
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Get the message: why it all 'ads' up in critical drive for safer roads.
[] (26 Apr 2017)
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Drugs: 'How is arresting someone for something that they are addicted to helping?'
[], O'Riordain, Aodhan (25 Apr 2017)
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Gardaí look at extending cautions for cannabis.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Apr 2017)
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Exams a bad time for stop smoking campaign.
[Irish Examiner], Baker, Noel (25 Apr 2017)
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Injecting centres: no honeypot effect.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Apr 2017)
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We want his death to be a lesson to others on the dangers of anabolic steroids: Family’s appeal.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] (25 Apr 2017)
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One in eight crimes last year carried out by people on bail.
[Irish Examiner], McCarthaigh, Sean (24 Apr 2017)
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Call for campaign to tackle alcohol in pregnancy.
[Irish Examiner], Shanahan, Catherine (23 Apr 2017)
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Drug dealing happens in mental health facilities across the country, doctor says.
[], Ryan, Orla (22 Apr 2017)
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Senator O'Riordain calls for legalisation of cannabis.
[Irish Examiner], O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (22 Apr 2017)
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600 babies born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome every year.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] (21 Apr 2017)
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Homeless drug users are being left to die, doctors warn.
[Irish Times], Cullen, Paul (20 Apr 2017)
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Decriminalisation of all drugs for personal use considered.
[Irish Times], Holland, Kitty (18 Apr 2017)
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Meeting psychological needs – but going nowhere.
[Irish Times], O'Morain, Padraig (18 Apr 2017)
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Letter: Alcohol problems cost €1 in €10 spent on healthcare.
[Irish Times], Rowe, Mark (18 Apr 2017)
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Drugs Ireland: pushing back the rising tide.
[], Clifford, Graham (16 Apr 2017)
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72 Gardaí trained to use drug test.
[Irish Examiner], Fegan, Joyce (15 Apr 2017)
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A drug with 'zombie-like' effects is causing huge problems in Manchester. So what is it?
[], Brophy, Daragh (15 Apr 2017)
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Drug warning over middle-aged motorists who 'borrow' tablets and drive.
[] (13 Apr 2017)
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Forum seeks to give voice to most-vulnerable drug users.
[Irish Times], Holland, Kitty (13 Apr 2017)
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So alcohol won't affect you? Then why do you bother drinking at all?
[] (12 Apr 2017)
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Problem with ending Good Friday ban is ... alcohol.
[Irish Times], Sheridan, Kathy (12 Apr 2017)
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Cannabis is most common drug detected among Irish drivers, followed by benzos.
[], Brophy, Daragh (12 Apr 2017)
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Concerns vaping may act as ‘gateway’ to tobacco cigarettes.
[Irish Examiner], Ring, Evelyn (11 Apr 2017)
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Time to put words into action – Open letter to Members of the European Parliament.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (10 Apr 2017)
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Strategies to tackle drug abuse must come from communities, Cork protest told.
[Irish Times], Roche, Barry (08 Apr 2017)
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Crime prevention: a case of vision and value.
Editorial. [Irish Times] (08 Apr 2017)
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Legalising cannabis could boost Irish tax revenues by millions.
[Irish Times], Cullen, Paul (07 Apr 2017)
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Call for outreach programmes for people with hepatitis C.
[], O'Flynn, Mark (06 Apr 2017)
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Stressed-out doctors turn to drink and drugs in rise of mental health issues.
[], O'Regan, Eilish (05 Apr 2017)
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Automatic drink-driving ban 'could save eight lives a year'.
[], Melia, Paul (05 Apr 2017)
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10 facts about addiction.
[], Quinlan, Ailin (04 Apr 2017)
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Gardai to be randomly tested for illegal drugs and alcohol.
[], McMahon, Cathal (02 Apr 2017)
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Online alcohol intervention for Limerick third level students.
[Limerick Post] (01 Apr 2017)
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