
Department of Health annual report 2012.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2013) Department of Health annual report 2012. Department of Health, Dublin.

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Annual report of the committee appointed to monitor the effectiveness of the diversion programme 2012.
Committee appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme. (2013) Annual report of the committee appointed to monitor the effectiveness of the diversion programme 2012. An Garda Siochana, Dublin.

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Review of the Dublin North City and County addiction service.
Pilling, Stephen and Hardy, Robert (2013) Review of the Dublin North City and County addiction service. Psychological Interventions Research Centre and University College London, Dublin.

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Health in Ireland: key trends 2013.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2013) Health in Ireland: key trends 2013. Department of Health, Dublin.

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Health Protection Surveillance Centre annual report 2012.
Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2013) Health Protection Surveillance Centre annual report 2012. Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin.

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Recorded crime quarter 3 2013.
Central Statistics Office. (2013) Recorded crime quarter 3 2013. Central Statistics Office, Cork.

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Homeless oversight group (1st Report) 2013.
Kennedy, Mark and Langford, Sylda and Fahey, Tony (2013) Homeless oversight group (1st Report) 2013. Dublin Region Homeless Executive, Dublin.

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Prison recidivism: 2008 cohort.
Central Statistics Office. (2013) Prison recidivism: 2008 cohort. Central Statistics Office, Cork.

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Health service national service plan 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2013) Health service national service plan 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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Cancer incidence and mortality due to alcohol: An analysis of 10-Year data.
Laffoy, Marie and McCarthy, Triona and Mullen, Louise and Byrne, David and Martin, J (2013) Cancer incidence and mortality due to alcohol: An analysis of 10-Year data. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (10).

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Drug policy advocacy organisations in Europe.
O’Gorman, Aileen and Quigley, Eoghan and Zobel, Frank and Moore, Kerri (2013) Drug policy advocacy organisations in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Drug supply reduction and internal security policies in the European Union: an overview.
Quigley, Eoghan (2013) Drug supply reduction and internal security policies in the European Union: an overview. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Co-morbid substance use and mental disorders in Europe: a review of the data.
Montanari, Linda and Pasinetti, Manuala and Thanki, Danica and Vicente, Julian (2013) Co-morbid substance use and mental disorders in Europe: a review of the data. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Drug squads: units specialised in drug law enforcement in Europe.
Laniel, Laurent and Kasecker, Rainer and Groshkova, Teodora and Carpentier, Chloe (2013) Drug squads: units specialised in drug law enforcement in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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Mediating effects of coping style on associations between mental health factors and self-harm among adolescents.
McMahon, Elaine M and Corcoran, Paul and McAuliffe, Carmel and Keeley, Helen and Perry, Ivan J and Arensman, Ella (2013) Mediating effects of coping style on associations between mental health factors and self-harm among adolescents. Crisis, 34 (4). pp. 242-250.

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Adolescents exposed to suicidal behavior of others: prevalence of self-harm and associated psychological, lifestyle, and life event factors.
McMahon, Elaine M and Corcoran, Paul and Keeley, Helen and Perry, Ivan J and Arensman, Ella (2013) Adolescents exposed to suicidal behavior of others: prevalence of self-harm and associated psychological, lifestyle, and life event factors. Suicide & life-threatening behavior, 43 (6). pp. 634-45.

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Alcohol dependence: management and treatment in general practice.
McGovern, Garrett (2013) Alcohol dependence: management and treatment in general practice. Forum, 30 (12). pp. 23-27.

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Inchicore Bluebell community addiction team strategic planning document 2014-2017.
Inchicore Bluebell Community Addiction Team. (2013) Inchicore Bluebell community addiction team strategic planning document 2014-2017. Inchicore Bluebell Community Addiction Team, Dublin.

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Self-cutting versus intentional overdose: Psychological risk factors.
Larkin, Conall and Di Blasi, Z and Arensman, Ella (2013) Self-cutting versus intentional overdose: Psychological risk factors. Medical Hypotheses, 81 (2). pp. 347-354.

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Silk Road market place.
Bingham, Tim (2013) Silk Road market place. In: Developments on drug markets, crime and supply reduction, 4 December 2013, Lisbon.

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Activity of acute public hospitals in Ireland annual report 2012.
Health Research and Information Division, Economic and Social Research Institute. (2013) Activity of acute public hospitals in Ireland annual report 2012. Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin.

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Systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of depression on subsequent smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease: 1990-2013.
Doyle, Frank and Rhode, Daniela and Rutkowska, Aleksandra and Morgan, Karen and Cousins, Grainne and McGee, Hannah (2014) Systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of depression on subsequent smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease: 1990-2013. Psychosomatic Medicine, Early online . (In Press)

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Ageing towards 21 as a risk factor for young adult suicide in the UK and Ireland.
Malone, Kevin and Quinlivan, L. and Grant, T. and Kelleher, Cecily C. (2013) Ageing towards 21 as a risk factor for young adult suicide in the UK and Ireland. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 22 (3). pp. 263-267.

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Drop out from out-patient mental healthcare in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey initiative.
Wells, J Elisabeth, et al. (2013) Drop out from out-patient mental healthcare in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey initiative. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 202 . p. 383.

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Probation recidivism 2008 cohort.
Central Statistics Office. (2013) Probation recidivism 2008 cohort. Central Statistics Office, Dublin.

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City Clinic 20 years of reflections, remembrances and recollections 1993 - 2013.
City Clinic. (2013) City Clinic 20 years of reflections, remembrances and recollections 1993 - 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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Clinical report 2012.
The Rotunda Hospital. (2013) Clinical report 2012. The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin.

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WHO European tobacco control status report 2013.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2013) WHO European tobacco control status report 2013. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.

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Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census: November 2013.
Daly, Antoinette (2013) Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census: November 2013. Health Research Board, Dublin.

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Women in the Criminal Justice System: towards a non-custodial approach.
Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2013) Women in the Criminal Justice System: towards a non-custodial approach. Irish Penal Reform Trust, Dublin.

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Ten year audit of cancer care at St. James’s Hospital 2003-2012.
Cancer Audit Programme Team. (2013) Ten year audit of cancer care at St. James’s Hospital 2003-2012. St Jame's Hospital, Dublin.

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Health service management data report. September 2013.
Health Service Executive. (2013) Health service management data report. September 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin.

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Interim report on the Dóchas Centre by the Inspector of Prisons Judge Michael Reilly.
Reilly, Judge Michael (2013) Interim report on the Dóchas Centre by the Inspector of Prisons Judge Michael Reilly. Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin.

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Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region: a progress report.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2013) Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region: a progress report. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.

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Who really took the hits during Ireland’s Bailout?
Social Justice Ireland. (2013) Who really took the hits during Ireland’s Bailout? Social Justice Ireland, Dublin.

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