
Older men and older women remand prisoners: mental illness, physical illness, offending patterns and needs.
Davoren, Mary and Fitzpatrick, Mary and Caddow, Fintan and Caddow, Martin and O'Neill, Conor and O'Neill, Helen and Kennedy, Harry G (2014) Older men and older women remand prisoners: mental illness, physical illness, offending patterns and needs. International Psychogeriatrics / IPA, Early online . pp. 1-9.

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Cork Simon Community annual report 2013.
Cork Simon Community. (2014) Cork Simon Community annual report 2013. Cork Simon Community, Cork .

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Tabor Group annual report 2013
Tabor Group. (2014) Tabor Group annual report 2013. Tabor Group, Cork .

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Health service national service plan 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health service national service plan 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Dynamics of child economic vulnerability and socio-emotional development: an analysis of the first two waves of the growing up in Ireland study.
Watson, Dorothy and Maitre, Bertrand and Whelan, Christopher T and Williams, James (2014) Dynamics of child economic vulnerability and socio-emotional development: an analysis of the first two waves of the growing up in Ireland study. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin .

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Drugnet Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) Drugnet Europe. , 88 (October–December).

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5-step method presentations.
Family Support Network. (2014) 5-step method presentations. In: 5-step method conference, 11 November 2014, Croke Park, Dublin.

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The lived experiences of men in 12-Step recovery against a backdrop of hegemonic masculinity.
Dwyer, David (2014) The lived experiences of men in 12-Step recovery against a backdrop of hegemonic masculinity. Irish Probation Journal . pp. 177-195.

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Examining the profile and perspectives of individuals attending harm reduction services who are users of performance and image enhancing drugs.
Jennings, Ciaran J and Patten, Emer and Kennedy, Mark and Kelly, Chris (2014) Examining the profile and perspectives of individuals attending harm reduction services who are users of performance and image enhancing drugs. Merchants Quay Ireland, Dublin .

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Community return: a unique opportunity. A descriptive evaluation of the first twenty six months (2011 - 2013).
Irish Prison Service, Probation Service. (2014) Community return: a unique opportunity. A descriptive evaluation of the first twenty six months (2011 - 2013). Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin .

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Sankalpa annual report 2013.
Sankalpa. (2014) Sankalpa annual report 2013. Sankalpa, Dubin .

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Pregnancy and opioid use: strategies for treatment, EMCDDA Papers.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2014) Pregnancy and opioid use: strategies for treatment, EMCDDA Papers. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Cigarette smoking impairs human pulmonary immunity to mycobacterium tuberculosis.
O'Leary, Seónadh M and Coleman, Michelle M and Chew, Wui Mei and Morrow, Colette and McLaughlin, Anne Marie and Gleeson, Laura E and O'Sullivan, Mary P and Keane, Joseph (2014) Cigarette smoking impairs human pulmonary immunity to mycobacterium tuberculosis. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, early online .

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Rotunda hospital. Clinical report 2013.
The Rotunda Hospital. (2014) Rotunda hospital. Clinical report 2013. The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin .

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National rape crisis statistics 2013.
Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2014) National rape crisis statistics 2013. Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Galway .

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Report of the Garda Siochana Inspectorate. Crime investigation.
Garda Inspectorate. (2014) Report of the Garda Siochana Inspectorate. Crime investigation. Garda Inspectorate, Dublin .

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When the smoke clears…
Kelly, Pat (2014) When the smoke clears…. Irish Pharmacist, 10 (16). pp. 4-8.

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The gender differences: non medical use of prescription drugs in Europe and the mediterranean region.
Clark, Marion et al (2014) The gender differences: non medical use of prescription drugs in Europe and the mediterranean region. Council of Europe, Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group) .

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Endovascular aneurysm repair for multiple aneurysms as a sequel of hypereosinophilic syndrome.
McVeigh, T and Hynes, N and Tawfick, W and Sultan, S (2014) Endovascular aneurysm repair for multiple aneurysms as a sequel of hypereosinophilic syndrome. Vascular and endovascular surgery, 48 (3). pp. 277-280.

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Letter: single liver stiffness measurement predicts liver-related mortality in chronic hepatitis C.
McCormick, PA and Elrayah, E and Hughes, B and Schmidt, D and Moloney, J (2014) Letter: single liver stiffness measurement predicts liver-related mortality in chronic hepatitis C. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 39 (12). pp. 1438-1439.

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Long-term effects of marijuana use on the brain.
Filbey, Francesca M and Aslan, Sina and Calhoun, Vince D and Spence, Jeffrey S and Damaraju, Eswar and Caprihan, Arvind and Segall, Judith (2014) Long-term effects of marijuana use on the brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, early online .

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Let’s talk about recovery: conference highlights and presentations.
Northwest Inner City Network and Soilse. (2014) Let’s talk about recovery: conference highlights and presentations. In: Let's talk about recovery., Tuesday september 30th, Ashling Hotel, Dublin 7.

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Finding the evidence for 'talking therapies'.
Klimas, Jan (2014) Finding the evidence for 'talking therapies'. Forum, 31 (10). p. 7.

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Coherence policy markers for psychoactive substances.
Muscat, Richard and Pike, Brigid Members of the Coherent Policy Expert Group, Pompidou Group. (2014) Coherence policy markers for psychoactive substances. Council of Europe, Strasbourg .

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Smoking at diagnosis is an independent prognostic factor for cancer-specific survival in head and neck cancer: findings from a large, population-based study.
Sharp, Linda and McDevitt, Joseph and Carsin, Anne-Elie and Brown, Christopher and Comber, Harry (2014) Smoking at diagnosis is an independent prognostic factor for cancer-specific survival in head and neck cancer: findings from a large, population-based study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 23 (11). pp. 2579-2590.

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Robust resilience and substantial interest: A survey of pharmacological cognitive enhancement among university students in the UK and Ireland.
Singh, Ilina and Bard, Imre and Jackson, Jonathan (2014) Robust resilience and substantial interest: A survey of pharmacological cognitive enhancement among university students in the UK and Ireland. PloS one, 9 (10). e105969.

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Investigation of the mechanisms mediating MDMA "Ecstasy"-induced increases in cerebro-cortical perfusion determined by btASL MRI.
Rouine, J and Kelly, M E and Jennings-Murphy, C and Duffy, P and Gorman, I and Gormley, S and Kerskens, C M and Harkin, Andrew (2014) Investigation of the mechanisms mediating MDMA "Ecstasy"-induced increases in cerebro-cortical perfusion determined by btASL MRI. Psychopharmacology, Early online .

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Ruhama annual report 2013.
Ruhama. (2014) Ruhama annual report 2013. Ruhama, Dublin .

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Obesity in an ageing society implications for health, physical function and health service utilisation.
Leahy, Siobhan and Nolan, Anne and O'Connell, Jean and Kenny, Rose Anne (2014) Obesity in an ageing society implications for health, physical function and health service utilisation. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin .

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HIV: Our responsibilities.
O'Donnell, Aislinn Positive Now and the All-Ireland Network of People Living with HIV. (2014) HIV: Our responsibilities. Positive Now and the All-Ireland Network of People Living with HIV, Dublin .

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An evaluation of the completeness of the surveillance data in CIDR in 2012 and 2013. Technical report.
O'Donnell, Kate and Ryan, Cathal and Igoe, Derval (2014) An evaluation of the completeness of the surveillance data in CIDR in 2012 and 2013. Technical report. Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin .

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Health services performance assurance report August 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health services performance assurance report August 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Soilse News.
Soilse. (2014) Soilse News. , 4 (2).

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