
Pregabalin abuse for enhancing sexual performance: case discussion and literature review.
Osman, M and Casey, P (2014) Pregabalin abuse for enhancing sexual performance: case discussion and literature review. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online .

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A guide for tobacco users to quit.
World Health Organization. (2014) A guide for tobacco users to quit. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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Electronic nicotine delivery systems.
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. (2014) Electronic nicotine delivery systems. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .

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Support for a tobacco endgame strategy in 18 European countries.
Gallus, Silvano and Lugo, Alessandra and Fernandez, Esteve and Gilmore, Anna B and Leon, Maria E and Clancy, Luke and La Vecchia, Carlo (2014) Support for a tobacco endgame strategy in 18 European countries. Preventive medicine, Early online .

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Impact of smoking on response to systemic treatment in patients with psoriasis: a retrospective case-control study.
Kinahen, CE and Mazloom, S and Fernandez, AP (2014) Impact of smoking on response to systemic treatment in patients with psoriasis: a retrospective case-control study. British Journal of Dermatology, Early online .

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New psychoactive substances projects, studies and research funded by the European Commission.
European Commission Directorate-General for Justice. (2014) New psychoactive substances projects, studies and research funded by the European Commission. European Commission, Brussels .

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Smoking at diagnosis is an independent prognostic factor for cancer-specific survival in head and neck cancer: findings from a large, population-based, study.
Sharp, Linda and McDevitt, Joe and Brown, Chris and Carsin, Anne-Elie and Comber, Harry (2014) Smoking at diagnosis is an independent prognostic factor for cancer-specific survival in head and neck cancer: findings from a large, population-based, study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, online first . (In Press)

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Rapid decline in HCV incidence among people who inject drugs associated with national scale-up in coverage of a combination of harm reduction interventions.
Palmateer, Norah E and Taylor, Avril  and Goldberg, David J et al. (2014) Rapid decline in HCV incidence among people who inject drugs associated with national scale-up in coverage of a combination of harm reduction interventions. PloS one, 9 (8). e104515.

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Cigarette consumption survey 2013.
Revenue Commissioners. (2014) Cigarette consumption survey 2013. Revenue Commissioners, Dublin .

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Adult drinking patterns in Northern Ireland 2013.
Public Health Information and Research Branch. (2014) Adult drinking patterns in Northern Ireland 2013. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast .

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Ambitious for recovery. Tackling drug and alcohol addiction in the UK.
The Centre for Social Justice. (2014) Ambitious for recovery. Tackling drug and alcohol addiction in the UK. Centre for Social Justice, London .

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Visiting Committee annual reports 2013. Castlerea, Midlands, Mountjoy, Training Unit, and Wheatfield prisons.
Prison visiting committees. (2014) Visiting Committee annual reports 2013. Castlerea, Midlands, Mountjoy, Training Unit, and Wheatfield prisons. Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin .

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Prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing and prescribing omissions in older Irish adults: findings from The Irish longitudinal study on ageing study (TILDA).
Galvin, Rose and Moriarty, Frank and Cousins, Gráinne and Cahir, Caitriona and Motterlini, Nicola and Bradley, Marie and Hughes, Carmel M and Bennett, Kathleen and Smith, Susan M and Fahey, Tom and Kenny, Rose-Anne (2014) Prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing and prescribing omissions in older Irish adults: findings from The Irish longitudinal study on ageing study (TILDA). European journal of clinical pharmacology, 70 (5). pp. 599-606.

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2013 Smoking prevalance data.
Health Service Executive. (2014) 2013 Smoking prevalance data. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Use of addiction treatment services by Irish youth: does place of residence matter?
Murphy, KD and Byrne, S and Sahm, LJ and Lambert, S and McCarthy, S (2014) Use of addiction treatment services by Irish youth: does place of residence matter? Rural and Remote Health, 14 (2735).

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The ‘G’ men: a profile of GBL/GHB users in an area of high drug-related mortality.
Durgahee, S and Allen, Gregory and Williams, H. (2014) The ‘G’ men: a profile of GBL/GHB users in an area of high drug-related mortality. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Firstview online .

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Department of Health annual report 2013.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2014) Department of Health annual report 2013. Department of Health, Dublin .

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Urban overdose hotspots: a 12-month prospective study in Dublin ambulance services.
Klimas, Jan and O'Reilly, Martin and Egan, Mairead and Tobin, Helen and Bury, Gerard (2014) Urban overdose hotspots: a 12-month prospective study in Dublin ambulance services. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, accepted manuscript . (In Press)

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Oral health behaviours amongst homeless people attending rehabilitation services in Ireland.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Hearne, Evelyn (2014) Oral health behaviours amongst homeless people attending rehabilitation services in Ireland. Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 60 (3). pp. 144-149.

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Addressing a training gap through addiction research education.
Klimas, Jan and Cullen, Walter (2014) Addressing a training gap through addiction research education. Substance Abuse, Early online .

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Fifth compliance report. In accordance with the Code of Practice on the Display and Sale of Alcohol-Products in Mixed Trading Premises for the year to end of September 2013.
White, Padraig (2014) Fifth compliance report. In accordance with the Code of Practice on the Display and Sale of Alcohol-Products in Mixed Trading Premises for the year to end of September 2013. Responsible Retailing of Alcohol in Ireland, Dublin .

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Policing plan 2014.
An Garda Siochana. (2014) Policing plan 2014. An Garda Siochana, Dublin .

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Impact of minimum price per unit of alcohol on patients with liver disease in UK.
Sheron, Nick and Chilcott, Fern and Matthews, Laura and Challoner, Ben and Thomas, Maria (2014) Impact of minimum price per unit of alcohol on patients with liver disease in UK. Clinical medicine, 14 (4). pp. 1-7.

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Medical Council: Annual report & financial statements 2013.
Medical Council. (2014) Medical Council: Annual report & financial statements 2013. Medical Council, Dublin .

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Soilse News.
Soilse. (2014) Newsletter from Soilse, volume 4, issue 1, Dublin

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Drug Matrix cell A3: Interventions - medical treatment
Drug and Alcohol Findings, Substance Misuse Skills Consortium. (2014) Drug Matrix cell A3: Interventions - medical treatment.

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Drug Matrix cell B3: Practitioners - medical treatment.
Drug and Alcohol Findings, Substance Misuse Skills Consortium. (2014) Drug Matrix cell B3: Practitioners - medical treatment.

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Drug Matrix cell C3: Management/supervision - medical treatment.
Drug and Alcohol Findings, Substance Misuse Skills Consortium. (2014) Drug Matrix cell C3: Management/supervision - medical treatment.

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