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Welcome to the December 2015 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This is our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail debates

To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit our website, Ireland's comprehensive alcohol and other drug research library, or follow us on Twitter. You can access all our resources via your mobile phone.


The impact of sex upon needs and quality of life within a population on methadone treatment.
Byrne, Patricia and Ducray, Kevin and Smyth, Bobby P (2015) The impact of sex upon needs and quality of life within a population on methadone treatment. Journal of Addiction Medicine, Early online .

Responsible retailing of alcohol in Ireland compliance report 2015.
Ireland. Department of Justice. (2015) Responsible retailing of alcohol in Ireland compliance report 2015. Department of Justice, Dublin .

Evaluating the implementation of the RCI in Irish mental health services.
O'Brien, Tom and Webb, Margaret and Stynes, Greg  and Cosgrave, Gavin  and Ardis, Jennifer (2015) Evaluating the implementation of the RCI [Recovery Context Inventory] in Irish mental health services. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

Pregabalin abuse amongst opioid substitution treatment patients.
McNamara, Sinead and Stokes, Siobhan and Kilduff, R and Shine, A (2015) Pregabalin abuse amongst opioid substitution treatment patients. Irish Medical Journal, 108 (10).

Review of road fatalities as of 21 December 2015.
Road Safety Authority. (2015) Review of road fatalities as of 21 December 2015. RSA, Dublin .

Constructing the Suicide Risk Index (SRI): does it work in predicting suicidal behavior in young adults mediated by proximal factors?
O'Connor, Maebh and Dooley, Barbara and Fitzgerald, Amanda (2015) Constructing the Suicide Risk Index (SRI): does it work in predicting suicidal behavior in young adults mediated by proximal factors? Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research, 19 (1). pp. 1-16.

Physician, heal thyself.
Hardiman, Ann-Marie (2015) Physician, heal thyself. Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 61 (4). pp. 169-70.

Health in Ireland: key trends 2015.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) Health in Ireland: key trends 2015. Department of Health, Dublin .

Neoliberalism and the alcohol industry in Ireland.
Mercille, Julien (2015) Neoliberalism and the alcohol industry in Ireland. Space and Polity, Early online .

Caring for grandchildren in kinship care: what difficulties face Irish grandparents with drug-dependent children?
O'Leary, Megan and Butler, Shane (2015) Caring for grandchildren in kinship care: what difficulties face Irish grandparents with drug-dependent children? Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 15 . pp. 352-372.

Recorded crime: quarter 3 2015.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Recorded crime: quarter 3 2015. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

Novas annual report 2014.
Novas. (2015) Novas annual report 2014. Novas, Dublin .

State of the nation's children report: Ireland 2014.
Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. State of the nation's children report: Ireland 2014. Government Publications, Dublin .

Coolmine strategic plan 2016 - 2018.
Coolmine Therapeutic Community. (2015) Coolmine strategic plan 2016 - 2018. Coolmine Therapeutic Community, Dublin .

National service plan 2016.
Health Service Executive. (2016) National service plan 2016. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

Drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in Ireland: 2013 figures from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index.
Health Research Board. (2015) Drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in Ireland: 2013 figures from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index. Health Research Board, Dublin .

Prison recidivism (re-offending) statistics for 2009.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Prison recidivism (re-offending) statistics for 2009. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

Probation recidivism (re-offending) statistics for 2009.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Probation recidivism (re-offending) statistics for 2009. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

The challenge of opioid-induced hyperalgeisa.
Calami, Alvise and Dowdall, Deirdre (2015) The challenge of opioid-induced hyperalgeisa. Forum, 32 (11). pp. 39-42.

‘Codeine is my companion’: misuse and dependence on codeine containing medicines in Ireland.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Horan, A and Santlal, K and Rich, E and Bergin, M (2015) ‘Codeine is my companion’: misuse and dependence on codeine containing medicines in Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online .

The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study 2014.
Gavin, Aoife and Keane, Eimear and Callaghan, Mary and Molcho, Michal and Kelly, Colette and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2015) The Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study 2014. Department of Health and National University of Ireland, Galway, Dublin .

Health in 2015: from MDGs, Millennium Development Goals to SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals.
World Health Organization. (2015) Health in 2015: from MDGs, Millennium Development Goals to SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals. World Health Organization, Geneva .

Assessment, consultation and therapy service annual report 2014 and service plan 2015.
Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2015) Assessment, consultation and therapy service annual report 2014 and service plan 2015. Tusla, Dublin .

Tusla annual report 2014.
Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2015) Tusla annual report 2014. Tusla, Dublin .

Ruhama annual report 2014.
Ruhama. (2015) Ruhama annual report 2014. Ruhama, Dublin .

Problem solving justice: the case for community courts in Ireland.
National Crime Council. (2007) Problem solving justice: the case for community courts in Ireland. Stationery Office, Dublin .

Review of the quality of crime statistics.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Review of the quality of crime statistics. Government of Ireland, Dublin .

Annual policing plan 2015.
An Garda Siochana. (2015) Annual policing plan 2015. An Garda Siochana, Dublin .

Examining the use of community service orders as alternatives to short prison sentences in Ireland.
O'Hara, Kate and Rogan, Mary (2015) Examining the use of community service orders as alternatives to short prison sentences in Ireland. Irish Probation Journal, 12 .

Rotunda Hospital. Clinical report 2014.
The Rotunda Hospital. (2015) Rotunda Hospital. Clinical report 2014. The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin .


One-in-10 stores in breach of drink code.
[Irish Examiner] , McCarthaigh, Sean One-in-10 stores in breach of drink code. (29 Dec 2015)

Drugs should be a priority issue for general election candidates – here’s why.
[] , Duffin, Tony Drugs should be a priority issue for general election candidates – here’s why. (26 Dec 2015)

Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force wants injecting centres to be established in city.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force wants injecting centres to be established in city. (24 Dec 2015)

Young 'drifting' into alcoholism, says Martin.
[] Young 'drifting' into alcoholism, says Martin. (24 Dec 2015)

Statement by Minister Varadkar on the European Court of Justice ruling.
[Department of Health] Statement by Minister Varadkar on the European Court of Justice ruling. (23 Dec 2015)

EU approves plain packaging for cigarettes in Ireland.
[Irish Examiner] EU approves plain packaging for cigarettes in Ireland. (23 Dec 2015)

Sheffield Alcohol Research Group’s Q&A - Specific to the ECJ minimum pricing Court ruling.
[University of Sheffield] , Meier, Petra  and Holmes, John Sheffield Alcohol Research Group’s Q&A - Specific to the ECJ minimum pricing Court ruling. (23 Dec 2015)

Judge calls for reform of undercover drug operations.
[Irish Times] Judge calls for reform of undercover drug operations. (22 Dec 2015)

Drug addicts: Irish minister calls for 'more sympathetic' approach.
[BBC News Online] , Butler, Chris Drug addicts: Irish minister calls for 'more sympathetic' approach. (21 Dec 2015)

'Are you willing to say goodbye to everyone and everything just for one night of fun?' - mother of tragic Ana (18).
[] , Feehan, Conor 'Are you willing to say goodbye to everyone and everything just for one night of fun?' - mother of tragic Ana (18). (21 Dec 2015)

Young Irish are bingeing on alcohol and cocaine.
[] , Bray, Allison Young Irish are bingeing on alcohol and cocaine. (20 Dec 2015)

Joint open letter: congratulating Irish Health Minister on Public Health Alcohol Bill.
[European Alcohol Policy Alliance] Joint open letter: congratulating Irish Health Minister on Public Health Alcohol Bill. (18 Dec 2015)

A tobacco giant’s legal challenge against plain packaging has been rejected.
AFP. [] A tobacco giant’s legal challenge against plain packaging has been rejected. (18 Dec 2015)

Fines for smoking in car with kids will be enforced from January.
[Irish Examiner] , Rogers, Stephen Fines for smoking in car with kids will be enforced from January. (17 Dec 2015)

Ireland hit by a tidal wave of alcohol-related cirrhosis.
[Irish Medical Times] Ireland hit by a tidal wave of alcohol-related cirrhosis. (16 Dec 2015)

GAA confirms it will start blood testing in 2016.
[] GAA confirms it will start blood testing in 2016. (16 Dec 2015)

Landmark Cabinet decision backs drug-injecting centres.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Landmark Cabinet decision backs drug-injecting centres. (16 Dec 2015)

Ó Ríordáin welcomes Government approval for medically supervised injection facilities.
[Department of Health] Ó Ríordáin welcomes Government approval for medically supervised injection facilities. (16 Dec 2015)

Overdose prevention strategy needed.
[] Overdose prevention strategy needed. (15 Dec 2015)

Donohoe proposes stronger laws on drug driving.
[RTE News] Donohoe proposes stronger laws on drug driving. (15 Dec 2015)

“No matter where you live, you probably have somebody injecting heroin pretty near you”
[] “No matter where you live, you probably have somebody injecting heroin pretty near you”. (15 Dec 2015)

Health Research Board publishes latest drug-related deaths figures.
[Health Research Board] Health Research Board publishes latest drug-related deaths figures. (14 Dec 2015)

Lighting of 20th Christmas tree marks lives lost to drugs.
[Irish Examiner] Lighting of 20th Christmas tree marks lives lost to drugs. (11 Dec 2015)

Report finds fewer young people smoking and drinking.
[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn Report finds fewer young people smoking and drinking. (09 Dec 2015)

“All we care about are the facts”: The Global Drug Survey 2016 launches in Ireland.
[Hot Press] “All we care about are the facts”: The Global Drug Survey 2016 launches in Ireland. (09 Dec 2015)

Minister Ó Ríordáin addresses the first meeting of the National Drugs Strategy Steering Committee.
[Department of Health] Minister Ó Ríordáin addresses the first meeting of the National Drugs Strategy Steering Committee. (09 Dec 2015)

Scientists warn over chemicals found in e-cigarettes.
[RTE News] Scientists warn over chemicals found in e-cigarettes. (09 Dec 2015)

Alcohol Action Ireland welcomes the publication of the Public Health Alcohol Bill.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Alcohol Action Ireland welcomes the publication of the Public Health Alcohol Bill. (09 Dec 2015)

Govt approves ground-breaking legislation to tackle alcohol misuse – Varadkar.
[Department of Health] Govt approves ground-breaking legislation to tackle alcohol misuse – Varadkar. (09 Dec 2015)

New app developed to help smokers quit.
[] , von Radowitz, John New app developed to help smokers quit. (08 Dec 2015)

Prison authorities anti-smuggling efforts fail to prevent flow of drugs in prisons.
[Irish Examiner] , McDonagh, Darragh Prison authorities anti-smuggling efforts fail to prevent flow of drugs in prisons. (07 Dec 2015)

Beating, pinching, deliberate poisoning – 19,000 reports of child abuse made in Ireland every year.
[] , Hennessy, Michelle Beating, pinching, deliberate poisoning – 19,000 reports of child abuse made in Ireland every year. (07 Dec 2015)

Drinks giants in threat to block law on minimum alcohol pricing.
[] , Mulligan, John Drinks giants in threat to block law on minimum alcohol pricing. (06 Dec 2015)

Hike tax on 'rollies' says Crown.
[] , Collins, Liam Hike tax on 'rollies' says Crown. (06 Dec 2015)

Reporting change will see HIV notifications rise.
[Irish Medical Times] Reporting change will see HIV notifications rise. (03 Dec 2015)

New type of cannabis emerges that is said to make users 'more violent'.
[Irish Examiner] New type of cannabis emerges that is said to make users 'more violent'. (03 Dec 2015)

Drugs driving crime rates with capital worst hit.
[Irish Examiner] , Phelan, Shane Drugs driving crime rates with capital worst hit. (02 Dec 2015)

Heroin 'is now a major problem in Galway'.
[] , Rooney, Declan Heroin 'is now a major problem in Galway'. (02 Dec 2015)

Ó Ríordáin and Varadkar push for supervised drug centres.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Ó Ríordáin and Varadkar push for supervised drug centres. (02 Dec 2015)

Drug addiction: maps show where cocaine, cannabis, heroin and amphetamines are the biggest problem.
[Independent UK] , Eleftheriou-Smith, Loulla-Mae Drug addiction: maps show where cocaine, cannabis, heroin and amphetamines are the biggest problem. (02 Dec 2015)

Mind and meaning: decriminalising drugs.
[] , Casey, Patricia Mind and meaning: decriminalising drugs. (01 Dec 2015)

Minister: children could touch syringes on Dublin streets.
[Irish Examiner] Minister: children could touch syringes on Dublin streets. (01 Dec 2015)

Decriminalising the users, not the drugs.
[The Irish World] , Shaw, Adam Decriminalising the users, not the drugs. (01 Dec 2015)

Teen drinking linked to breast cancer, seminar told.
[Mayo News] Teen drinking linked to breast cancer, seminar told. (01 Dec 2015)

Dail Debates

Oireachtas debates

TOC of Journals

Journal table of contents alerts

Click on the link below to see the latest articles from these journals.

  • Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • International Journal of Drugs Policy
  • Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
  • Addiction

You can now sign up for regular table of contents (TOC) alerts on the NDC homepage. [Due to copyright you will not be able to access the full texts through these links. If you would like to obtain the full text of an article, please email the NDC on with details.]

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