
Healthy Ireland - a framework for improved health and wellbeing 2013 - 2025.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2013) Healthy Ireland - a framework for improved health and wellbeing 2013 - 2025. Department of Health, Dublin.
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Closing the gap: road safety strategy 2013-2020.
Road Safety Authority. (2013) Closing the gap: road safety strategy 2013-2020. Road Safety Authority, Dublin.
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Recorded crime quarter 4 2012.
Central Statistics Office. (2013) Recorded crime quarter 4 2012. Central Statistics Office, Cork.
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Joint meeting of experts on targets and indicators for health and well-being in Health 2020.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2013) Joint meeting of experts on targets and indicators for health and well-being in Health 2020. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.
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Report on penal reform.
Houses of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality. (2013) Report on penal reform. Houses of the Oireachtas, Dublin.
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Saol women's week presentations.
(2013) Saol women's week presentations. In: It's different for women, 6 March 2013, Dublin.
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The boundary wall. A needs analysis in the North Wall area of Dublin with a particular focus on education and young people.
McCarthy, Deirdre (2013) The boundary wall. A needs analysis in the North Wall area of Dublin with a particular focus on education and young people. North Wall Education and Welfare Group, Dublin.
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Preventing alcohol harm in communities: what do we need to do? [presentation summary].
Hope, Ann (2013) Preventing alcohol harm in communities: what do we need to do? [presentation summary]. In: Alcohol Forum Conference: The power of local Community in reducing harmful drinking, 20 March 2013, National Convention Centre, Dublin..
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The annual report of the chief medical officer for Northern Ireland 2011/12. Your health matters throughout life.
McBride, Michael (2013) The annual report of the chief medical officer for Northern Ireland 2011/12. Your health matters throughout life. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast.
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Cannabis misinterpretation and misadventure in a coroner's court.
Tormey, WP (2012) Cannabis misinterpretation and misadventure in a coroner's court. Medicine, science, and the law, 52 (4). pp. 229-230.
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Moville family conversation: a tool for helping families talk about alcohol.
Moville & District Family Resource Centre. (2012) Moville family conversation: a tool for helping families talk about alcohol. Moville & District Family Resource Centre, Moville.
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Building the spirit of sport.
Alcohol Forum. (2013) Building the spirit of sport. Alcohol forum, Letterkenny.
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Report on Hepatitis C notifications in quarter 4 2012 and summary of 2012 data.
Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2013) Report on Hepatitis C notifications in quarter 4 2012 and summary of 2012 data. Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
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Presentation: Alcohol in Ireland: an overview.
Ryan, Fiona (2013) Presentation: Alcohol in Ireland: an overview. In: Alcohol Seminar - A societal response, 13 March 2013, Dublin.
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The epidemiology of assault-related hospital in-patient admissions and ED attendances.
O'Farrell, Anne and de la Harpe, Davida and Geary, U (2013) The epidemiology of assault-related hospital in-patient admissions and ED attendances. Irish Medical Journal, 106 (3).
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Global status report on road safety 2013: supporting a decade of action.
World Health Organization. (2013) Global status report on road safety 2013: supporting a decade of action. World Health Organization, Geneva.
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The European health report 2012: charting the way to well-being.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2013) The European health report 2012: charting the way to well-being. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.
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Benzodiazepine abuse. Next steps conference videos.
Corrigan, Desmond and Dermody, Aoife and King, Dermot and Cafferty, Siobhan and Buckley, Anne and Cullen, Walter (2013) Benzodiazepine abuse. Next steps conference videos. In: Benzodiazepine abuse: Next steps conference, Limerick.
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Silk Road, the virtual drug marketplace: a single case study of user experiences.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Bingham, Tim (2013) Silk Road, the virtual drug marketplace: a single case study of user experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy, In press . (In Press)
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Young people: have your say. Summary report.
Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2013) Young people: have your say. Summary report. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.
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Purchases of inputs by the drinks industry.
Foley, Anthony (2013) Purchases of inputs by the drinks industry. Drinks Industry Group of Ireland, Dublin.
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Limiting the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising:sixth annual report 2011.
Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body. (2013) Limiting the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising:sixth annual report 2011. Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body, Dublin.
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State of the nation's children report: Ireland 2012.
Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. (2012) State of the nation's children report: Ireland 2012. Government Publications, Dublin.
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Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2012.
International Narcotics Control Board . (2013) Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2012. United Nations, New York.
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Submission to the Working Group for the strategic review of penal policy.
Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. (2013) Submission to the Working Group for the strategic review of penal policy. Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublin.
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Effectiveness of motivational interviewing in influencing smoking cessation in pregnant and postpartum disadvantaged women.
Hayes, Catherine and Collins, Claire and O'Carroll, Helen and Wyse, Emma and Gunning, M. and Geary, Michael and Kelleher, Cecily C. (2012) Effectiveness of motivational interviewing in influencing smoking cessation in pregnant and postpartum disadvantaged women. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Early online .
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Attitudes of women from five European countries regarding tobacco control policies.
Dresler, CM and Wei, Mei and Heck, JE and Allwright, Shane and Haglund, M and Sanchez, Sara and Kralikova, Eva and Stucker, Isabelle and Tamang, E and Gritz, ER and Hashibe, Mia (2013) Attitudes of women from five European countries regarding tobacco control policies. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 41 (2). pp. 126-133.
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HSE South regional service plan 2013.
HSE South Office of the Regional Director of Operations. (2013) HSE South regional service plan 2013. Health Service Executive South, Cork.
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