Doubt over minimum price plan for alcohol.
Gun feuds rise while cocaine use falls.
Doctor warns of big rise in use of Valium.
Expert: Introducing teenagers to drink at home is bad idea.
Advice for parents on talking to teenagers about alcohol.
Minister announces changes to drugs task forces.
Gangs use Luas and children to deal drugs.
Self-harm in young could be influenced by seasons.
13% have travelled with over-the-limit driver within last year.
Violence blights flagship project as teens battle over drugs trade.
Customs drug hauls treble in just a year to €63m.
Drug to curb alcohol dependence gets go-ahead.
Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines. New EMCDDA report reveals risks of substance use behind the wheel.
Call For National Alcohol Strategy to be brought To cabinet.
New drink driving limits / reoffenders 2012 - media briefing.
Cannabis spray 'no aid to MS muscle spasms'.
Drink and the Irish - Too many lives ruined by alcohol.
Minister White allocates €100,000 from the Drugs Initiative to support Community Safety Fora in Tallaght and Clondalkin.
Gardai seek to prove triad link to cannabis growhouses.
Drivers face roadside drug tests this summer.
Flanagan supports British call to legalise drugs.
Target alcohol consumption and sexual violence.
Small drug projects ‘will not survive latest cuts'
No to ban on booze sponsors for sport.
IMO and ICGP both call for action on alcohol abuse.
Alcohol-related harm costs State an estimated €3.7billion a year.
Parental link to young drinkers.
Medicinal cannabis available here in the next year.
Government failure to tackle alcohol abuse had “devastating” impact on society – health specialist.
Cutting jail benzo use reduces violence.
Sniffer dogs nose out smuggled prison drugs.
Recorded crime quarter 3 2012.
Report on the review of drugs task forces and the national stuctures under which they operate.
Assessment of the economic value of youth work
Directive of The European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products.
The EU drugs strategy 2013-2020.
Multi-agency work with clients who have a dual diagnosis. Seminar report.
Health in Ireland: key trends 2012.
A Rapid Assessment Research (RAR) of drug and alcohol related public nuisance in Dublin City Centre.
Methadone treatment in Irish general practice: voices of service users.
A qualitative study of gender-based pathways to problem drinking in Dublin, Ireland.
A perfect demonstration of the absence of leadership: alcohol policy in Ireland. Editorial
Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines in Europe — findings from the DRUID project.
Wasted- The years waiting for an alcohol policy.
Mortality among drug users: guidelines for carrying out, analysing and reporting key figures 2011–12.
Analysis of the data sources, numbers and characteristics of cocaine-related DRD cases reported in Special Mortality Registries, or eventually in General Mortality Registries (GMR) when necessary.
Feeling the effects.
NACD annual report 2011.
Methadone dosing and prescribed medication use in a prospective cohort of opioid-dependent pregnant women.
National Rape Crisis statistics and annual report 2011.
Home Affairs Committee - ninth report. Drugs: breaking the cycle.
Best practice promotion in Europe: A web-based tool for the dissemination of evidence-based demand reduction interventions.
Needs analysis and review of drug free support initiative.
Happy parent initiative: (HP1) a review report.
Prevention of alcohol related problems in Ireland - ICGP position paper.
Fourth annual child & adolescent mental health service report 2011 – 2012.
The symbolic politics of the Dublin drug court: the complexities of policy transfer.
Dail Debates
Recent Dail debates
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Welcome to the December 2012 edition of the NDC Newsletter. This newsletter is a monthly electronic digest of Irish drug and alcohol news, publications and Dail debates. For the latest news and research, visit the NDC website, Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research repository, or follow us on Twitter


Doubt over minimum price plan for alcohol.
[Irish Independent] , Kelly, Fiach Doubt over minimum price plan for alcohol. (29 Dec 2012)

Gun feuds rise while cocaine use falls.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor Gun feuds rise while cocaine use falls. (29 Dec 2012)

Doctor warns of big rise in use of Valium.
[] , Murphy, Cormac Doctor warns of big rise in use of Valium. (27 Dec 2012)

Expert: Introducing teenagers to drink at home is bad idea.
[Irish Examiner] , Shanahan, Catherine Expert: Introducing teenagers to drink at home is bad idea. (21 Dec 2012)

Advice for parents on talking to teenagers about alcohol.
Advice for parents on talking to teenagers about alcohol. (20 Dec 2012)

Minister announces changes to drugs task forces.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Minister announces changes to drugs task forces. (18 Dec 2012)

Gangs use Luas and children to deal drugs.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keefe, Cormac Gangs use Luas and children to deal drugs. (17 Dec 2012)

Self-harm in young could be influenced by seasons.
[Irish Medical Times] , Ryan, Valerie  Self-harm in young could be influenced by seasons. (13 Dec 2012)

13% have travelled with over-the-limit driver within last year.
[AA] 13% have travelled with over-the-limit driver within last year. (17 Dec 2012)

Violence blights flagship project as teens battle over drugs trade.
[Irish Independent] , Cusack, Jim Violence blights flagship project as teens battle over drugs trade. (16 Dec 2012)

Customs drug hauls treble in just a year to €63m.
[Irish Independent] , Brady, Tom Customs drug hauls treble in just a year to €63m. (17 Dec 2012)

Drug to curb alcohol dependence gets go-ahead.
[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn Drug to curb alcohol dependence gets go-ahead. (17 Dec 2012)

Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines. New EMCDDA report reveals risks of substance use behind the wheel.
[EMCDDA] Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines. New EMCDDA report reveals risks of substance use behind the wheel. (14 Dec 2012)

Call For National Alcohol Strategy to be brought To cabinet.
[] Call For National Alcohol Strategy to be brought To cabinet. (14 Dec 2012)

New drink driving limits / reoffenders 2012 - media briefing.
[] New drink driving limits / reoffenders 2012 - media briefing. (13 Dec 2012)

Cannabis spray 'no aid to MS muscle spasms'.
[Irish Independent] , O'Regan, Eilish Cannabis spray 'no aid to MS muscle spasms'. (13 Dec 2012)

Drink and the Irish - Too many lives ruined by alcohol.
[Irish Examiner] Drink and the Irish - Too many lives ruined by alcohol. (12 Dec 2012)

Minister White allocates €100,000 from the Drugs Initiative to support Community Safety Fora in Tallaght and Clondalkin.
[Irish Government News Service] Minister White allocates €100,000 from the Drugs Initiative to support Community Safety Fora in Tallaght and Clondalkin. (11 Dec 2012)

Gardai seek to prove triad link to cannabis growhouses.
[Irish Independent] , Riegal, Ralph and Brady, Tom Gardai seek to prove triad link to cannabis growhouses. (12 Dec 2012)

Drivers face roadside drug tests this summer.
[Irish Independent] , Melia, Paul Drivers face roadside drug tests this summer. (12 Dec 2012)

Flanagan supports British call to legalise drugs.
[Irish Times] , Duncan, Pamela Flanagan supports British call to legalise drugs. (11 Dec 2012)

Target alcohol consumption and sexual violence.
[Rape Crisis Network Ireland] Target alcohol consumption and sexual violence. (10 Dec 2012)

Small drug projects ‘will not survive latest cuts'
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keefe, Cormac Small drug projects ‘will not survive latest cuts'. (07 Dec 2012)

No to ban on booze sponsors for sport.
[] , Sheehy, Clodagh No to ban on booze sponsors for sport. (06 Dec 2012)

IMO and ICGP both call for action on alcohol abuse.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd IMO and ICGP both call for action on alcohol abuse. (05 Dec 2012)

Alcohol-related harm costs State an estimated €3.7billion a year.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Alcohol-related harm costs State an estimated €3.7billion a year. (05 Dec 2012)

Parental link to young drinkers.
[Irish Independent] , Riley-Smith, Ben Parental link to young drinkers. (04 Dec 2012)

Medicinal cannabis available here in the next year.
[Irish Independent] , Kelly, Fiach  Medicinal cannabis available here in the next year. (01 Dec 2012)

Government failure to tackle alcohol abuse had “devastating” impact on society – health specialist.
[] Government failure to tackle alcohol abuse had “devastating” impact on society – health specialist. (02 Dec 2012)

Cutting jail benzo use reduces violence.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keefe, Cormac  Cutting jail benzo use reduces violence. (03 Dec 2012)

Sniffer dogs nose out smuggled prison drugs.
[Irish Examiner], Baker, Noel  Sniffer dogs nose out smuggled prison drugs. (03 Dec 2012)


Recorded crime quarter 3 2012.
Central Statistics Office. (2012) Recorded crime quarter 3 2012. Central Statistics Office.

Report on the review of drugs task forces and the national stuctures under which they operate.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2012) Report on the review of drugs task forces and the national stuctures under which they operate. Department of Health, Dublin.

Assessment of the economic value of youth work
Indecon. (2012) Assessment of the economic value of youth work. National Youth Council of Ireland, Dublin.

Directive of The European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products.
European Commission. (2012) Directive of The European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products. European Commission, Bruxelles.

The EU drugs strategy 2013-2020.
Council of the European Union. (2012) The EU drugs strategy 2013-2020. Council of the European Union, Bruxelles.

Multi-agency work with clients who have a dual diagnosis. Seminar report.
Citywide Drug Crisis Campaign. (2012) Multi-agency work with clients who have a dual diagnosis. Seminar report. Citywide, Dublin.

Health in Ireland: key trends 2012.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2012) Health in Ireland: key trends 2012. Department of Health, Dublin.

A Rapid Assessment Research (RAR) of drug and alcohol related public nuisance in Dublin City Centre.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Bingham, Tim (2012) A Rapid Assessment Research (RAR) of drug and alcohol related public nuisance in Dublin City Centre. Strategic Response Group, Dublin.

Methadone treatment in Irish general practice: voices of service users.
Latham, Linda (2012) Methadone treatment in Irish general practice: voices of service users. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 29 (3). pp. 147-156.

A qualitative study of gender-based pathways to problem drinking in Dublin, Ireland.
Cunningham, Joanne (2012) A qualitative study of gender-based pathways to problem drinking in Dublin, Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 29 (3). pp. 163-170.

A perfect demonstration of the absence of leadership: alcohol policy in Ireland. Editorial
Houghton, Frank (2012) A perfect demonstration of the absence of leadership: alcohol policy in Ireland. Editorial. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 29 (3). pp. 145-146.

Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines in Europe — findings from the DRUID project.
Schulze, Horst and Urmeew, Raschid and Auerbach, Kerstin and Alvarez, Javier and Bernhoft, Inger Marie and de Gier, Han and Hagenzieker, Marjan and Houwing, Sjoerd and Knoche, Anja and Pilgerstorfer, Monika and Zlender, Bojan (2012) Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines in Europe — findings from the DRUID project. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Wasted- The years waiting for an alcohol policy.
Murphy, JFA (2012) Wasted- The years waiting for an alcohol policy. Irish Medical Journal, 105 (10).

Mortality among drug users: guidelines for carrying out, analysing and reporting key figures 2011–12.
Buster, Marcel and Giraudon, Isabelle and Matias, Joao and Vicente, Julian (2012) Mortality among drug users: guidelines for carrying out, analysing and reporting key figures 2011–12. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon.

Analysis of the data sources, numbers and characteristics of cocaine-related DRD cases reported in Special Mortality Registries, or eventually in General Mortality Registries (GMR) when necessary.
Corkery, John (2012) Analysis of the data sources, numbers and characteristics of cocaine-related DRD cases reported in Special Mortality Registries, or eventually in General Mortality Registries (GMR) when necessary. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon.

Feeling the effects.
Birdwell, Jonathan and Vandore, Emma and Hahn, Bryanna (2012) Feeling the effects. DEMOS, London.

NACD annual report 2011.
National Advisory Committee on Drugs . (2012) NACD annual report 2011. National Advisory Committee on Drugs, Dublin.

Methadone dosing and prescribed medication use in a prospective cohort of opioid-dependent pregnant women.
Cleary, Brian J. and Reynolds, K and Eogan, Maeve and O'Connell, MP and Fahey, T and Gallagher, Paul J. and Clarke, T. and White, Martin J. and McDermott, C. and O'Sullivan, A. and Carmody, Deirdre and Gleeson, J. and Murphy, Deidre J. (2012) Methadone dosing and prescribed medication use in a prospective cohort of opioid-dependent pregnant women. Addiction, Early online . pp. 1-26.

National Rape Crisis statistics and annual report 2011.
Rape Crisis Network Ireland. (2012) National Rape Crisis statistics and annual report 2011. Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Galway.

Home Affairs Committee - ninth report. Drugs: breaking the cycle.
Home Affairs Committee. (2012) Home Affairs Committee - ninth report. Drugs: breaking the cycle. The Stationery Office, London.

Best practice promotion in Europe: A web-based tool for the dissemination of evidence-based demand reduction interventions.
Ferri, Marica and Bo, Alessandra (2012) Best practice promotion in Europe: A web-based tool for the dissemination of evidence-based demand reduction interventions. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, Early online . pp. 1-7.

Needs analysis and review of drug free support initiative.
Cullen, Barry and Manning, Monica (2012) Needs analysis and review of drug free support initiative. Canal Communities Local Drugs Task Force, Dublin.

Happy parent initiative: (HP1) a review report.
Cullen, Barry (2012) Happy parent initiative: (HP1) a review report. Blue Drum and the Family Support Agency, Dublin.

Prevention of alcohol related problems in Ireland - ICGP position paper.
Finegan, Pearse and O'Riordan, Margaret (2012) Prevention of alcohol related problems in Ireland - ICGP position paper. Irish College of General Practitioners, Dublin.

Fourth annual child & adolescent mental health service report 2011 – 2012.
Health Service Executive. (2012) Fourth annual child & adolescent mental health service report 2011 – 2012. Health Service Executive, Kildare.

The symbolic politics of the Dublin drug court: the complexities of policy transfer.
Butler, Shane (2012) The symbolic politics of the Dublin drug court: the complexities of policy transfer. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, Early online . pp. 1-10.

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